Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Brain tumor: symptoms, stages, treatment, surgery

Brain tumor: symptoms, stages, treatment, surgery

Brain tumor is a terrible disease, the frequency of which has become higher in recent years. All cases can be divided into two categories: benign and malignant

Pustule is pustular inflammation (types, causes, treatment)

Pustule is pustular inflammation (types, causes, treatment)

A pustule is an inflammatory rash that can occur for a variety of reasons or be the result of serious diseases in the body. With the timely treatment of pustular rashes, you can avoid a depressive state and maintain the he alth of the skin

Square muscle of the back: causes of the syndrome, diagnosis and treatment

Square muscle of the back: causes of the syndrome, diagnosis and treatment

The ability of the muscle corset to withstand loads plays a crucial role when a person has to maintain a vertical body position for a long time. Quite often, the square muscle of the back, which is responsible for movements in the lumbar region, suffers from this. What is the musculature in this area? How to prevent the development of pain syndrome? You can find out more about this in our publication

Why does acne appear on the back? Ways to get rid of acne

Why does acne appear on the back? Ways to get rid of acne

The problem of acne on the back is known to many firsthand. In addition to itching and pain, a person acquires a lot of complexes about his appearance. However, living in constant discomfort is a huge mistake. If acne does not go away, it must be treated. It is advisable not to delay a visit to a specialist, because acne can signal the presence of serious diseases, disorders or infections

How is the crushing of stones in the ureter?

How is the crushing of stones in the ureter?

Kidney stones are a fairly common problem. Such structures can have different sizes, shapes and compositions. This pathology is quite dangerous, because neoplasms often block the urinary tract, preventing the removal of fluid from the body. It is in such cases that crushing of stones in the ureter is necessary

Chronic posthemorrhagic anemia: symptoms, causes, degrees, treatment

Chronic posthemorrhagic anemia: symptoms, causes, degrees, treatment

Posthemorrhagic anemia - hypohemoglobinemia, which develops as a result of hemorrhagic syndrome and is accompanied by a noticeable decrease in circulating blood volume (CBV). Posthemorrhagic anemia occurs with erythropenia, but often without a decrease in hemoglobin concentration

Peptic ulcer of the duodenum: symptoms, treatment, prevention

Peptic ulcer of the duodenum: symptoms, treatment, prevention

Peptic ulcer of the duodenum is a complex inflammatory process provoked by the presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria in the body. It is characterized by the formation of ulcerative defects on the intestinal mucosa

High cholesterol in a child: causes, symptoms, diagnostic testing and treatment

High cholesterol in a child: causes, symptoms, diagnostic testing and treatment

The level of cholesterol depends on living conditions, nutrition, physical activity, hereditary factors. Deviation from the norm usually appears in people over 35 years of age. But the child may also have high cholesterol. With this phenomenon, additional diagnostics and treatment are needed in order to prevent complications

Thrombosis of the superficial veins of the lower extremities: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods

Thrombosis of the superficial veins of the lower extremities: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods

Thrombosis of the superficial veins of the lower extremities can be manifested by an inflammatory process on the venous walls, which can be caused by a certain pathology. It is this process that leads to the occurrence of blood clots inside the vessel. In cases where the disease is not accompanied by the formation of blood clots, but only by an inflammatory process, a disease called phlebitis is diagnosed

Literal paraphasia: examples and methods of correction

Literal paraphasia: examples and methods of correction

Paraphasia is a feature of aphasia (loss of speech), the characteristic symptoms of which are violations of utterance, replacement of correct syllables, letters and words with incorrect ones. The patient at the same time replaces the correct words in the composition of the sentence with completely unnatural and incomprehensible in a particular use and in a certain situation

Therapeutic exercise for arthrosis of the knee joint: exercises, rules for their implementation

Therapeutic exercise for arthrosis of the knee joint: exercises, rules for their implementation

The destruction of cartilage in the joint cavity leads to the fact that the heads of the bones rub against each other and also begin to collapse. All this causes severe pain with any movement, so patients try not to step on the sore leg. It helps to return the relative freedom of movement of physiotherapy exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint. It is one of the most effective treatments for this disease, but only if the exercises are performed correctly

How to stop a cough effectively. How to stop a persistent cough with folk remedies and drugs

How to stop a cough effectively. How to stop a persistent cough with folk remedies and drugs

Colds are often accompanied by an endless cough that never stops day or night. Anyone who has ever experienced such a problem knows how painful this condition can be. In this article we will talk about how to stop a cough in a child or an adult and consider what folk remedies and pharmacological preparations can help in solving this problem

Laryngitis: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Laryngitis: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Symptoms of laryngitis are manifested in the form of swelling and redness of the pharynx, perspiration and sore throat, a slight increase in temperature. In addition, there is a cough. If symptoms occur, it is important to consult a doctor for diagnosis and subsequent treatment

A blood clot broke off: causes, symptoms, treatment and consequences

A blood clot broke off: causes, symptoms, treatment and consequences

Can a person be saved if a blood clot breaks off? This is one of the most common questions related to thromboembolism - the most dangerous condition, fraught with serious complications. The result of a detached blood clot in 80% of cases is a fatal outcome

Monoclonal gammopathy: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, reviews

Monoclonal gammopathy: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, reviews

Monoclonal gammopathy is a collective concept that unites a number of diseases, the appearance of which is based on a violation of the efficiency of B-lymphocytes, leading to persistent pathological secretions of one clone of immunoglobulins or their constituent chains

Bruton's disease: etiology, causes, symptoms and treatment features

Bruton's disease: etiology, causes, symptoms and treatment features

Bruton's disease is characterized by disturbances in humoral immunity. Its main symptom is susceptibility to infectious processes

Cystitis with blood: symptoms and treatment

Cystitis with blood: symptoms and treatment

Cystitis with blood is the result of an inflammatory process in the bladder. The pathology is accompanied by a sharp cutting pain in the lower abdomen, the patient feels painful and frequent urge to go to the toilet, in which urine is excreted along with blood. What are the causes of this disease? What symptoms accompany this condition, and what is required to cure the patient?

Fibrinous pleurisy: causes, symptoms and treatment

Fibrinous pleurisy: causes, symptoms and treatment

Fibrous pleurisy is a disease whose name speaks for itself. It manifests itself in the form of an inflammatory process in the pleura. Usually the disease is a consequence of lobar (croupous) pneumonia. In the course of this disease, a specific plaque appears on the surface of the pleural sheets

The thyroid gland in children: sizes, symptoms and treatment

The thyroid gland in children: sizes, symptoms and treatment

If a child has problems with the thyroid gland, then in this case there is a risk of developing dementia, poor academic performance, problems with the cardiovascular system, bone apparatus and many other troubles. Such pathologies can lead to the fact that in the future the child will not be able to carry children normally, will suffer from nervousness and excess weight. Therefore, you need to learn how to notice the symptoms in time and know how to treat the disease. We will talk about this in the article

What bacteria are the causative agents of diseases? Bacteria and man

What bacteria are the causative agents of diseases? Bacteria and man

Among the huge variety of microorganisms, you can meet both friends who provide the vital activity of our body, and worst enemies. Bacteria are the causative agents of many diseases, some species pose a serious danger to human life

How dangerous is Chagas disease? Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

How dangerous is Chagas disease? Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Chagas disease, or American trypanosomiasis, is extremely dangerous for anyone who is going to Latin American countries. The disease is caused by microscopic single-celled creatures transmitted to humans by bedbugs with the cute name "kissing". For children, their "kiss" can be fatal almost immediately. It kills adults gradually, destroying the heart, stomach, intestines. About what are the symptoms of Chagas disease, what are the methods of treatment and prognosis - read in this article

Fungi in the lungs: causes, symptoms, diagnostic testing and treatment

Fungi in the lungs: causes, symptoms, diagnostic testing and treatment

When a fungus appears in the lungs, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner. The disease is very dangerous for life, because it can turn into the most complex forms of the course. The disease is deadly not only for the patient, but also for the people around him

How is roundworm manifested in a child?

How is roundworm manifested in a child?

Worm infestations can hardly be considered a rarity, and children are most susceptible to such a disease. And often during a laboratory study of stool samples, ascaris is found in a child. Why is this disease dangerous? What are its main symptoms?

How is chemotherapy administered for breast cancer?

How is chemotherapy administered for breast cancer?

Chemotherapy for breast cancer is one of the main methods of treatment. It is used as the only way to influence a malignant tumor. The effectiveness of this therapeutic regimen directly depends on the type of cancer cells, and, in addition, on the stage of the disease. Chemotherapy is often included in the scheme of complex treatment of breast cancer

Yeast on the skin: types, treatment and photos

Yeast on the skin: types, treatment and photos

Yeast fungi can appear on the skin in both women and men. In medical circles, this problem is usually called candidiasis, which can most often be found on the genitals or nails. What is the fungus associated with? Of course, with a lot of unpleasant symptoms that significantly affect the quality of human life

Autoimmune hepatitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Autoimmune hepatitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Autoimmune hepatitis is a dangerous disease that is accompanied by chronic inflammation and damage to the liver. This disease is more often diagnosed in people of young and mature age. In the absence of treatment or its too late start, the prognosis for patients is unfavorable. That is why it is worth reading more information

Pain in the right hypochondrium, radiating to the back: causes

Pain in the right hypochondrium, radiating to the back: causes

Pain in the right hypochondrium, radiating to the back, is a fairly common complaint of clinic patients. In fact, this is a non-specific symptom that appears when the functioning of various organs is disrupted. Soreness in this case may indicate problems with the liver, gallbladder, kidneys and even the heart

Cholangitis: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Cholangitis: symptoms, treatment and consequences

In this article, we will look at the symptoms and treatment of cholangitis. This is a pathology, which is an inflammatory process in the biliary tract, which in most cases is non-specific, that is, it is usually caused by non-specific pathogens that can provoke some other inflammatory conditions

Upper pressure is low: reasons. What to do?

Upper pressure is low: reasons. What to do?

Many people are currently suffering from low or high blood pressure. This symptom depends on several factors, which include taking medications, maintaining an unhe althy lifestyle, as well as age. Reduced upper pressure may indicate the development of some dangerous diseases, as well as the general fatigue of the human body as a whole

Causes, treatment and symptoms of fatty liver disease

Causes, treatment and symptoms of fatty liver disease

If you find symptoms of fatty liver hepatosis, you should definitely consult a doctor and start treatment of the disease as early as possible

Norovirus infection - what is it? Norovirus infection: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Norovirus infection - what is it? Norovirus infection: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Recently, adults and children are increasingly suffering from intestinal infections. The main reason for their development are viruses, which are divided into several types. One of them is noroviruses. In this article, we will consider a disease such as norovirus infection: what it is, causes, symptoms, treatment methods

Treatment of fatty hepatosis of the liver with drugs and folk remedies

Treatment of fatty hepatosis of the liver with drugs and folk remedies

Treatment of fatty hepatosis of the liver must be comprehensive. Doctors often prescribe the use of medications. Also, for therapy, you can use folk remedies and techniques, follow a diet and pay attention to physical exercises

Endocervicitis: treatment, symptoms, diagnosis and possible causes

Endocervicitis: treatment, symptoms, diagnosis and possible causes

Endocervicitis is a disease that worries many women, but some are in no hurry to treat the disease, hoping that the symptoms will go away on their own. Why is this disease dangerous and how can endocervicitis be treated as quickly and effectively as possible?

Ingrown toenails: treatment methods

Ingrown toenails: treatment methods

It's quite common to have ingrown toenails. Many people must have faced this problem

Heat in the legs - possible causes and features of treatment

Heat in the legs - possible causes and features of treatment

Causes of fever in the legs and unpleasant symptoms. Possible vascular diseases, problems with the endocrine system and allergic reactions to the material from which the shoes are made. Compilation of an effective treatment

Ingrown toenail: causes and treatment

Ingrown toenail: causes and treatment

An ingrown toenail is not only ugly, but also quite an unpleasant phenomenon, because the main symptom that a person initially pays attention to is acute pain when walking. It is not surprising that redness and inflammation of the soft tissue around the nail plate contributes to all this

How to cause disgust for alcohol: pills, drugs, folk remedies

How to cause disgust for alcohol: pills, drugs, folk remedies

Alcoholism is a common disease that leads to the death of many people. With this form of substance abuse, patients develop various problems with the kidneys, liver and other organs over time

Thrush on the tongue in adults: causes, symptoms and treatment

Thrush on the tongue in adults: causes, symptoms and treatment

Thrush on the tongue is quite common in both children and adults. This is a fungal disease, accompanied by plaque, cracks in the tongue, bad breath and other unpleasant manifestations. However, now doctors have at their disposal a variety of antifungal drugs and other means to help cope with the disease

Postcholecystectomy syndrome: treatment, symptoms and diagnosis

Postcholecystectomy syndrome: treatment, symptoms and diagnosis

Classification of postcholecystectomy syndrome; possible causes of its occurrence; symptoms; types of pain in postcholecystectomy syndrome; diagnostic measures; therapy; application of traditional medicine recipes; mode and diet

Hyperplastic rhinitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Hyperplastic rhinitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Hyperplastic rhinitis is a fairly common disease, which among otorhinolaryngologists is usually attributed to the group of protracted, chronic rhinitis. It is worth noting that the diagnostic process in this case is quite complicated, because the main symptoms resemble a common cold. So what is the peculiarity of this disease and what methods of treatment are considered the most effective?