The most important rule in the treatment of hemorrhoids with modern methods is that in no case should you start self-treatment without consulting a specialist in advance. Indeed, without certain skills and medical training, it will be very difficult for the patient to independently determine the form of this disease, the causes, stages and nature. Only a qualified specialist is able to advise the most effective method of treating hemorrhoids in women or men. But before starting therapy, you should familiarize yourself with the features of this disease, with the forms and stages.

General description of the disease
Considering what constitutes hemorrhoids, it should be notedthat the disease implies all kinds of swelling of the veins in the rectum, as well as the anus. There are situations or stages of the disease when the symptoms do not cause the patient absolutely no discomfort and inconvenience. For this reason, many people underestimate the severity of this disease. But in many cases, hemorrhoids are accompanied by discomfort and soreness. In advanced cases, methods of treating hemorrhoids with operations are required. During this operation, hemorrhagic nodes are removed. Therefore, the sooner the patient seeks help from a specialist, the more likely it will be that especially radical measures for treating diseases will not be useful.
Disease forms
Modern treatments for hemorrhoids will depend on the specific form of the disease. As a rule, the disease comes in the following forms:
- External hemorrhoids. With this form of the disease, venous tumors are located outside the intestines, near the anal ring. Hemorrhoids of the external type are easier to notice, since it is very difficult not to see a swelling of a purple hue near the anus. Currently, there are effective treatments for external hemorrhoids, which will be discussed below.
- Internal hemorrhoids. In this case, the veins that are located inside the rectum begin to swell. If the hemorrhagic nodes fall out, then this indicates an aggravation of the disease, when the tumors are no longer able to fit inside.

Stages of the disease and their symptoms
Modern treatments for hemorrhoids will also depend on the stagethis disease. The transition from one stage to another is associated with a deterioration in the general condition, as well as with an increase in the manifestation of symptoms. It is best to start treating this disease in the early stages of its development. The stages are as follows:
- First. This stage is characterized by the formation of small, non-bleeding hemorrhoids. If hemorrhoids of the internal form are observed, then the hemorrhagic nodes are not visible, and also do not go out. With the external form of the disease, the detection of these nodules is greatly simplified.
- Second. In the second stage of the disease, several inflamed nodes can come out during defecation, as well as with strong tension. After that, the inflamed hemorrhagic nodes return inside on their own.
- Third. During the third stage, the patient develops several nodules, which often come out. As a rule, hemorrhagic nodes fall out on their own, without any effort. In addition, they are not able to return back. This can only be corrected with manual control.
- Fourth. In the treatment of this stage of the disease, more serious methods will be required. However, modern methods of treating hemorrhoids can cure the patient at this stage of the disease. As a rule, ointments in this case are ineffective, because the nodes are large.
Causes of hemorrhoids
To find out why hemorrhoids appeared, it is necessary to study the anatomy in the anus. The whole point is that in the lower region of the rectum there is a wide network of venous plexuses,called hemorrhoidal veins. These veins are located around the entire circumference of the intestine. In certain parts of the rectum there is an upper and lower tricky body. These bodies are supported by connective tissue, which is woven into the walls of the venous vessels, which is why they no longer expand. From the inside, the cavernous bodies are filled with blood, so they help the muscle hold stool.

The following factors can provoke the development of hemorrhoids:
- Constipation.
- Pregnancy and childbirth.
- Setting for a long time.
- Alcohol abuse.
- Sedentary lifestyle.
- Excessive exercise and heavy lifting.
- Eating too spicy food, spices.
- Hereditary predisposition.
Features of treatment
Modern medicine can offer new treatments for hemorrhoids. But at the same time, folk recipes do not lose their popularity. Alternative methods of treating hemorrhoids in women and men can act as an excellent addition to the main therapeutic course. Therefore, alternative medicine should in no case exclude traditional methods of therapy. Thanks to all this, the doctor must choose the most appropriate method of treating hemorrhoids at home, which will be carried out very simply.
However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the speed of recovery will depend not only on doctors. The treatment of this disease also includessome action on the part of the patient. That is why diligent home treatment of hemorrhoids with folk methods is so important. If the patient strictly follows the doctor's recommendations, and also takes all the necessary medications, monitors his diet, then we can expect a positive result from the therapy.

Principles of the treatment process
Before using minimally invasive methods of treating hemorrhoids or using alternative medicine recipes, you should familiarize yourself with the basic principles of the therapeutic process of this disease. These principles include:
- The method of therapy for the disease should correspond to the main stage of the course of hemorrhoids. In the initial two stages, conservative and uncomplicated methods of treatment can be used. First of all, you need to pay attention to your diet. Thanks to this, it will be possible to avoid various digestive disorders. Diarrhea or constipation is often the cause of complications during hemorrhoids.
- In the initial stages of the development of the disease, the patient is also advised to do special exercises that can help prevent constipation.
- Methods of treating internal hemorrhoids include taking medications. For external use, various ointments, creams and suppositories are used. In addition, a specialist can prescribe drugs that increase the tone of the veins. This increases the blood circulation of the cavernous bodies.
- As for medicines, they are especially popular in the treatment ofhemorrhoids use drugs: "Aescin", "Detralex", "Aescusan". To speed up the course of treatment, it is additionally recommended to use suppositories, creams and ointments. Such drugs are used externally to relieve the patient of pain. Particularly effective are: "Ultraproject", "Relief", "Posterisan", "Troxevasin".
- If the disease has moved to a later stage, the patient needs cardinal methods of treating the disease. In most cases, advanced forms of hemorrhoids require surgical intervention. But even such therapy does not guarantee that the patient will never encounter this unpleasant disease again.
- Before proceeding with the operation, it is necessary to get rid of the constant accumulation of blood in the intestines. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that after surgery, the patient must follow a certain diet, perform special exercises, and also visit the proctologist regularly to prevent the recurrence of hemorrhoids.
- Specialists recommend that patients push less often, which is often observed during bowel movements or when lifting weights. In the fair sex, hemorrhoids often develop after the birth of a child, since this process is accompanied by strong straining. Therefore, folk methods for the treatment of hemorrhoids are very popular among women. However, even in this case, it is necessary to consult a specialist in advance.
Treatment with drugs
Basic drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids can be purchased atpharmacy without a prescription. The exception includes only those drugs that are prescribed by a specialist for radical methods of therapy.

Candles are very effective. As a rule, treatment with these drugs takes place in courses that last a little more than a week. Candles are able to relieve skin irritation, as well as additionally lubricate the anus.
For external use, ointments are used. The composition of these funds includes petroleum jelly and zinc oxide. As a rule, these substances reduce, prevent the formation of new cracks in the skin.
In addition to the ointment, you can also use special gels. However, when using these funds, there is one limitation, which is the use of the gel for no more than 2 weeks. If you use these external agents correctly, the gel will effectively fight inflammation in the colon and anus.
In parallel with all these drugs, experts also recommend taking painkillers.
Surgical intervention in the treatment of hemorrhoids is used only in severe cases of the development of the disease. Most often, specialists do photocoagulation. However, this procedure is not safe. Therefore, after its implementation, there is a possibility of relapse. During this event, infrared rays are used to burn out tumors. As a rule, several sessions of photocoagulation are enough for the patient to completely get rid of this disease. Can also be appliedelectric current or laser beams.
Surgical intervention is used to treat stage 4 and 3 hemorrhoids. This method involves the excision of hemorrhoids, as well as burning the supply vessels.

Folk treatments
At home, you can use traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of hemorrhoids in combination with medications. The most effective of them are the following.
Potato candles
It is necessary to cut out a candle from a potato, and then insert it into the anus for the whole night. Also, tampons are made from the vegetable, which are inserted into the anus at night. To do this, grated potatoes must be wrapped in gauze. Candles well stop bleeding during hemorrhoids, and also relieve swelling and inflammation.
This product has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and healing effects. From the solid type of honey, candles are made, which are inserted into the anus. In addition, you can use honey gauze pads that are inserted into the anus.
This herb relieves inflammation well and also promotes healing. For treatment, it is necessary to take baths daily with the addition of chamomile decoction. To do this, the herb must be brewed, let stand for 20 minutes, and then sit in a basin with warm, but not hot, infusion.

Patient testimonials
Hemorrhoids is a very unpleasant disease that requires mandatory treatment. Patientsthey say that in order to overcome this disease, it is necessary to combine medications with non-traditional recipes in a complex. And in order to avoid the development of this disease, it is necessary to monitor the diet, avoid a passive lifestyle, do not lift weights and do not overexert.