Chinese fungus in humans: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Chinese fungus in humans: causes, diagnosis and treatment
Chinese fungus in humans: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Lichen fungus is a dermatological disease, the occurrence of which is provoked by pathogenic agents. In some cases, the development of the disease is affected by autoimmune diseases and allergic reactions. Pigment spots may appear on the skin, which provoke itching, swelling, pain. In the initial stages, changes may not cause obvious discomfort to the patient. However, in the absence of the necessary treatment, lichen will spread to an increasing area.

Causes of disease

Fungal microorganisms that provoke the development of lichen can be classified into several groups:

  1. Zooanthropophilic bacteria colonize the skin and fur of animals. Very often carriers of the disease are pets - cats and dogs. It is enough to stroke the animal's coat so that fungal skin diseases (lichen) can fix theirmicrospores. Children very often stroke homeless animals - this is one of the most common causes of the development of the disease in babies. If domestic dogs and cats are properly cared for, then the homeless are almost 100% guaranteed to be carriers of lichen microspores.
  2. Anthropophilic. This fungus takes root only on human skin, so the source of infection for he althy people is a sick person. In such cases, trichophytosis develops. This is a common dermatological pathology, the symptoms and treatment of which are similar to the usual fungal lichen.
  3. Geophilic lichen microspores - in water and soil. Infection most often occurs after working in the garden without protective gloves, with bare hands. You can get infected by picking root crops or by swimming in a pond in which lichen microspores are present. This method is the most rare, since today the soil and water bodies are being checked by the relevant organizations for possible harm to human he alth.

As a rule, fungal lichen develops only in people with reduced immunity. These may be children, since the defenses of their body have not yet been formed in the same way as adults. If microspores get on the skin of a he althy person, they may simply not multiply. But lichen is guaranteed to show itself "in all its glory" in patients with autoimmune diseases, diabetes and chronic diseases of internal organs.

Fungal lichen in humans
Fungal lichen in humans

Varieties and classification of the disease

Fungal lichen in humans canexpress themselves differently. Treatment is practically the same, but often dermatologists prefer one or another type of drug, depending on the accompanying symptoms. Depending on the method of infection and the immunity of the patient, lichen can be:

  1. Fungal ringworm is a common human form in children and adults. most often diagnosed. It is transmitted from a person or animal to another person. It develops especially rapidly against the background of reduced immunity or chronic diseases. Dermatology distinguishes several forms of fungal lichen in humans. The most severe is suppurative-infiltrative. The affected area of the skin can reach a diameter of ten to fifteen centimeters. It swells, becomes very dense, and after a while pus begins to stand out. Most often deployed on the forearms, back, neck, face.
  2. Pityriasis rosea is not always fungal in nature. People without a medical background often confuse it with dermatitis. Pink lichen is most often just a peculiar reaction of the body to an allergic component. Represents spots on the surface of the body of pink color. Pus almost never stands out. Over time, the spots swell, pink plaques form.
  3. Pityriasis versicolor and red lichen also do not belong to the fungal class. Most often, the causes of their development are allergies or the body's immune response to external stimuli. There is a simple test for checking multi-colored lichen - if the stain is smeared with an iodine solution, the substance will be absorbed very quickly, and the skin area itself will become dark in color. Treatment is notfungal lichen is not difficult: most often the symptoms go away by themselves after two to three weeks. However, if the spots cause pain or the patient has to endure severe itching because of them, a dermatologist should be consulted.
Fungal rash on the face
Fungal rash on the face

Symptomatology and stages of development

Depending on the stage, the treatment of fungal lichen in humans will differ. Dermatology distinguishes three stages of the disease:

  1. Superficial stage: the appearance of a spot on the body, which does not yet cause pronounced discomfort. Depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, this stage can last from one week to a year. The spots thicken over time and look like wen (lipomas). If fungal lichen has struck the scalp, hair may begin to fall out, associated diseases - dry or oily seborrhea, dandruff. At this stage, superficial treatment is necessary, you can do without taking pills and capsules.
  2. When lichen fungus enters the second stage, the patient begins to be disturbed by discomfort. The seals itch, in some cases they hurt. Purulent discharge may appear. Pigmentation may increase depending on the individual characteristics of the patient from red to maroon. If there is only one focus, you can still limit yourself to local external treatments. If fungal lichen has affected a large area of \u200b\u200bthe body or there are too many foci, you will have to come to grips with treatment and drink a course of pills.
  3. At the third stage, the disease causes significant discomfort andreduces the performance of the patient. He is forced to give up wearing open clothing, as the disease reaches its peak: it spreads over the surface of the arms, legs, neck and face. If the patient has brought the disease to this stage, he should be ready for a long and serious drug therapy, which includes not only external treatment with external agents, but also courses of antihistamines and antivirals, as well as immunomodulatory drugs.
Image "Lamisil" from fungal lichen
Image "Lamisil" from fungal lichen

Diagnosis of the disease: which doctor should I contact?

At the first symptoms of a lichen fungal infection, you should consult a dermatologist. He, in turn, will write out a referral for laboratory tests. Often additional consultations of an immunologist, an allergist are required.

You should take a general and biochemical blood tests to make sure there are no chronic diseases of the internal organs. If they are diagnosed, they should be treated too. Until the patient reaches a certain level of he alth, relapses of lichen may bother him, getting rid of the fungus is not as easy as it seems at first glance.

To accurately determine the type of lichen, the following studies should be carried out:

  • microscopy of scales from the affected skin is done in order to exclude the possibility of syphilis in the patient;
  • scraping from the affected area is needed in order to accurately determine the type of causative agent of lichen;
  • blood is taken, a general and biochemical analysis is carried out;
  • need to pass urine for general analysis.

To clarify the diagnosis (in some cases, it is permissible to doubt the accuracy of the diagnosis), the following stages of the study are carried out:

  1. Scrapings from the affected area of the skin are tested to identify the DNA of the fungus that provoked the lichen.
  2. The presence of antibodies to infection can be checked by donating blood for analysis.
The initial stages of depriving
The initial stages of depriving

How to self-diagnose lichen?

It is difficult, but possible, to diagnose fungal lichen on the body on your own. You should compare your own symptoms with those characteristic of lichen:

  • Very often the disease appears after suffering chickenpox, chickenpox, serious influenza: the body is weakened, and microspores actively multiply.
  • It should be remembered: was there contact with stray animals in the recent past, was there bathing in a closed reservoir or working with bare hands directly in the soil.
  • Appearance of small pink spots that thicken and become slightly swollen over time (they may or may not be itchy or slightly painful).
  • Spots are converted into fluid-filled vesicles, pus may be released - not always, but over time, fungal lichen (photo below) can give such a complication. At the same time, in no case should you try to burst or squeeze bubbles and wounds on your own.
  • After a few months, the tubercles darken, they are not affected by therapeutic ointments, skin lesions begin to bring severe painsensations.
  • Lichen gradually grows over a larger area, the so-called "daughter" formations on the skin begin to form.
What does lichen look like
What does lichen look like

Review of ointments from fungal lichen

Commonly prescribed drugs:

  1. "Exoderil" - a popular remedy, is an ointment for external use. Very quickly helps to get rid of itching, promotes the separation of purulent escudent from the wounds. Of the minuses - the relatively high cost of the ointment.
  2. "Lamisil" is an external therapy for fungal lichen. Allows you to reduce spots in size, especially if you use Lamisil in conjunction with internal therapy methods (taking antibiotics and antiviral drugs).
  3. "Clotrimazole" is an effective antibiotic ointment in the composition, the use of which can reduce the severity of the symptoms of fungal lichen.
  4. "Mikoseptin" has a local disinfecting, antiseptic effect. It is effective both in the initial stages of depriving, and in the later ones. The use of the ointment can bring temporary relief, but if you do not take other steps to alleviate the condition, then relapses of the disease are inevitable.
Image "Exoderil" for lichen
Image "Exoderil" for lichen

Review of tablet preparations for lichen

Also doctors prescribe:

  1. "Oletetrin" in the composition has active active ingredients oleandomycin phosphate and tetracycline. It is an effective antibioticfungal lichen with it is simple and effective. The required dosage is prescribed by a dermatologist. Depending on the sex, age and weight of the patient, the dosage may vary. The antibiotic has a number of side effects and contraindications. Taking it on your own without preliminary laboratory tests and an accurate diagnosis is highly discouraged.
  2. "V altrex" - the number 1 remedy for fungal herpes zoster. Actively destroys the herpes simplex virus of two types, promotes the inhibition of viral DNA. After administration, the selectivity of phosphorylation is preserved. It is prescribed for herpes zoster, treatment of relapses of various skin diseases, and prevention of skin diseases.
  3. "Nystatin" is a cheap and old antibiotic, but still in demand for candidiasis, lichen and other fungal skin lesions. Effective even in small doses. Can be used as part of the complex treatment of fungal lichen in children. As part of complex therapy (in parallel, ointments should be used) is especially effective.

Correction of nutrition for a quick recovery

In parallel with tablet and external treatment, a he althy lifestyle should be followed. Adults should completely eliminate alcoholic beverages from their diet.

Both children and adults during therapy for fungal lichen should receive a full complex of vitamins, minerals and amino acids daily. Otherwise, the body simply does not have the strength to fight the fungus. Daily diet shouldanimal protein is present: it is he who is responsible for the regeneration of the skin. Turkey, veal, pork, chicken, sour-milk products - the treatment of fungal lichen in children and adults without the daily intake of these products is meaningless. Against the general background of malnutrition and weakness, the fungus will become active again and again, despite complex treatment.

Fungal lichen on the hands
Fungal lichen on the hands

Folk methods for the treatment of fungal lichen

Most often, traditional therapy methods can only bring temporary relief. It is possible to completely cure lichen only with the help of antibacterial and antiviral drugs. However, in some cases, the patient is glad even for a temporary relief of the condition, at least for a few hours.

  1. Compresses of apple cider vinegar and garlic: grate the head on a fine grater, pour vinegar. Soak a bandage or cotton pad with the resulting liquid and apply to the affected area on the skin. If the patient experiences severe burning, dilute the vinegar with water to an acceptable concentration, otherwise you may get burned.
  2. Take an ordinary newspaper and carefully burn it. Apply the resulting ashes to the place affected by lichen. The ash has an antiseptic effect.
  3. In 200 ml of alcohol add 50 g of propolis. Infuse for a week. After this time, make compresses from the tincture on the skin affected by lichen. The optimal frequency of application is twice a day.

Prevention measures: how to prevent re-infection?

Even if you managed to get rid of the symptoms of lichen,you can’t relax: very often, after a few weeks, the disease appears, and it affects even more extensive areas of the skin. To prevent this, the following preventive measures should be used:

  • avoid overwork, allow yourself to get enough sleep: otherwise, immunity will not be restored to the value necessary to completely get rid of the fungus;
  • full balanced nutrition is another factor that affects immunity;
  • get tested regularly for viral infections.
