What is Gardner Syndrome?

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What is Gardner Syndrome?
What is Gardner Syndrome?

Video: What is Gardner Syndrome?

Video: What is Gardner Syndrome?
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There are many pathologies that are inherited and laid down at the genetic level. However, some of them do not appear immediately, but only in adulthood. Among such diseases is Gardner's syndrome. This pathology refers to benign neoplasms, sometimes tends to become malignant, that is, it turns into cancer.

gardner syndrome
gardner syndrome

Description of Gardner's syndrome

This pathology has become known relatively recently. It was first described in the middle of the 20th century by the scientist Gardner. It was he who established the connection between benign formations of the skin, bones and digestive tract. Another name for the disease is familial (or hereditary) adenomatous polyposis. Gardner's syndrome is terrible not only with numerous cosmetic skin defects. It is believed that colon polyposis becomes malignant in 90-95% of cases. For this reason, pathology is referred to as obligate precancerous conditions. Differential diagnosis is carried out with atheromas,Ricklenhausen's syndrome, solitary osteomas and intestinal polyps.

Causes of disease and mechanism of development

Gardner's syndrome refers to hereditary pathologies. It is transmitted at the genetic level from parents and other family members (grandparents). The mode of inheritance of this disease is autosomal dominant. This means a high probability of transmission of pathology from parents to children. The mechanism of development of Gardner's syndrome is based on mesenchymal dysplasia. Since the skin, bones and mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract are formed from this tissue, a clinical picture characteristic of this disease is observed. In addition to hereditary predisposition, mesenchymal dysplasia can form under the influence of harmful factors that affect intrauterine development in the first trimester of pregnancy.

treatment of gardner's syndrome on cube
treatment of gardner's syndrome on cube

Gardner's syndrome: symptoms of the disease

Most often the disease manifests itself in adolescence (from 10 years). In some cases, the first symptoms begin later - already in adulthood. Gardner's syndrome has the following manifestations: these are neoplasms of the skin, soft tissues, bones and the digestive system. In addition to the intestines, polyps can appear in the stomach and duodenum. Atheromas, dermoid and sebaceous cysts, fibromas can be observed on the skin. It is also possible the appearance of benign formations of soft tissues. These include lipomas and leiomyomas. All of these neoplasms can occur on the face, scalp, arms or legs. In addition, there are bone lesions. They also belong to benign formations, but often impede functions. For example, osteomas of the bones of the lower jaw, skull. These growths interfere with chewing, they can put pressure on brain structures. The most formidable manifestation of the disease is polyposis of the intestines and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract. In most cases, neoplasms of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract are malignant, that is, they turn into cancer. Polyps may not make themselves felt for a long time. Most often, patients complain of complications: intestinal obstruction, bleeding.

gardner syndrome photo
gardner syndrome photo

Gardner Syndrome Treatment in Cuba: Benefits

Since the disease belongs to obligate precancers, surgical removal of neoplasms is necessary. It is very important to diagnose Gardner's syndrome in a timely manner. Photos of patients can be seen in the literature on oncology or on special sites. In addition to clinical manifestations, it is necessary to conduct an x-ray of the digestive tract, a colonoscopy. Skin lesions and intestinal polyposis allow for a correct diagnosis. Gardner's syndrome is treated in many countries. The advantages of Cuban clinics include the latest equipment, the cost of surgical interventions, and highly qualified specialists from all over the world. Treatment consists of removing the affected part of the intestine. You can also get rid of cosmetic skin defects.
