Prevention of heart failure: effective ways, methods of struggle, tips

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Prevention of heart failure: effective ways, methods of struggle, tips
Prevention of heart failure: effective ways, methods of struggle, tips

Video: Prevention of heart failure: effective ways, methods of struggle, tips

Video: Prevention of heart failure: effective ways, methods of struggle, tips
Video: Why This Man’s Skin Turned Blue 2025, January

The problem of preventing heart failure in women and men is one of the most important for modern medicine. Heart disease ranks first in terms of danger, since it most often provokes deaths. To improve the situation, it is necessary to work with the general population, explaining what the danger is, what provokes diseases and how they can be avoided.

General information

For modern doctors, the prevention of heart failure and stroke is one of the key areas of work. This applies to both general practitioners and highly specialized professionals involved in the he alth of the heart and vascular system. The disease most often initiates a serious condition of the patient, including incompatible with life. Most large cities have clinics with expensive equipment to check the he alth of the client, but not every personcan apply for such services.

Preventive measures begin with increasing the population's literacy in the issue under consideration. Failure of the heart is usually preceded by atherosclerosis. Against its background, angina pectoris is formed, the risk of a heart attack increases, the speed and heart rate slow down. The next steps are heart failure and risk of sudden death. Atherosclerosis is rightly called one of the most insidious diseases of our time.

prevention of acute heart failure
prevention of acute heart failure

Atherosclerosis: features

Prevention of heart failure in men and women involves the timely diagnosis of this disease and the adoption of measures to correct the pathology. The problem is that the disease develops latently. For many years and even decades, the patient feels great, does not complain about anything, does not visit the clinic. Such people usually do not pay much attention to the importance of a he althy lifestyle, believing that they are already doing very well. There are many cases when the first manifestation of atherosclerosis was a heart attack or stroke. For some, the very first manifestations of the disease force them to urgently undergo surgery for the removal of a limb.

In recent years, an atypical course of the disease has been observed more often. A person does not feel specific heart pains, a heart attack is more like a cold, it can easily be confused with an infection of the intestinal tract or sore throat, inflammation of the appendix or peptic ulcer. For similar in manifestations to ARVI cardiacInsufficiency prevention is especially important, including raising the population's literacy in this matter. In practice, many people go to the doctor when the condition is advanced, and the only thing that is possible is to minimize the severe consequences of the acute stage. It is far from always possible to return the patient the opportunity to continue to live a full life.

Dangers: Can they be controlled?

Doctors have been talking about the symptoms, treatment, and prevention of heart failure for a long time. Back in 2003, the world-famous journal dedicated to cardiology published a material in which they recorded recommendations for the prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The collection of advice was based on clinical observations. It was here that they noted: in order to start preventive measures on time, it is necessary to immediately determine for which people the dangers are increased. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the facts that are subject to correction, and those that cannot be corrected.

The best results of preventive measures are observed among those who belong to the highest risk group. These are people who at least once suffered from cardiac ischemia, atherosclerosis localized in the legs, or a similar pathology of the cerebral artery. At the same time, the effectiveness of the practice of preventive measures among people who do not have a heartache, but cholesterol exceeds 8 units or low-density lipoproteins is more than six units, pressure is above 180/110 units is recognized. Diabetics require a similar attitude if the study showed microalbuminuria. The closest blood relatives of people suffering from atherosclerosis from an early age belong to the group of particular risk.

prevention of chronic heart failure
prevention of chronic heart failure

Figures and observations

American scientists, who have been involved in the prevention and treatment of heart failure for two decades, noted that general activities help to reduce the risk by more than half, and for coronary strokes, the risk is reduced by a third. In the 80s of the last century, research was organized in the USSR, using the capacities of the largest cardiology center in the country. It has been proven that systematic multifactorial prevention helps to reduce the likelihood of death by 22%, the risk of death from heart and vascular diseases is reduced by 41%, and a percentage more from a heart attack.

What does that mean?

If a person has atherosclerosis, the doctor at the reception will definitely advise you to adjust your lifestyle. As part of the prevention of cardiovascular insufficiency, a professional will select suitable medicines that the patient will have to use with the regularity agreed by the specialist. These two approaches are key preventive measures.

If the disease does not provoke typical symptoms, it is necessary to assess the risks using the international scale for analyzing the patient's condition. It determines how high the risk of encountering complications in the next decade is. Based on the results obtained, the doctor will select lifestyle correction measures and choose which medications are indicated for the patient. Sometimes there is no need for medicines, but only a specialist can accurately determine their relevance in a particular case.

prevention of heart failure
prevention of heart failure

When the risks are low

Sometimes a person gets an appointment for whom the probability of complications, although greater than zero, is still insignificant. This is considered to be an estimate of the possibility of complications of 5% or less. The doctor, having received such a result during the analysis, should advise the client to lead a he althy lifestyle. The main task of a person is to maintain the current status. If the likelihood of complications is low, it is necessary to maintain a satisfactory course of the case with non-drug means for as long as possible so that drugs do not have to be taken. The later you need to resort to medical correction, the better for the person.

Risks: what do they consist of?

In order to explain to the patient how to lead a he althy lifestyle in the framework of the prevention of chronic heart failure, you must first give him an understanding of the aspects that shape such everyday life. According to well-known European doctors, the dangers are caused by malnutrition, the use of tobacco products and lack of physical activity. A lifestyle is not an instantaneous phenomenon, but habits formed over the years.

Even if a person understands the importance of preventive measures, is aware of the risks inherent in him, it is quite difficult to change his lifestyle. One-time communication with the doctor is usually not enough. This is especially difficult if a person does not have social protection, his economic situation is unstable. It is known that it is more difficult for those who are forced to deal with stress and people who do not have friendly andrelated support.

heart failure prevention symptoms
heart failure prevention symptoms

Factors and their impact

As studies have shown, the prevention of chronic heart failure with great difficulty is given to people with depression, as well as individuals who are characterized by anger, irritability and aggressiveness. All these qualities and mental states turn into a serious obstacle to changing the way of life. Preventive measures often literally break down on such features of a person.

According to leading doctors, one of the important tasks of a specialist is to understand his personality traits already during the initial conversation with the needy, resorting to leading questions. The doctor evaluates how realistic it is to cope on his own or whether it is necessary to involve a psychologist, psychotherapist. Often people need pharmacological correction of depression. In the recommendations published for international application, special emphasis is placed on the need to make every effort to eliminate the negative psychological situation. At the same time, you need to adequately assess your strengths.

Simple and affordable

According to qualified doctors, the prevention of heart failure by folk remedies is ineffective, it only leads to loss of time and increased danger to humans. There are simple recommendations, general rules, the effectiveness of which has been proven by research and observation. It is safe to use them and guaranteed to be effective, which cannot be said about untested healer recipes, which often require the use of plants containingpoisonous components.

The first step of a person who wants to be he althy is to realize the connection between he alth and behavior. You need to psychologically accept the rejection of bad habits, realizing why it is important. A person must understand what factors in the development of the disease are corrected by his efforts. Non-drug measures should be used and pharmaceutical products should be taken as needed.

prevention of heart failure in women
prevention of heart failure in women

Smoking and eating

The very first and most important measure to prevent heart failure (acute and chronic) is the exclusion of tobacco products. The task of the doctor at the appointment is to talk with the patient, explain the dangers and assess how ready the person is to give up the bad habit. If the patient wishes to give up nicotine, it is worth asking for the help of a doctor. Understanding why this is important, why smoking is dangerous, a person quickly gains strength to give up a bad habit.

The second most important aspect of the prevention of acute heart failure is the revision of diet and diet. To understand how to eat properly, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Special diets have been developed to reduce the risk of developing and exacerbating the disease. By choosing a diet, you can reduce weight and improve blood fat profile, stabilize blood pressure. It must be remembered that nutrition is one of the factors in the appearance of blood clots and an increase in the concentration of sugars in the vascular system.

How to eat right?

As part of the prevention of heart failure, the diet should be reviewed so thatto have a variety of food. It is necessary to control the energy balance. Sufficient amounts of nutrients must come from food so that the body has an energy reserve for daily activities. A well-chosen diet will help maintain a he althy weight. A person prone to heart disease should include vegetables and fruits in the diet. Cereals and dishes prepared from cereals will benefit. Preference is given to food that contains as few fatty components as possible. If meat dishes are served at the table, lean varieties should be used for their preparation. Sea fish fits perfectly into the diet.

Good prevention of heart failure in simple and affordable ways - filling the diet with polyunsaturated fatty compounds. Omega-3s will help. Any oily fish contains these substances. Many doctors advise supplementing the diet with fish oil.

prevention of SARS heart failure
prevention of SARS heart failure

Rules and regulations

Practicing the prevention of heart failure through nutrition, you should control the intake of fatty substances from food. They should account for no more than a third of all calories consumed in one day. Saturated in this volume should be up to a third. The rest is unsaturated forms of acids. It is equally important to monitor the intake of cholesterol. With food per day, it is allowed to absorb up to 0.3 g of this substance.

When forming a daily diet as part of the prevention of heart failure, it is recommended to include more ingredients containing carbohydrates, replacing them with food rich insaturated fatty compounds. Seafood and vegetables contain monofats, polyunsaturated varieties. These are relatively safe for humans if ingested in moderate amounts. A special diet is necessary for diabetic disease, dyslipidemia, high blood pressure. With all these pathologies, the nutritionist forms the menu.

Day after day

Doctors have developed a system for dividing into groups of patients with acute cardiovascular insufficiency. Classification, clinic, prevention - all these aspects have received considerable attention. Prevention of the disease must necessarily include measures to review the lifestyle in terms of physical activity. The load level must be chosen strictly individually. The task is entrusted to an experienced cardiologist.

Physical activity should reduce human hazards without creating additional inconvenience. In no case should you overload your heart. A classic preventive measure for coronary disease is to allocate daily for walking, easy running for no more than half an hour. If a person cannot spend that much time on activity or his physical condition does not allow this for some reason, it is worth trying more moderate options. Perhaps their effect will not be so pronounced, but still it will show itself as a positive trend and a reduction in the risk of acute heart disease.

cardiovascular disease prevention
cardiovascular disease prevention

Safety First

A he althy person can safely exercise up to 45 minutes. Four to five sessions are recommended per week. A good effect is observed if the heart rate rises to 75% of the upper normal limit for the age group.

In case of diagnoses, forcing to limit physical activity, the load is chosen, having previously assessed the patient's condition. In a clinical setting, special tests are done. The classic version is the treadmill. The doctor selects a rehabilitation program based on the information received. Another way to assess the patient's condition is bicycle testing.

About categories

There are two types of acute heart failure:

  • left;
  • right.

Division is determined by which ventricle of the heart is affected.

Chronic types are divided into three stages:

  • initial;
  • expressed;
  • dystrophic.

In severe, two subgroups are distinguished: moderate and profound disorders.

The first stage of CHF includes symptoms of prolonged insufficiency of blood flow. In the second stage, symptoms of prolonged insufficiency of blood flow, disturbances in blood dynamics, fluid stagnation are observed. These are in a state of motion and rest. A person suffering from the second stage has limited ability to work. The third stage includes persistent weakness of blood flow, metabolism. The internal organs are structurally irreversibly transformed, there is general exhaustion.

Clinical picture

The manifestations of AHF include cardiac asthma, swelling of the alveoli. Attacks usually occur against the background of strong emotion or physical exertion. Man feels short of breath, heartbeats frequently and strongly, coughs, sputum is difficult to secrete. The patient is weak, sweating is noticeable. Characterized by orthopnea. The doctor notices blanching of the skin, gray undertone, acrocyanosis, shortness of breath. The pulse is rapid, weakened, without a stable rhythm, the pressure drops.

Lungs swell as progress progresses. Choking, coughing, pinkish sputum, foaming are observed. In the distance, you can hear a person breathing, wheezing. Orthopnea is characteristic, the face acquires a bluish tint, venous swelling is noticeable, especially on the neck. The skin is covered with sweat, the pulse is rhythmless, rapid, thready, the pressure is lowered. Edema requires urgent qualified assistance and is highly likely to cause death.
