Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Inflammation of the salivary glands in children: symptoms, diagnosis, causes, treatments and prevention

Inflammation of the salivary glands in children: symptoms, diagnosis, causes, treatments and prevention

Everyone in the body has three pairs of major salivary glands, namely the parotid, sublingual, submandibular, and many others, grouped on the tongue, lips, palate and inside of the cheeks. At first glance, it seems to many that the salivary glands play a secondary role for he alth, and their diseases are not dangerous at all, so you should not even pay attention to them. But this is a delusion, since the normal functioning of this system ensures the he alth of the oral cavity

Lichen color in humans: photo, home treatment

Lichen color in humans: photo, home treatment

Many people have probably heard about such an unpleasant disease as color lichen. In the people it is also called the solar fungus. What is it? Why does this disease develop? Most often it occurs in people from hot countries with high humidity

How the human papillomavirus is transmitted. Consequences and treatment of HPV

How the human papillomavirus is transmitted. Consequences and treatment of HPV

Human papillomavirus is one of the most common infections in the world. According to research data, more than 95% of all mankind is infected with one or another type of this virus. To date, there are more than 60 types of this infection, but only a small part of them poses a he alth hazard

Adie syndrome in neurology: diagnosis, causes, treatment

Adie syndrome in neurology: diagnosis, causes, treatment

All pathological changes in a disease such as Adie's syndrome are irreversible, so the prognosis is somewhat unfavorable. But the disease does not pose a threat to life and does not affect a person's ability to work. But in some cases, the disappearance of tendon reflexes can develop even more over time

Dühring's dermatitis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment features

Dühring's dermatitis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment features

What is Duhring's dermatitis? You will receive the answer to this question from the materials of the article in question. You will also learn how to treat such a disease, what are its symptoms and causes

Intestinal stenosis: symptoms and treatment in adults and children

Intestinal stenosis: symptoms and treatment in adults and children

Intestinal stenosis is a decrease in the normal lumen in any part of the digestive tract. The lumen can narrow due to various adverse conditions, as well as due to organic lesions. Pathology occurs in adults and children. Childhood stenosis most often manifests itself as a congenital disease

Fever on the lips: causes, ways of transmission, methods of treatment, prevention

Fever on the lips: causes, ways of transmission, methods of treatment, prevention

Fever on the lips in everyday life is called herpetic eruptions. It is often possible to hear that a person has a "cold" in the mouth area. However, these symptoms are in no way associated with SARS. Herpes is caused by a virus. Hypothermia and colds are not the cause of rashes on the lips, they can only provoke the activity of the microorganism

Varicose veins on the legs

Varicose veins on the legs

Expansion of the veins in the legs is a disease expressed in a change in the shape and elasticity of the veins, in an increase in their size. Often it affects not only the lower limbs, but also the rectum, spermatic cord

Goodpasture's syndrome - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Goodpasture's syndrome - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

In medical terminology, Goodpasture's syndrome means a special syndrome, which is determined by autoimmune disorders leading to damage to the basement membranes of the alveoli of the lungs, as well as to the renal glomeruli, i.e. two organs are involved in the pathological process: lungs and kidneys. The body produces antibodies to the listed organs

Urticaria in a child: treatment, lifestyle, causes

Urticaria in a child: treatment, lifestyle, causes

Urticaria in a child requires a correct diagnosis, and then the elimination of its cause. In the event of the development of such a disease, it is important to properly provide the child with first aid, and then consult a specialist to prevent a complication, namely, the transition of the process into a chronic form

Lymphoma is a type of cancer

Lymphoma is a type of cancer

Lymphoma is the development of cancer cells in the human lymphatic system. This term unites a group of 30 diseases that differ in their symptoms, type of tumors and response to therapy. For productive treatment, you need to know which variant of lymphoma we are talking about

Pain around the navel: causes and consequences

Pain around the navel: causes and consequences

This article will look at what pain around the navel may indicate. In order to avoid serious consequences, it is important to familiarize yourself with the causes of its occurrence. It will also talk about diagnostic methods. However, the main thing is to remember that only a medical professional with the appropriate qualifications can make a final diagnosis

The Lichtenberg phenomenon: figures on the body

The Lichtenberg phenomenon: figures on the body

Lichtenberg figures became a real discovery of the late 18th century. Georg Lichtenberg studied spark flows that formed bizarre figures on a plane. Later they began to be used in a new scientific trend - plasma physics

Hartnup's disease: etiology, type of inheritance, symptoms and treatments

Hartnup's disease: etiology, type of inheritance, symptoms and treatments

Hartnup's disease is a severe genetic disorder characterized by impaired amino acid metabolism. This disease is accompanied by beriberi, developmental delay, skin and neurological manifestations. How to recognize this pathology in a child? How is this anomaly inherited? In this article, we will look at the causes, signs, and treatments for Hartnup's disease

Inflamed and sore wen: causes, methods of treatment

Inflamed and sore wen: causes, methods of treatment

When the wen is inflamed, a person is disturbed by severe pain, moreover, it begins to rapidly increase in size. Such a skin neoplasm must be treated, otherwise negative consequences may occur. There are many folk ways that help get rid of this problem

Colpitis: causes, symptoms, treatment

Colpitis: causes, symptoms, treatment

Such a disease as colpitis, the causes of which are quite diverse, occurs in many women. We are talking about inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, and it causes the reproduction of opportunistic microflora. Usually, such an inflammatory disease occurs due to a violation of local immunity. But if you have colpitis, the reasons may be different. Let's take a look at them in more detail

What is whooping cough? Causes, symptoms and treatments

What is whooping cough? Causes, symptoms and treatments

Respiratory tract infections are considered one of the most common problems. That is why many are interested in questions about what whooping cough is and how it manifests itself. After all, children of preschool age are most susceptible to this disease

Whooping cough test. What is the danger of this disease and how to treat it?

Whooping cough test. What is the danger of this disease and how to treat it?

Whooping cough is a disease that occurs due to the penetration of a bacterial pathogen into the body by airborne droplets. What can a whooping cough test show?

Spasm of the diaphragm: causes, symptoms, treatment

Spasm of the diaphragm: causes, symptoms, treatment

Diaphragm spasm usually frightens patients. Experiencing this unpleasant sensation, people easily panic. Suddenly, the person squeezes the chest and there is a feeling of lack of air. Most often, this condition does not pose a major he alth risk. But in some cases, involuntary contractions of the diaphragmatic muscle can be a sign of pathology. Why do spasms occur? And how to relax the diaphragm? We will consider these questions in the article

How to diagnose and treat dyshidrotic eczema?

How to diagnose and treat dyshidrotic eczema?

Many people who go to the doctor with a rash and itchy skin are diagnosed with dyshidrotic eczema. This is a chronic disease that is accompanied by very characteristic skin lesions. Interestingly, the most common rash appears on the skin of the hands and feet

Orphan disease and its treatment. List of orphan diseases

Orphan disease and its treatment. List of orphan diseases

Hypertension, gastritis, diabetes are fairly common diseases. Our friends, relatives, we, after all, have them. But there are a number of very rare pathologies. New diseases that people have not encountered before are identified every year. So, orphan disease - what is it? How to deal with it?

Veins swell on the legs during exercise - what to do?

Veins swell on the legs during exercise - what to do?

Diseases of the veins and blood vessels are increasingly common in the modern world in people of different age groups. Such pathologies can be invisible and very dangerous. That is why at the first disturbing symptoms you need to see a doctor. Many women and men are wondering: why do the veins on the legs swell after exercise?

Ureaplasma treatment

Ureaplasma treatment

The influence of the bacterium ureaplasma urealiticum on the human body is still controversial in the medical community. However, most experts believe that if ureaplasma is detected in the body, treatment is still required

Chronic gastritis. Treatment and causes

Chronic gastritis. Treatment and causes

This article will tell you about such a disease as chronic gastritis. Treatment, symptoms and consequences with such a diagnosis, as well as the possibility of treatment with folk remedies

What can you eat in case of poisoning: food and nutrition rules

What can you eat in case of poisoning: food and nutrition rules

Poisoning is a disease that is accompanied by many unpleasant manifestations. Symptoms of this pathology in adults and in minors are approximately the same. Avoiding this condition is almost impossible. However, following some recommendations contributes to a quick recovery and normalization of the body. Many people wonder what can be eaten in case of poisoning in order to restore strength?

Spastic colitis: causes, symptoms and treatments

Spastic colitis: causes, symptoms and treatments

Spastic colitis, better known as "irritable bowel syndrome", is a fairly common problem. The disease is accompanied by bloating and pain in the abdomen, a violation of the formation of feces - all these symptoms are associated with increased reactivity of the colon

Symptoms and treatment of bronchitis: only a doctor will help

Symptoms and treatment of bronchitis: only a doctor will help

To determine the symptoms and prescribe the treatment of bronchitis - all this is the prerogative of doctors. And for amateur performance, you can pay for the he alth of the child

Drawing pain in the kidneys: causes, symptoms, types of pain, doctor's consultation, necessary tests, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Drawing pain in the kidneys: causes, symptoms, types of pain, doctor's consultation, necessary tests, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

The kidneys are a very important organ in the body, their he alth, like the he alth of other organs, must be monitored regularly. If you do not pay attention to the pain in the kidneys that have appeared, miss the treatment, you can bring yourself to a very serious condition. To prevent this, you should immediately consult a doctor if any symptoms appear that signal that something is wrong in the body

Autoimmune gastritis: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Autoimmune gastritis: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Such an inflammatory disease of the stomach as autoimmune gastritis is quite rare, it is detected in only 10% of the population. The disease is genetic in nature and occurs under certain conditions. What exactly - science has not yet been precisely established. It can only be noted that the provoking factors are advanced age and malnutrition

Salpingoophoritis is an inflammation of the ovarian appendages

Salpingoophoritis is an inflammation of the ovarian appendages

Salpingoophoritis is an inflammatory process in the appendages. The disease is also called adnexitis. An ailment occurs due to an infection that affects the ovarian appendages in women

After antibiotics, the stomach hurts: causes, methods of treatment and recovery, recommendations

After antibiotics, the stomach hurts: causes, methods of treatment and recovery, recommendations

There are many diseases that can only be cured with antibiotics. Drugs are prescribed at almost any age for serious pathologies, since hardly any other medicine can compare with their effectiveness. But antibiotics have a significant disadvantage - they completely destroy both pathogenic and beneficial microflora. This affects the digestive tract. To avoid negative consequences, in particular, cases when the stomach hurts after antibiotics, it is necessary to follow the rules

Dysthymia - what is it? Causes and symptoms, treatment

Dysthymia - what is it? Causes and symptoms, treatment

In recent years, the number of people suffering from various mental illnesses has been steadily growing. Many of them are accompanied by depressive manifestations, weakness and decreased mood. These diseases are of varying severity. Minor depressive disorders include dysthymia. Sections of this article describe this disease in detail

Congenital adrenal dysfunction: diagnosis and treatment

Congenital adrenal dysfunction: diagnosis and treatment

Congenital adrenal dysfunction is a wide variety of hereditary diseases that occur as a result of defects in protein transit junctions. In this article, we will talk about what these diseases are, as well as methods for diagnosing and treating them

Lung scintigraphy: indications and feedback on the procedure

Lung scintigraphy: indications and feedback on the procedure

Lung scintigraphy is a diagnostic procedure that is performed to identify a patient with ventilation or circulatory disorders in the lungs

Can leg veins be treated without surgery?

Can leg veins be treated without surgery?

In the old days, leg veins could only be treated with an operation performed under general anesthesia. The achievements of today's medicine have made it possible to make the treatment process fast and effective. The patient may not be afraid that the doctor will insist on the need for surgery. The use of a laser device, sclerotherapy with carbon dioxide, radiofrequency ablation are the most popular methods of treating varicose veins today

TORCH infection. TORCH infection during pregnancy. TORCH infections: interpretation of the results

TORCH infection. TORCH infection during pregnancy. TORCH infections: interpretation of the results

TORCH (TORCH) is an abbreviation, an abbreviation for intrauterine infections that develop most often and pose a great danger to the fetus

Symptoms and treatment of balanitis

Symptoms and treatment of balanitis

If the treatment of balanitis in men is not started immediately, the inflammation will begin to develop rapidly and spread to neighboring tissues. The first symptoms of an unpleasant ailment are redness, swelling of the head of the penis, exfoliation of the epidermis, itching and burning

Signs - chlamydia in men, treatment regimen. sexually transmitted infectious disease

Signs - chlamydia in men, treatment regimen. sexually transmitted infectious disease

Often, infectious diseases of the genital organs are asymptomatic, but at the same time causing enormous damage to the body. The resulting inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system can cause infertility in both women and men. Often this is due to a disease such as chlamydia

Intestinal volvulus: symptoms and main actions of the patient

Intestinal volvulus: symptoms and main actions of the patient

Is it possible to somehow self-diagnose volvulus? Is it possible to somehow give yourself first aid or is it better to immediately contact a doctor?

Causes and symptoms of myocarditis

Causes and symptoms of myocarditis

Myocarditis is an inflammatory disease accompanied by damage to the heart muscle. This condition is extremely dangerous, because if left untreated, it often leads to the development of heart and vascular insufficiency. So what do the main symptoms of myocarditis look like?