Spider veins on the legs: possible causes and treatments

Spider veins on the legs: possible causes and treatments
Spider veins on the legs: possible causes and treatments

What if there are spider veins on the legs? Why is it undesirable to sit cross-legged? How to change the diet in order to avoid possible problems with blood vessels? We will talk about the diagnosis, modern treatment and prevention of asterisks in our article.

removal of spider veins on the legs
removal of spider veins on the legs

Age of woman

Basically, women aged from thirty to forty years turn to specialists for treatment and prevention of vein diseases. It is at this time that the vascular network can become pronounced and turn into a cosmetic defect. But it happens that unwanted spider veins appear on the legs earlier - at the age of more than twenty years. In addition to women who have a hereditary predisposition, there is also a certain risk group. More on that later.

What to do for those who are on their feet all day?

Those who spend their working day standing up are more prone to venous changes than others. In this regard, women who are employees ofbeauty salons or shops.

What should be done in this case? For those who, on duty, are constantly on their feet, doctors recommend kneading their feet at any convenient situation. As part of such a warm-up, you should transfer body weight from heels to toes and vice versa. It will be useful to walk a few steps up and then down the stairs. Such a warm-up will have a positive effect on the functioning of blood vessels, and, in addition, on the blood flow of the lower extremities. For example, it is customary for flight attendants to do several of these exercises every two hours in order to improve blood circulation.

The appearance of spider veins on the legs is the first manifestation of the development of chronic venous insufficiency. The main reasons in this case are the following factors:

  • Presence of congenital weakness of the venous network.
  • Development of hormonal imbalance in the body.
  • Keeping an unhe althy lifestyle.

Bad habits

How to remove spider veins on the legs is of interest to many.

Smoking, along with being overweight, as well as the abuse of sunbathing, can provoke certain changes in the work of blood vessels. Thin capillaries can easily burst, forming an unsightly mesh under the skin.

spider veins on legs treatment
spider veins on legs treatment

In order to avoid this, of course, one should get rid of bad habits, even though it is always extremely difficult for people to give them up. But, nevertheless, for a start it is worth trying to reduce the daily amountcigarettes. In addition, it is equally important to monitor your weight. Morning runs will help kill two birds with one stone. While running, the vessels of the legs are perfectly strengthened, and the desire to smoke, on the contrary, is noticeably reduced. In the hot season of the year, you should be in the sun more often, but only in the morning and evening hours.

What are the other causes of spider veins on the legs? Let's take a closer look.

Influence of hormonal contraceptives

It is noticed that after childbirth, taking hormonal contraceptives, it becomes possible for the appearance of spider veins on the legs. The problem is that during pregnancy, the growing fetus compresses important vessels. As for contraceptives, they change the hormonal background, negatively affecting the state of blood vessels.

In order to avoid this problem immediately before taking contraceptives, it is extremely important to first consult a gynecologist. Those women who are going to become mothers are advised to visit a phlebologist and choose the right underwear for pregnancy and childbirth.

What else can this problem talk about

The localization area of burst vessels indicates a certain change in the body:

spider veins on legs causes and treatment
spider veins on legs causes and treatment
  • The lower leg can be affected due to venous insufficiency.
  • Inner as well as outer thighs can be affected by hormonal changes.

Before we starttreatment of spider veins on the legs, you should consult a specialist. He will prescribe a comprehensive examination.

Diagnostic measures

In the event that a woman finds a venous network on her legs, she should definitely contact a phlebologist. As a rule, first of all, the doctor asks about such ailments among relatives. Then he examines the legs with a special lamp equipped with a light guide. This procedure is called transillumination.

There is another, more modern method of diagnosing, which is Doppler ultrasound. As part of this procedure, an ultrasound examination of the legs is carried out, with the help of which the specialist practically sees through the vessels, flowing blood, measuring the flow rate and determining the condition of the valves of the veins. This procedure usually takes no more than half an hour. Next, let's figure out what methods exist today to cure such a problem as spider veins.

Treatment of spider veins on the legs will be discussed below.

how to get rid of spider veins on legs
how to get rid of spider veins on legs

Treatment and removal

Today, there is an invasive technique along with a conservative one for the removal of varicose asterisks. As part of invasive therapy, venous meshes with a diameter of less than 0.2 millimeters are quickly, safely, and almost painlessly removed using a Teflon-coated electrode. This method is called microthermocoagulation. When it is carried out, the capillaries are sealed with a high-frequency pulse using a thinelectrode. As a rule, there are no side effects after performing such a procedure, since the treatment is carried out in a minimally invasive way. Removal of spider veins on the legs is now quite popular.

Microthermocoagulation can be performed only after a consultation with a phlebologist. This procedure, depending on the size of the affected area of the skin, lasts approximately twenty minutes. In the postoperative period, you should follow certain recommendations and lead a lifestyle that was prescribed by your doctor. What other options for removing spider veins on the legs are there?

From the venous mesh having a diameter of more than 0.2 millimeters, among other things, you can get rid of through microsclerotherapy. A specialist uses a thin needle to inject a special drug that sticks together the lumen of the capillary. This procedure is also carried out only after a mandatory consultation with a phlebologist.

It is important to note that the removal of spider veins on the legs with a laser is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, the doctor always pays attention to the psychological state of the patient and whether she has allergies. Overall vascular he alth is also analyzed.

removal of spider veins on the legs with a laser
removal of spider veins on the legs with a laser

Prices for removal of spider veins on the legs will be presented below.

Specialists are more likely to turn to conservative therapy. Sometimes doctors, taking into account the state of he alth of patients, avoid invasive techniques, focusing on preserving the existingpositions, moreover, on preventing the progression of the venous defect. As part of this, special ointments with tablets are used that stimulate blood flow, strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

Among other things, compression therapy is prescribed, which involves wearing special underwear, for example, medical stockings or stockings. By the way, today there are such models that can be worn at any time of the year. Also, experts recommend therapeutic exercises along with lymphatic drainage massages.

We figured out the causes and treatment of spider veins on the legs.

Prevention of occurrence

In the event that a woman wants to be proud of her he althy and beautiful legs for as long as possible, which will not be subject to signs of venous complications, then the following recommendations must be observed:

  • You should not walk long and often in high heels. It is recommended to choose shoes with a heel no more than five centimeters.
  • Caring for your feet is required not only during the day, but also at night. It will be useful to make sure that during sleep they are slightly raised. Thus, it will be possible not only to avoid bursting blood vessels, but also to get rid of edema.
  • It is recommended to replace tight and tight socks with tight elastic bands with loose and seamless ones. It is extremely important that blood can circulate freely through the vessels. They must not be allowed to be squeezed. In this regard, it is very important to avoid the beloved cross-legged position.
  • Among sports, the most appropriate and usefulare swimming along with running, aerobics or fitness, and cycling. Such physical activity will help strengthen the muscles of the legs and have a beneficial effect on the circulation of the vessels of the lower extremities.
  • A relaxing foot bath is recommended at the end of the day. After it, you should lie down with your legs elevated for about fifteen minutes.
  • It is equally important to eat right. Do not forget that the state of blood vessels is directly related to body weight, so you should reduce the amount of fatty and carbohydrate foods by eating more fiber, vitamin C. Both can always be found in vegetables and fruits. By the way, it is interesting to note that before starting a course of therapy with a phlebologist, many patients undergo observation by a nutritionist for some time.
spider veins on legs causes
spider veins on legs causes


The most important recommendation is that you can not hide the vein mesh under the sun. The use of corrective creams and auto-bronzers, the choice of which is simply huge today, can only mask the mesh on the legs, but cosmetics will not save you from problems with blood vessels, and even more so from swelling and pain. At least at night, you should use a special foot cream, and before the onset of the warm season, it is recommended to drink a course of venotonics, after consulting with your doctor after spider veins appear on your legs.

What is the price

Prices will depend on the area of the treated surface, the type of laser, as well as the qualifications of the specialist and the levelclinics. Average cost of a procedure in the capital:

What needs to be removed? Price, rub.
Vascular asterisk on the face up to 1 cm 800 – 5000
Single capillary up to 1 cm 700 – 1500
A network of capillaries on the wings of the nose 2700 – 5000
Cheek capillary network 2700 – 6000
Vascular asterisk on the body up to 1 cm 800 – 3500
Teleangiectasias in the lower leg or thighs 6000 – 12000

Feedback on spider veins on legs

Reviews of this pathology abound. In their comments, people write that regular physical activity is both a way of prevention and targeted treatment of the venous network. In addition, many diseases will certainly bypass a person, provided that he makes it a rule to do exercises daily. But at the same time, one of the main requirements is that the exercises should not be performed with heavy weights. It is advisable to use the weight of your body, this will be quite enough to successfully treat even an advanced form of the disease.

price spider veins legs prices
price spider veins legs prices

The use of alcoholic beverages, spices, strong coffee and hot food is strictly contraindicated for people suffering from spider veins. In addition, such food can often cause all sorts of stomach problems along with constipation and upset.intestines.

People also report that it is equally important to avoid stress, however, if this is not possible, then at least try to reduce the number of unpleasant factors. When it is not possible to change the situation, it is advisable to try to change your attitude towards it. Be that as it may, it should be remembered that such a diagnosis is not a sentence at all.

We looked at the causes and treatment of spider veins on the legs.
