Abscess of the brain is a dangerous condition in which a local accumulation of purulent masses is observed in the cranial cavity. Such a pathology is manifested due to the influence of various factors of the external and internal environment, but in any case, the patient needs immediate medical attention.
Brain abscess: causes of occurrence

In fact, a purulent process can occur for various reasons. In about 20% of cases, the infection penetrates into the brain tissue from the external environment, which happens with open craniocerebral injuries. A brain abscess can be a complication after surgery.
However, most often the infection enters the brain tissue from other foci of inflammation in the body. In particular, an abscess is often the result of a purulent process in the sinuses. Sometimes the cause is otitis media. In addition, pathogenic microorganisms can be carried along with the blood stream from almost any source of infection.
Abscessbrain and its varieties
The classification of such processes depends on the location of the accumulation of pus:
- In epidural abscesses, a purulent focus is located above the surface of the dura mater.
- A subdural abscess is accompanied by an accumulation of pus under the dura mater.
- During intracerebral processes, pus is formed directly in the tissues of the brain.
Brain abscess: symptoms

Such a disease, as a rule, begins acutely. In the first few days, the main symptoms of intoxication of the body appear. A sick person complains of weakness, loss of appetite, drowsiness. There is also an increase in body temperature, chills, body aches.
As the disease develops, the amount of pus increases - there is an increase in intracranial pressure, which causes other characteristic symptoms. In particular, a brain abscess is accompanied by severe headaches, vomiting, sometimes convulsions and epileptic seizures. Depending on the location of purulent accumulations, other violations are possible. For example, with such a condition, damage to the optic nerves, mental disorders, a decrease in heart rate, etc. are often observed.
In any case, it is extremely important to see a doctor in time. The fact is that if left untreated, necrosis of nerve tissues begins, which, of course, is dangerous not only for he alth, but also for the life of the patient.
Abscess of the headbrain: treatment

As mentioned, the most common cause of abscess formation is a bacterial infection. Therefore, at the initial stages of the development of the disease, appropriate therapy is carried out using antibiotics. The choice of drugs in this case depends on the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to a particular group of antibacterial drugs. Patients are also prescribed vitamins and nootropics.
In more severe cases, surgical intervention is indicated - during the operation, the surgeon carefully removes the capsule with pus. After surgical treatment, antibiotic therapy is additionally carried out. With timely treatment, the prognosis for patients is quite favorable.