Writing spasm: causes and treatment

Writing spasm: causes and treatment
Writing spasm: causes and treatment

Writing spasm (in other words, neurosis of the hand, graphospasm, writing cramp) is a phenomenon in which the motor activity of the muscles of the hand is disturbed during writing. At the same time, the rest of the motor manipulations performed by the same muscle group are performed completely freely, without any difficulties.

writing spasm
writing spasm

This disease is more characteristic of people who, by virtue of their profession, have systematic prolonged loads on the hands: these are students, teachers. Also at risk are people of middle and old age: both men and women. In children, this pathology does not manifest itself. According to observations, writing spasm often manifests itself in persons who are too suspicious and insecure.

Spasm while writing is a manifestation of neurosis

The cause of such a disease as writing spasm, a long periodwas incomprehensible. Some clarity in the origin of the process was introduced by the teaching of the Russian physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov about higher nervous activity and the probability of a nervous breakdown of certain dynamic complexes.

writing spasm home treatment
writing spasm home treatment

It is now believed that writing spasm is the same neurosis as tics, obsessive movements, stuttering. The resulting cramp (most often in the flexors and extensors of the index and thumb) causes pain, leads to an unnatural posture of the hand, which makes further writing impossible. A person makes a lot of efforts to neutralize the spasm, but this only causes awkward movements, loss of fluency when writing, a cardinal deterioration in handwriting.

Causes of writing spasm

The factors causing the occurrence of the pathological process are:

  • neuroses;
  • predisposition to tantrums, increased agitation;
  • disorders of the psycho-emotional state, expressed in depression and stress;
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • complications after past infections;
  • atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical region;
  • inflammatory hand diseases (neuritis, myositis).

The initial stage of the disease

Writing spasm is characterized by a slowly progressive course. At the initial stage, the pathology makes itself felt several hours after constant intense writing. The patient complains of discomfort when trying somethingwrite either during the action being performed.

how to learn to write with writing spasm
how to learn to write with writing spasm

Difficulties in writing are especially evident at the end of the line. The faster the writing speed, the more pronounced the writing spasm. As soon as the writing process stops, the symptoms immediately disappear, especially at an early stage of the disease.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptomatics of the main stage of the disease, caused by an incorrect redistribution of the muscle tone of the hands, manifests itself almost immediately after the start of writing activity and is expressed:

  • Pain in the fingers, then covering the entire arm.
  • Trembling and weakness of the phalanges of the fingers, which makes it difficult, distorts, makes it impossible to complete the written process.
  • Muscle spasm, leading to the formation of contracture (limitation of mobility) of the fingers, gradually covering the area of the forearm and shoulder. In some cases, the neck and facial area may be involved.

Being in such a difficult state, the patient begins to worry excessively, fixing attention on his own helplessness, which causes convulsions when writing the first letters, and sometimes at the mere thought of the upcoming letter.

Types of manifestation of writing spasm

Depending on which muscle tone predominates (flexion or extensor), there are several forms of writing spasm:

  • spastic;
  • neuralgic;
  • paralytic;
  • shaking.

ConvulsiveThe (spastic) form is the most common. It starts with tension in the carpal muscle group, gradually spreads to the forearm to the neck, sometimes affecting the facial area.

The neuralgic type is manifested by painful sensations in the right hand that occur in the process of writing the text. The pain seems to be concentrated in depth, and it is problematic to associate it with the area of \u200b\u200bany nerve; disappears immediately upon completion of work.

writing spasm symptoms
writing spasm symptoms

The paralytic form is characterized by severe weakness in the hand while writing, a feeling of extreme fatigue: the pen seems to fall out of the fingers.

Trembling spasm is accompanied by trembling in the fingers that occurs during work.

These forms can manifest themselves both individually and in combination, with several symptoms at the same time.

Trying to cope on my own

Many people do not consider this phenomenon a disease and try to cope with the problem themselves, modifying the writing mechanism in every possible way:

  • clamp a pen (pencil) in a fist, hold it between the 3rd and 4th fingers, or grab it in other unusual ways;
  • change arm tilt;
  • try to write with a thick pen;
  • change hand, which is not always advisable due to the same spasm in the other hand.

Such techniques have only a temporary improvement. For the treatment of the disease, the initial measure is a sharp reduction or complete rejection of writing.

Methods to eliminate writing spasm

The main focus in recoverymuscle functionality is the therapy of the underlying disease (osteochondrosis, neuritis, myositis), which caused the occurrence of a pathological process in the fingers. To eliminate muscle spasm and psycho-emotional disorders, drug treatment is used with muscle relaxants, antidepressants, tranquilizers, sedatives (valerian, caffeinated bromine).

Writing spasm, the symptoms of which are more characteristic of people who are irritable, hard going through their own failures, is effectively treated with extended sleep: 12-14 hours a day. It is mandatory for such a pathological process to carry out physiotherapy: magnetotherapy, electrotherapy, reflexology, massage, paraffin applications, acupuncture.

Writing spasm: treatment, exercises, massage

An important element of the treatment of writing spasm are exercises for the right hand: to reduce and spread the fingers, bend and straighten them. Be sure in the process of gymnastics, attention should be paid to a he althy muscle group, which has a positive effect on coordination of movements, muscle performance and their tone. It is important to avoid spastic tension of the hand and not clench it into a fist. The average duration of therapeutic exercises should be 20-30 minutes. It is recommended to use elements of self-resistance, which should be alternated with hand relaxation exercises and self-massage techniques for the entire arm and shoulder girdle.

writing spasm in a different way
writing spasm in a different way

The procedure should begin with light stroking and rubbing the affected arm. Then in more detail and activelyfingers, tendons and interosseous muscles are massaged. Next, massage actions should be transferred to the muscles of the shoulder and shoulder girdle, and then return to the massage of the forearm and hand. The massage ends with rubbing and stroking the entire hand.

Learning to write again

How to learn to write with writing spasm? After 1-1.5 months from the beginning of the treatment of the disease, with a pronounced violation of writing, the patient is recommended to learn to write again: lines, dashes, letter elements, trying to use a different combination of muscles for writing. It is recommended to master a new stereotype of the usual procedure at a smooth, slow pace with a gradual increase in writing speed afterwards. Classes should be held regularly, after allocating time for rest. Writing letters and words begins only at the end of the training gymnastics course.

For practice, it is advisable to use a thick handle to avoid straining the fingers. It is recommended to exercise in this way 2-3 times a day for 5-6 minutes with a gradual increase in time. If the process is difficult, the patient is offered the same program for teaching writing, but for the other hand. Although with a pronounced pathological process, such gymnastics may be ineffective, and the disease will affect both limbs.

writing spasm treatment exercises
writing spasm treatment exercises

Writing spasm, the treatment of which showed an unsatisfactory result (the writing process remained difficult or completely impaired), forces the patient to change his profession. A person is recommended to seek and manifest himself in another type of activity,as an option - to master machine or computer typing.

Writing spasm: treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine to relieve tension in the joints offers a number of time-tested and people-tested recipes. Well remove muscle tone mustard baths. It is required to dilute 5-6 tablespoons of dry mustard in a glass of water to a mushy state. The resulting mixture must be poured into a bath prepared for bath procedures. You need to immerse yourself in mustard water for 5-7 minutes, after which, without wiping yourself, wrap yourself in a terry towel. In combination with other therapeutic measures, it will soon be possible to forget about such a disease as writing spasm.

writing spasm treatment with folk remedies
writing spasm treatment with folk remedies

Home treatment, in addition to exercise, self-massage and learning to write, may include drinking soothing teas. According to one of the recipes, it is proposed to combine sweet clover, motherwort, horsetail and oregano in equal parts. Brew a spoonful of the resulting collection with a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Take ½ cup morning and evening.

Preventive measures

As a preventive measure to prevent writing spasm, it is necessary to treat diseases that cause the appearance of this pathology. Be sure to alternate rest and work, avoiding unnecessary stress. Don't forget about hand exercises, writing at a slow pace, and changing hands when doing large amounts of writing.

Correction of provoking factors that cause chronic tension in the muscles of the hand is carried out by choosing the optimal ergonomic positionbody and hands at the table. When working on a computer, the mouse is placed on a special mat with a roller, and the keyboard is supplied with a helium pillow under the wrist. Along the way, the angle of the table is changed, an individual writing method, a convenient writing instrument and marked paper are selected.
