For most parents, a diagnosis of "uric acid kidney infarction" can sound like a death sentence. However, it is worth looking deeper into this issue and finding out the reasons that lead to the problem. This disease in newborns is observed frequently and is not a severe pathology. According to statistics, in 45-85% of children it is observed in the first months of their life. It is worth looking ahead and noticing that the named ailment disappears as quickly as it appears. More details about the pathological anatomy of uric acid infarction in children - later in the article.

What is this disease
The process that occurs in a child during such a disease is associated primarily with increased excretion of uric acid s alts. This is caused by the transition and adaptation of the child's body to function outside the womb. Based on indirect factors, the child is givendiagnosis. This disease does not require special treatment. However, increased water intake is recommended. The main criterion that guides doctors in making a diagnosis is the cloudy color of urine.
The term "uric acid kidney infarction in a newborn" appeared in pediatrics in the first half of the 19th century. This was due to the widespread distribution of the same symptoms. The most important task of any pediatrician is to correctly identify and identify the disease. Sometimes it happens that under the guise of a harmless uric acid heart attack lies a disease that is much more serious in its consequences and more difficult to treat.

Which children are most at risk
As mentioned above, not all children are at risk. However, there are those who have a greater chance of developing the disease. These include:
- babies whose cords were cut late;
- preterm babies;
- babies born with jaundice.

Causes of uric acid infarction in newborns
In order to analyze the symptoms and talk about the treatment algorithm, you will first need to talk about the causes of the pathology. This is mainly due to the natural physiological processes in the body of a newborn, which trigger the mechanism of its adaptation to the outside world.
Most of the transformation takes on the composition of the blood. It breaks downleukocytes, which allows the release of purine bases. In the very first days of life, the baby receives an insufficient amount of fluid during nutrition. Because of this, his blood thickens. It also reduces the amount of urine produced. However, the amount of uric acid in the blood begins to increase. In view of this, urine becomes more saturated and concentrated. In some cases, there is a release of a large amount of protein. This causes the urine to become cloudy.
However, after 5-15 days, the incoming amount of liquid increases. Therefore, the volume of uric acid decreases, and the kidneys begin to function in accordance with the environment of the child. As a result, the saturation and color of the urine becomes normal, and the problem goes away by itself.
Sometimes the cause of newborns of uric acid infarction of the kidneys can be pathologies during pregnancy.

Since this disease manifests itself and progresses in the first days of a baby's life, when he and his mother are in the hospital, it is not difficult to determine its presence. The main symptoms include:
- Changing the color of urine. It takes on a deep red color.
- Brick-colored stains left by urine are possible on a diaper or diaper. Also sometimes small crystals appear, very similar to s alt. They have the same color - brick.
- Despite all these changes, the he alth of the newborn does not worsen.
- Symptomsdo not progress and pass within a week.
There should be no other symptoms. If a child shows signs expressed by fever or vomiting, this indicates the development or already manifestation of another disease. It is necessary to monitor the child's condition (see point 4 of the above list). The fact is that the outpatient period can be delayed. Do not think that in this case there is no likelihood of complications. In this case, it is recommended to consult a specialized pediatrician for advice.

Diagnosis of disease
Special difficulties in the diagnosis should not arise. The main criterion for the diagnosis is the characteristic color of urine. In order to make sure exactly, laboratory assistants take it for analysis. They explore and identify common indicators. Most often, an increased protein content is observed. There should be no other symptoms. When identifying side symptoms, it is necessary to look for coincidences and correspondences with other diseases. It is also possible to take blood for analysis for the presence of specific bodies in its composition.
Specials are examined under a microscope and factors that are fundamental to making a diagnosis are revealed. For example, the presence of microcrystals in the composition of urine. There is also the possibility of a small amount of blood in the urine.
The blood test process is slightly different. For this, biochemical analysis is used. The process of adaptation of the kidneys is accompanied by corresponding changes in the tissues of the organs. Therefore, for analysis,ultrasound methods for detecting symptoms. They make it possible to see these changes.
To exclude the possibility of developing other diseases, computed tomography is used. It allows for a more accurate examination.

Treatment of uric acid infarction in newborns is not required, since the pathology does not entail any dangerous signs for the life of the newborn. Doctors simply monitor the condition of the child. If within one week the symptoms do not disappear and remain at the same level, doctors recommend adding water to the baby's diet in addition to mother's milk. Thus, the flow of fluid into the body will become greater and, therefore, the disease will begin to recede. In cases where the disease does not go away within 15-20 days, but develops with the appearance of new symptoms, additional examinations are prescribed to identify the pathogen. Therefore, there is no need to worry - it is better to try not to think about the terrible.
Some parents with uric acid infarction in newborns may resort to self-medication or traditional medicine. It is strictly forbidden to do this, because it is guaranteed to harm the child. A fragile body must adapt itself and overcome the disease.

Complications and consequences
Due to the fact that the disease is a natural transition and adaptation of the body to life outside the womb, there should be no complications and consequences. However, there may be force majeure circumstances,leading to some complications. Therefore, it is recommended to monitor the condition of the child. His behavior and general well-being can give a sign to parents. If the condition worsens, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician.
If the preventive recommendations are not followed correctly, the child may develop the following complications in the future:
- kidney failure;
- hypertension.
It is important to understand that the condition of the child will primarily depend on his mother. To do this, during pregnancy, she needs to take care of herself and avoid stressful situations. Before planning the conception of a child, it is recommended to be examined for the presence of infectious and other diseases that can subsequently be transmitted to the child. Do not resort to actions that encourage premature birth. They can serve as an impetus for the development of the described disease. It is also recommended to breastfeed your baby for as long as possible and, if possible, not switch to artificial feeding.
Based on the above information, parents will be able to have a general idea of the disease. This will help either to avoid the disease altogether, or to protect the child as much as possible in case of illness.