Nutrition for type 2 diabetes: menu, allowed foods

Nutrition for type 2 diabetes: menu, allowed foods
Nutrition for type 2 diabetes: menu, allowed foods

It is well known that the central nervous system regulates all operations occurring in our body. Helps her endocrine system, which produces various hormones. The uninterruptedly working mechanism adapts with lightning speed to adverse circumstances, both external and internal.

Nutrition for type 2 diabetes

When the insulin-producing pancreas fails, diabetes mellitus occurs.

Statistics show that people are most often affected by type 2 diabetes. Diet and nutrition must be followed.

device glucometer
device glucometer

The disease is caused by a failure in the totality of processes occurring in the body during the assimilation of food. The initial diet for type 2 diabetes tends to be high in simple carbohydrates.

In this disease, the pancreas continues to produce insulin, but there is not enough of it, or the body cannot cope with recognizing ithormone and does not use it for its intended purpose.

In this case, glucose is not able to penetrate into the cells of the body, without which they are not able to work in the usual rhythm. As a result, it is increasingly found in the blood, which contributes to the development of:

  • Dehydration - dehydration of the body. This is accompanied by increased urination. The kidneys try to remove excess sugar, while removing water along the way, which causes dehydration.
  • A diabetic coma, which is a consequence of severe dehydration, when a person is not able to drink enough water to restore water balance.
  • Injury to the body. Excess sugar provokes the destruction of blood vessels, kidneys, heart, is the cause of atherosclerosis.

Work of the pancreas

The pancreas is partly responsible for diabetes. She is both a participant in the process of digestion of food, and produces a number of hormones.

Its endocrine part, which is larger in size, produces enzymes that contribute to the mechanical and chemical processing of food in the gastrointestinal tract. A small part is pancreatic islets - hormones. The latter contribute to the regulation of carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism.

insulin therapy
insulin therapy

Relatively small malfunctions in the functioning of the body can cause various diseases. An excess, as well as a deficiency of hormones, provokes a malfunction in the activity of internal organs.

Leading hormone,produced by the pancreas - insulin. Its functions are: regulating the amount of sugar, inhibiting the synthesis of glucose in the liver, reducing the rate of breakdown of glucagon.

When this “biochemistry” is violated, the sugar level rises markedly, and this is a direct path to the development of diabetes.

Mechanism for triggering type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is genetic. If the closest relatives suffered from this disease, then your body should be treated very carefully. After all, any disease is easier to prevent than to fight it later.

Sick parents have a 60% chance of passing on their illness to their child. If only the father or only the mother is on treatment, then there is a 30% chance that the parent will “reward” his offspring with an unpleasant illness.

children's inheritance
children's inheritance

This can be explained by hereditary extreme susceptibility to endogenous enkephalin, which increases insulin secretion. Any viral infections or autoimmune diseases do not play a big role here.

Regular gluttony, obesity or just being overweight is the basis that provokes type 2 diabetes. A nutrition menu designed taking into account all the nuances of the patient's body can significantly improve the overall condition.

Adipose tissue receptors have a low sensitivity to insulin, so its excess affects the increase in blood glucose.


Signs of diabetes can manifest themselves in different ways, but most often they are as follows:sensation of dry mouth, increased polydipsia (desire to drink more fluids), nausea, vomiting, frequent urination, fatigue, hunger after eating, and others.

What should a diabetic diet include

The nutrition of a patient with type 2 diabetes should be balanced in terms of the composition of the necessary substances. All food should have something like this:

  • 55% complex carbohydrates (cereals, legumes, baked goods using whole grain flour);
  • no more than 30% of the highest quality vegetable oils (hemp, sesame, mustard, rapeseed);
  • beans, soybeans, lean fish, poultry, lean beef, seafood (up to 35%).

Foods allowed on the table


- cherry;

- unsweetened varieties of peaches;

- unsweetened varieties of apricots;

- papaya;

- mango;

- oranges;

- grapefruit.


- cranberries;

- mountain ash;

- gooseberry;

- blueberries, blueberries;

- redcurrant;

- forest blackberry;

- blackcurrant berries and leaves;

- sour sea buckthorn.


- broccoli;

- white cabbage;

- cauliflower;

- leek;

- ground pear;

- onion;

- garlic;

- greens (lettuce, parsley, dill, arugula, etc.);

- radish;

- cucumber;

- Bulgarian red pepper;

- zucchini;

- zucchini;


- pumpkin (as a side dish with porridge).


- all are allowed.

What you can eat little by little

Some people find it difficult to stick to a diet, especially in the summer when everything is plentiful.

diabetic nutrition
diabetic nutrition

Doctors tend to believe that you can eat such desserts in small portions:

- watermelons;

- raspberries;

- strawberries (unsweetened varieties);

- not honey melons.

Forbidden foods


- bananas;

- tangerines;

- any dates;

- any pineapples;

- fresh and dry figs;

- fruit filling in pies, jams, marmalades;

- dried fruits;

- freshly squeezed juices.


- grapes.


- beets;

- turnip;

- carrot;

- potatoes.

Other products:

- smoked meats;

- sausage;

- fat;

- high-fat red meat;

- mayonnaise/sauces;

- butter;

- purchased fruit juices;

- cheese with a fat content of more than 30%;

-fat milk (more than 2%);

-fat cottage cheese (more than 4%);

-semi-finished products;

- canned in oil;

- sweets (chocolate, sweets, cakes, sweet pastries, jam).

It must be remembered that the diet for type 2 diabetes should be fractional (five to six meals per day). This will make you feel full and balance your sugar levels.

Introductory menu for seven days

Servings are based on 150-250 grams maximum. If, for example, soup and boiled meat are eaten, then their total weight should not exceed 350 grams. The dishes listed in the list significantly improve the course of a disease such as type 2 diabetes. Meals for the week are designed with essential nutrients in mind.

vegetables for diabetics
vegetables for diabetics

Day one.

  1. Oatmeal with milk, tea is not sweet.
  2. Tea is not sweet, apple.
  3. Chi, vegetable salad, vegetable stew, wholemeal bread;
  4. Tea is not sweet, orange.
  5. Curd casserole, fresh peas, tea.
  6. Kefir.

Day two.

  1. Cabbage salad, boiled fish, not sweet tea, bread.
  2. Steamed vegetables, tea.
  3. Vegetable soup, boiled chicken, bread, apple, dried or fresh apple compote.
  4. Curd cheese pancakes, rosehip broth.
  5. Steamed meatballs, egg, bread.
  6. Kefir.

Day three.

  1. Buckwheat porridge, tea.
  2. Low-fat cottage cheese, rosehip broth.
  3. Boiled meat, vegetable stew, stewed cabbage, dried or fresh apple compote.
  4. Apple.
  5. Meat steam meatballs, stewed vegetables, bread, rosehip broth.
  6. Yogurt.

Day four.

  1. Rice porridge, cheese 1 piece, coffee.
  2. Grapefruit.
  3. Fish soup, boiled chicken meat, bread, rosehip broth.
  4. Cabbage salad, tea.
  5. Buckwheat porridge, vegetable salad, bread,tea.
  6. Milk.

Day five.

  1. Low-fat cottage cheese, tea, bread.
  2. Apple, rosehip decoction.
  3. Vegetable soup, meat goulash, bread, rosehip broth.
  4. Berry - fruit salad, tea.
  5. Fish, baked, millet porridge with milk, bread, tea.
  6. Kefir.

Day six.

  1. Milk oatmeal porridge, carrot salad, bread, coffee.
  2. Grapefruit, tea.
  3. Vermicelli soup, stewed liver, boiled rice, bread, compote.
  4. 4. Allowed fruit salad, water.
  5. Barley porridge, squash caviar, bread, tea.
  6. Kefir.

Seventh Day.

  1. Buckwheat porridge, low-fat cheese 1 piece, bread, tea.
  2. Apple, tea.
  3. Bean soup, chicken pilaf, stewed eggplant, bread, cranberry juice.
  4. Orange, tea.
  5. Pumpkin porridge, meat steam cutlet, vegetable salad, bread, rosehip broth.
  6. Kefir.

Diet recipes for type 2 diabetes

1. Bean stew.

Required: potatoes, onions, green beans, herbs, vegetable oil.

Put finely chopped onions and potatoes into a liter of boiled water, stew for 15 minutes, add beans, cook for another 5 minutes. After that, turn off the soup, add greens and a dessert spoon of vegetable oil. Let it insist. Such nutrition in type 2 diabetes helps to reduce excess body weight.

2. Stewed vegetables.

Wash in advance: one small zucchini, 2 bell peppers, two tomatoes,the size of a chicken egg, onion, white cabbage. Prepare vegetable broth - half a liter.

Cut all the vegetables into cubes, put in a heat-resistant dish, pour the broth and put in the oven to languish for 40 minutes at a temperature of 160 degrees.

3. Cranberry juice.

Pour a glass of berries with two liters of water without sugar. Boil on the stove for seven minutes.

4. Cottage cheese casserole.

To prepare a cottage cheese casserole, you will need half a kilogram of low-fat cottage cheese. Sugar substitute, 5 eggs and a pinch of soda.

The cooking process is as follows: proteins are whipped with a sugar substitute, yolks are mixed with cottage cheese and soda. We combine the two resulting masses and lay out in the form. Bake for half an hour at 200 degrees. As a result, we get a low-calorie product with a significant protein content. It is especially necessary for a disease such as type 2 diabetes. Treatment and nutrition based on proper diet contribute to long-term remission.

The Miraculous Power of Diet

A scrupulous adherence to a he althy diet leads to a decrease in excess body weight and normalizes the general condition of the body. As noted earlier, in type 2 diabetes, sugar does not enter the cells of the body, but remains in the blood and provokes complications. Dietary nutrition for type 2 diabetes is useful in that with its help a small amount of carbohydrates (potential sugar) enters the body and diabetes does not progress.

To feel even better, you need to lead an active lifestyle(without high power loads), promotes the burning of fats, which are also the cause of complications.

he althy rest
he althy rest

Important: any diet chosen should be discussed with your doctor. Only then can you start implementing it. But in the future, when introducing any new product, you should look at the table, which indicates what you can eat and what you can’t. Usually booklets with such information are issued by the attending physician. And remember: proper nutrition in type 2 diabetes is the key to successful treatment!
