Hematoma at the site of injury: effective methods of treatment, drugs, folk methods

Hematoma at the site of injury: effective methods of treatment, drugs, folk methods
Hematoma at the site of injury: effective methods of treatment, drugs, folk methods

Hematoma is a formation that appeared during trauma, damage to soft tissues. With it, blood accumulates in a limited space. Often there is a hematoma at the site of injury. Sharp pain and swelling are also observed. The treatment of hematoma is described in the article.


What is the name of a hematoma at the site of a bruise? It is also called a bruise. The main cause of the pathology is considered to be trauma, which leads to internal bleeding. This appears when bruised, hit, pinched and other injuries. But a hematoma also occurs with non-traumatic damage to the vessel. Sometimes small bruises appear with diseases of the internal organs.

hematoma at the site of injury
hematoma at the site of injury

Although bruising usually develops due to trauma, there are factors that affect how often and how large it develops. These include a decrease in blood clotting, a violation of vascular permeability and an increase in their fragility. The likelihood of their occurrence is higher in older people, especially if there are chronicdiseases, reduced immunity, exhaustion.

For no apparent reason

Sometimes bruises appear due to the development of certain ailments and pathologies:

  • varicose veins;
  • inflammatory vascular disease;
  • pathological fragility of blood vessels;
  • diabetes;
  • hemophilia and other bleeding disorders.
treatment of soft tissue hematoma after injury
treatment of soft tissue hematoma after injury

More bruises occur after taking medication, during phlebectomy. Timely and effective treatment of hematomas after a blow on the arms and other parts of the body allows you to quickly improve the condition and prevent the development of complications.


Usually, hematomas at the site of a bruise are treated at home. But it is important to take into account the degree of injury, since the type of therapy may depend on it:

  1. Easy. Completion of the hematoma formation occurs in a day. There may be mild pain at the site of injury and a small bruise. The treatment is done at home. These bruises disappear on their own or with simple topical medications.
  2. Average. Appears within 5 hours, has a pronounced bruise and mild pain. If a bruise is on a limb, then it will be limited in movement. Treatment of these bruises is best done under the supervision of doctors, but it is also allowed on your own. However, even if pain does not appear, the hematoma is not extensive, but the limb is motionless, then you should consult a doctor. The problem may be damage to the periosteum and a crack in the bone - this is treated in a hospital.
  3. Heavy. Bruising occurs after 40-90 minutes,there is severe pain and absolute immobility of the limb (if the injury is on it). With this damage, you need to see a doctor for a full examination, prescribing treatment. Sometimes you need surgery to restore the damaged organ.

According to the photo, the hematoma on the head after the blow, as well as on other parts of the body, does not look very nice. Therefore, timely assistance and effective treatment are needed.

Types of hematomas

The type of hematoma processes is determined depending on the site of localization. There are the following hematomas:

  1. Subcutaneous. It is characterized by a change in the color of the damaged area (on the legs, for example). Swelling and pain also appear.
  2. Subserous located. The accumulation of blood is observed in the chest or celiac structures. These conditions are dangerous, the patient needs an urgent examination.
  3. Intramuscular. Blood is poured into closed muscle spaces, which is dangerous. Subcutaneous hematoma with intramuscular similar.
  4. Heads. They are localized subdurally, epidurally and inside the brain. These hemorrhages adversely affect the functioning of the brain. After injury, it is difficult to determine this hematoma, since it does not appear immediately. Usually located on the back of the head, temples or forehead.
hematoma on the arm
hematoma on the arm

By blood consistency they distinguish:

  • fresh type of hematoma;
  • with thick and clotted blood;
  • infected type;
  • purulent hematoma.

Bin relation to the vascular tissue, the hematoma may or may not pulsate. According to the clinic, hematomas appear diffusely, limitedly and encysted. It is necessary to take into account the vastness of the formations. Small ones include petechial, which develop from infections that enter the body.


Before treating a hematoma on the head after a blow, a doctor performs a diagnosis. The specialist needs to determine the degree of bruising: mild, moderate or severe. It is also determined whether there are fractures, complications.

hematoma on the head after a blow photo
hematoma on the head after a blow photo

If a hematoma appears after a blow on the head or other parts of the body, you need to contact a traumatologist. An x-ray is taken by a specialist, and then treatment is prescribed. In severe cases, surgical treatment is used. If the bruise does not disappear for a long time, the doctor sends for a study, which allows you to determine the presence or absence of diseases that cause bruising.

First Aid

Before treating a soft tissue hematoma after a bruise, first aid should be given:

  1. It is necessary to check that there is no damage to the musculoskeletal system. It is not difficult to do this: you need to move your fingers, joints, bend down / unbend. If there is acute pain or no movement, medical attention is required.
  2. Cold is applied to the bruised area - ice, meat from the freezer, a cold compress. This reduces the intensity of pain, prevents the formation of a hematoma. 1 subtlety should be taken into account: cold is applied to the areainjuries for no more than 15 minutes. Then you need to remove it for 20 minutes and perform the procedure again.
  3. On the 2nd day after the bruise, an iodine mesh is applied to the hematoma area. If there is limited movement and no pain, massage is performed.

Only after first aid should be treated for a hematoma from a blow to the arm, leg or other parts of the body. This is done by pharmacy and home remedies.

Pharmacy products

Treatment of soft tissue hematoma after a bruise is performed by pharmaceutical agents that allow you to speed up recovery:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These are Ibuprofen and Paracetamol tablets. They can be taken from the first minutes of injury, 1-2 tablets every 4 hours. These drugs have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Enzymatic agents: Wobenzym or Phlogenzym. They are taken orally, with them the mobility of the joints is restored, swelling is removed, the severity of the hematoma decreases.
  3. Preparations "Viprosal" or "Apizartron" containing bee or snake venom. With them, the deep layers of soft tissues are warmed up, blood accumulations dissolve.
  4. "Capsicam". The ointment has a vasoconstrictive effect. With its use, the spread of a bruise is minimized, and pain is reduced.
hematoma on the head after a blow treatment with folk remedies
hematoma on the head after a blow treatment with folk remedies

The most effective remedies are those used topically. You can buy them at every pharmacy. Before treatment, it is important to readwith instructions.


How to treat a hematoma at the site of a bruise? There are many ointments in pharmacies, but among them the most effective are:

  1. Heparin ointment, Troxevasin. These funds dissolve the blood, restore, strengthen the walls of blood vessels. With them, bruises and swelling quickly disappear.
  2. "Lyoton" - a gel that accelerates the resorption of hematomas at the site of injury, as well as swelling. The drug differs from the rest in that it has a disinfectant effect. Lyoton can be applied to open wounds.
  3. "Badyaga" in the form of a gel. Made from freshwater sponge. It has many organic components that are needed for a quick recovery. The gel is applied 1 hour after injury.
  4. "Rescuer" - a balm of natural plant extracts that are effective in combating bruising at the site of injury.

These ointments are used in the treatment of bruises and bruises only with a mild degree of injury. For moderate and severe cases, you need to consult a doctor with subsequent treatment.

Traditional medicine

Treatment of folk remedies for a hematoma on the head after a blow or other parts of the body is allowed only if there are no serious consequences, and the bruise does not have a widespread distribution:

  1. In equal quantities, mix dry red wine and vinegar, add s alt (1 tsp). In the finished product, moisten a gauze napkin and apply to the injury. The compress must be kept until dry, and then the procedure is repeated. If you treat a bruise and a bruise in this way during the first day after injury, thenrecovery is fast.
  2. After 2 hours, the injured area is wiped with camphor alcohol and a pressure bandage is applied. This method of treatment is advisable only with a slight bruise and the absence of severe pain.
  3. Brewer's yeast is mixed with water in such quantity that a porridge-like mass is obtained. It should be laid out on a gauze napkin and applied to the bruised area for 2 hours. At least 2 procedures must be performed per day, discomfort will disappear on the 3rd day.
  4. Cabbage leaves and grated raw potatoes should be applied to the bruised area, then the skin temperature drops, the bruise and swelling decrease. The procedure takes 20-40 minutes.
hematoma on the head after a blow treatment
hematoma on the head after a blow treatment

Bruises with hematomas on the arms, legs and other parts of the body are not always the result of an injury. Before treatment, it is necessary to determine the extent of damage. If medical assistance is not needed, it is only necessary to carry out several procedures with folk remedies. If acute pain occurs, self-medication is prohibited.

When Pregnant

Specific retrochorial hematomas may occur during pregnancy. Their treatment during this period should be carried out under the supervision of a gynecologist. Depending on the situation, an examination is scheduled.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, the woman is prescribed proper nutrition, bed rest and absolute rest. Retrochorial hematomas during pregnancy are treated in a hospital. To control the development of the disease, a woman needs to donate blood. Treatment of these hematomas involves taking antispasmodics,vitamins, minerals.

In children

Hematoma and bruising in children appear frequently. When they appear, it is necessary to establish the degree of damage. When the pain is not severe, there are no signs of damage to the bones and joints, and the affected area is small, then the hematoma should be treated at home. Otherwise, you need to see a doctor.

In the treatment of small hematomas, therapeutic ointments or folk remedies are used:

  1. It is necessary to soak the clay, and after a few minutes wrap it in a dense material and apply it to the hematoma. A plastic film is covered on top. The duration of the compress is 2 hours. Procedures are performed 2-3 times a day.
  2. Grape seed and pine bark extract can be bought at pharmacies. They are also used in the treatment of bruises.
  3. To prepare a s alt compress, you will need s alt (10-15 g), which is mixed with water (100 ml). In the finished solution, it is necessary to moisten the bandage and apply it to the affected area, covering it with a thick scarf. Keep the compress for at least ¼ hour.
  4. Ointment based on hop cones is considered an effective remedy. Hops (50 g) crushed and mixed with natural fat (200 g). This ointment is applied to sore spots. It eliminates hematomas, abrasions, bruises.

Consequences and prevention

In addition to pain, swelling of the skin and an unaesthetic appearance, a hematoma can lead to complications. A neglected bruise with damage to the skin can cause the formation of a traumatic cyst. For the treatment of such a pathology, only a surgical method is used.

hematoma on the headafter impact
hematoma on the headafter impact

With an internal hematoma on the leg, a purulent accumulation sometimes appears, which requires antibiotic therapy, physiotherapy, and surgical intervention. Pathologies can be prevented if you consult a doctor in a timely manner.

It is necessary to lead a he althy lifestyle, ensure adequate sleep. Sports and proper nutrition have a positive effect on he alth. With bruising, the injured area heals faster.

Hematoma after a bruise is an unpleasant phenomenon. But small bruises are usually treated at home, and for severe injuries, you need to contact specialists.
