Alcoholic delirium of jealousy: symptoms, diagnosis, correction

Alcoholic delirium of jealousy: symptoms, diagnosis, correction
Alcoholic delirium of jealousy: symptoms, diagnosis, correction

When alcoholism in the body there are many changes in the state. This applies to physical and mental he alth. Alcoholic delirium of jealousy - alcoholic paranoia is considered a frequent phenomenon. The person is dominated by the paranoid idea of adultery. An ailment appears with alcohol dependence unnoticed by others. The symptoms and treatment of pathology are described in the article.

Characteristic of the disease

Alcoholic delusions of infidelity are rare. It usually appears in men. Most often, they subject women to physical and psychological violence. Few cases are known when the disease occurred in women.

alcoholic delusions of jealousy symptoms
alcoholic delusions of jealousy symptoms

There are no age restrictions for alcoholic delirium of infidelity, but it usually appears in people of mature age, especially after 40 years. The basis for the appearance of the disease is a mental disorder. Therefore, the risk group includesmentally ill people.

Alcohol abuse itself is considered a disease. Already at stage 2, alcoholic delirium of jealousy develops. Usually the condition appears in people who had jealousy before addiction. The disease is detected in 3% of people with alcohol dependence.

Course of illness

At first, a man has some doubts about his wife's fidelity. The patient asks the woman unreasonable questions, claims are made. He may also not like the way she is dressed. After sobering up, the patient may not remember anything, and some ask for forgiveness.

Gradually, the alcoholic delirium of jealousy intensifies. The man does not doubt the infidelity of his wife. Usually he is sure that cases of infidelity occur right at home. At this stage, assault appears, but this happens only when intoxicated. Beatings can be systematic.

The worst thing is that due to unfounded suspicions there is a risk of crime. The patient can even kill his wife. With a different turn of events, he can take his own life. When this thought occurs to an addicted person, he will probably see it through to the end.

alcoholic delusions of jealousy treatment
alcoholic delusions of jealousy treatment

The disease manifests itself as:

  • systematic suspicions;
  • gradual progression of mistrust;
  • aggravated mental disorder;
  • increase aggressiveness;
  • violations of social behavior.

This ailment is serious and dangerous. In this case, help is required.specialists. Only professional psychotherapists can get out of this state. Regarding the alcoholic delirium of jealousy on "Zen" you can find many recommendations for improving the condition. But still it is better to turn to professionals.

Where does psychosis come from?

If this dependence is observed for 5 years, then manifestations of the syndrome may be felt. There are cases when the disease occurs earlier, if a person abruptly stopped drinking after prolonged use. Since there was a habit of constant intake of alcoholic beverages into the body, this is how the reaction to the absence of harmful components in the blood is manifested. There is a severe malaise, a psychological disorder.

The disease develops due to:

  • disorders of the central nervous system;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • severe infectious diseases;
  • drug intoxication of the body.

Acute psychosis is dangerous not only for the patient, but also for loved ones:

  • social ties are broken;
  • disagreements appear in the family;
  • lost friends, lovers;
  • no communication with children;
  • parents are disappointed.

The patient does not feel the pain he brings to relatives and friends. His mind is in a blur. Such a person will not be a full member of society. The patient has problems at work. Such people rush at others and hurt them.

Injury from a husband with such an ailment is a common occurrence. The man also has hallucinations.thoughts of suicide. A person has a desire to eliminate this condition, and he repents that only suicide will help in this. Therefore, timely treatment of alcoholic delusions of jealousy is necessary.


The main factor for the appearance of the syndrome is considered to be long-term use of alcohol. Drinking alcohol in large quantities disrupts the nervous system, so it can lead to mental disorder.

alcoholic delirium of jealousy
alcoholic delirium of jealousy

More often the disease appears in people with a paranoid character, and alcohol enhances the course of the disease. Even before the first signs of the syndrome, patients can regulate and control the lives of others. They are demanding and cannot accept refusal to comply with the rules they set.

Many people with this disease have been drinking alcohol for 10 years or more. Sometimes personality degradation develops. After reviewing the patient's card, the doctor can identify such an ailment as delirium tremens.

Manifestation of delirium tremens

Many believe that this condition occurs only in drunken alcoholics. This is a correct opinion, since attacks occur after prolonged binges. Acute manifestations of psychosis occur 4-5 days after the withdrawal from the drunken state. There are signs of an attack coming. This can be identified by:

  • changing behavior - agitation, arousal, strong activity;
  • discoordination of movements;
  • difficulties in maintaining a conversation;
  • appearance of limb tremor;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • high blood pressure;
  • insomnia;
  • feeling worse.

In a particularly difficult time, hallucinations and clouding of consciousness appear. A person is able to forget relatives. An acute attack may leave for several days and then return.

Many perceive delirium tremens as a funny phenomenon. But this is a dangerous disease. In this case, a person needs urgent qualified help. Otherwise, a seizure can lead to serious consequences.


Delirium of jealousy comes from real misunderstandings in the family, so family ties need to be strengthened. But the disease appears unreasonably. The disease has different degrees of complexity. The situation becomes more complicated as the disease progresses. What are the symptoms of alcoholic delusions of jealousy? The patient makes a picture of systematic changes, imagining details and details. This usually manifests itself in the form of ironic and sarcastic allusions.

alcoholic delusions of jealousy alcoholic paranoia
alcoholic delusions of jealousy alcoholic paranoia

If symptoms of alcoholic delirium of jealousy are revealed, then urgent help is needed. The obsessive ideas of the patient acquire a serious character. The patient may pursue his wife, trying to catch her cheating. Some husbands even apply for a wife's job.

False memories appear in the last stage of the disease. Even if a man lives with his wife for many years, it may seem to him that she is cheating on him all the time. At worst, he decides to take blood tests to check if he raised his children.

Sometimes there are cases of increased paranoia. The patient thinksthat his wife not only cheats, but also wants to poison him, kill him, put him in jail. It is difficult to communicate with such a person because of unpredictable aggression, turning into sadism. In this case, the family is in danger of being killed. Moreover, aggression is manifested only on a loved one, but does not arise in the direction of the alleged rival.

For a long time, the diagnosis may not be made. This is due to the fact that sometimes patients hold grievances in their minds and do not express claims. But with the formation of paranoia, the symptoms become noticeable. This current of drunken delusions of jealousy is dangerous. It is difficult to identify the disease, because patients do not tell doctors about alcoholism. Only a thorough examination, taking tests, communication with a psychotherapist will allow us to draw a conclusion about the patient's mental disorder.


Can the delusions of jealousy be cured? This is possible if the therapy is performed under the supervision of a specialist. Have you been diagnosed with alcoholic delusions of jealousy? What to do? Treatment should be carried out in the narcological department. Each patient requires a special approach.

Delirium of jealousy is treated with:

  • detoxification therapy;
  • saturation of the body with vitamins and trace elements;
  • prescribing antipsychotics;
  • drug therapy;
  • psychotherapeutic impact.

The patient is discharged only if there are no crazy ideas. It is required to monitor the behavior of the patient to exclude aggression. The doctor who is responsible for treatment and recovery musthave knowledge in the field and extensive experience with patients of this kind.

These patients can mislead relatives and doctors. They think they are cured and want to be discharged. This behavior should be alarming, because it may indicate the absence of the desired result. If recovery occurs, there will be no requests.


This help can be obtained from a specialist. Hypnosis for alcoholic delusions of jealousy is the best method to help determine what causes jealousy. The hypnotherapist will identify the cause and help level it. After the session, advice will be given on getting rid of jealousy.

alcoholic delirium of jealousy what to do
alcoholic delirium of jealousy what to do

The method of hypnosis is applied to men and women. It will not be possible to completely eliminate this feeling, but its manifestations can be reduced. The help of a hypnotherapist will eliminate jealousy, find peace of mind, and strengthen family relationships.


When men have delusions of jealousy, how should women behave? In psychology, jealousy is a consequence of self-doubt and its perfection. On a subconscious level, a man is afraid of losing his soul mate. He cannot admit weakness, and the manifestation of jealousy is a defensive reaction.

In this case, a woman needs to tell her man about his dignity and indispensability. These fiery speeches will calm him down. But it should be borne in mind that the lull does not appear for long, and the next incident can lead to a loud scandal.

Often jealousyappears over the years. Probably, men realize that youth is left behind and those years cannot be returned. But if jealousy occurs at an older age, then this behavior usually flatters the chosen one. Feeling can be expressed with wit, humor and sarcasm. Often men lack attention.

Jealousy often comes from being unfaithful. A man can feel cheating everywhere. Often women endure, some go somewhere for a while. Experts advise talking to a jealous person. Together we need to talk about treatment.


To preventive measures include the rejection of strong drinks. Since these symptoms appear in people who tend to be jealous of the second half, alcohol only increases suspicion and aggravates the situation. If a person himself is not able to restrain himself and not drink, then the help of specialists is required.

alcoholic delusions of jealousy on zen
alcoholic delusions of jealousy on zen

Alcoholism harms the liver, degradation sets in, as alcohol destroys brain cells. The kidneys and heart do not function at full capacity, as the load increases on them. The psychological state suffers greatly, which aggravates the syndrome of alcoholic delirium of jealousy. For prevention use:

  • encoding;
  • traditional medicine;
  • drug therapy.

Encoding is the most common method. Now there are many drugs for these purposes. Medicines are also used, when taking which alcohol is prohibited. If a person is taking medication, then drink alcohol withoutthere will be no negative consequences. Usually appears:

  • severe nausea and vomiting;
  • pain in the head, stomach;
  • temperature increase;
  • panic.

If these symptoms are felt, then there is a fear of their repetition. Therefore, you do not want to take alcohol, which forms an aversion to alcohol. But this method must be treated with caution, as sometimes it leads to strong side effects.

Specialists believe that homemade products will not bring a positive effect if the patient himself does not want and is not ready to eliminate the bad habit. It is advisable to use folk remedies with therapy, after consulting with your doctor about the recipe in advance.


After discharge, continued treatment is required, which involves visiting a psychotherapist and a narcologist. For the first 3 years, a person needs to be registered in a psychiatric dispensary. If the patient does not go to specialists, then he must be hospitalized. The first rule of eliminating the disease is the adoption of medical procedures. It is impossible to provide a forecast for a positive result.

Some patients have delusional thoughts even after quitting alcohol. But they may show up weakly. And with proper treatment, it will be possible to achieve attenuation of symptoms. In this case, patients do not deny adultery, but begin to say that it does not matter, it is in the past.

Absolute release from these ideas occurs only in 30% of cases. If a person consumes alcohol, even in a smallquantity, the symptoms are preserved. They can manifest intensely and violently, but are not completely eliminated.

hypnosis from delirium of jealousy alcoholic
hypnosis from delirium of jealousy alcoholic

The elderly may have false memories. But by now they have been replaced by the damage syndrome. The person believes that there were betrayals, but now it does not matter, due to the lack of a full-fledged married life. Treatment should begin with the elimination of alcohol dependence. When the body is cleared of toxic components, psychotherapeutic sessions can be performed. Restoring the state requires an integrated approach. Although it will not be possible to completely cure the delirium of jealousy, it is still possible to reduce the severity of manifestations.
