Stars in front of the eyes are a common phenomenon. People often experience it themselves when looking at bright surfaces, such as the sun. Usually it’s enough to blink several times, look away or close your eyes for a while - and the points pass by themselves. But in advanced cases, the causes of asterisks in the eyes are serious diseases of the retina, which require immediate contact with an ophthalmologist. This symptom is especially prone to people with myopia or elderly patients.
What are stars in the eyes
In medicine, another name for this phenomenon is recorded - photopsy. This is the name of the simplest visual hallucinations, in which non-objective images appear in the field of view, called dots, spots or asterisks. They do not have a fixed shape and create a feeling of mobility. In this case, the reasons for the asterisks ineyes - this is an erroneous sensation of light.
The process appears in both dark and lighted places. In one eye or both. For those who see, and for the blind. Photopsia usually occurs when looking at the sun for a long time, but it quickly disappears if you turn away from it.

Additional symptoms
A doctor should be consulted if a person does not know the causes of asterisks in the eyes, but the following symptoms are observed:
- dizziness;
- pain in the eyeballs;
- sweating;
- unclear perception;
- rapid heartbeat.
Kelius Aurelianus first described photopsy back in the 1st century BC. n. e., characterizing it as a symptom of a migraine.
Types of simple visual hallucination
Photopsy can be grouped into 4 categories:
- stripes or rings, sometimes zigzags, white or yellow shades of different brightness;
- sudden and brief flash-like sensation in the eyes of light;
- white dots, they are stars, - they are distinguished by brightness and speed of movement;
- small black stripes or dots that oscillate with the eyeballs, also called flies.

Causes of photopsia
If this phenomenon appears before the eyes on its own, without the participation of light, this indicates that the causes of the stars in the eyes are disorders in the body. First of all, photopsia can be caused by:
- ophthalmic diseases;
- nervous ailmentssystem;
- myopic;
- anemia.
Ophthalmic diseases
Among the diseases that can cause stars before the eyes, there are destruction of the vitreous body, mechanophosphene and retinal damage.
Destruction of the vitreous body. The vitreous body is a clear liquid that contains 99% hyaluronic acid, water and proteoglycans, it fills the area between the retina and the lens. Due to the impact of negative elements, the composition of the vitreous body changes, because of this, opaque components appear. Their man observes, referring to the stars. Similar symptoms occur if blood, medicine, or other foreign matter enters the vitreous.
The disease is caused by other ophthalmic ailments, abnormalities in the cardiovascular system, diabetes mellitus and aging. Vitreous destruction in the later stages is not treated, but is a relatively harmless disease. It carries with it a photopsy that you can get used to. In the early stages of the disease, you can identify the root cause and get rid of it. In this case, surgical intervention is possible, but undesirable: it can cause complications. This is a common cause of stars before the eyes in an adult.

The vitreous can also peel off from the back of the eye. In this case, white flashes occur. This pathology does not manifest itself in the early stages, and in a neglected state it threatens with blindness. It is important to note that the process is natural for older people,because the connection of the vitreous body with the eye weakens over time. For this reason, white stars before the eyes often appear in people during the aging period.
Photopsy can also occur when pressing on the eye through a closed eyelid. This is due to the peculiarity of the retina: it perceives various stimuli (X-rays, light, electrical impulses, mechanical impact). By means of mechanophosphene (glow in the eye when pressure is applied to the closed eye), it is possible to determine whether all areas of the retina are functioning correctly. The cause of the appearance of stars in the eyes may be mechanical damage to the eyeball.
Retinal lesions are diseases associated with rupture or detachment of the retina. The work of the part of the visual analyzer, which is responsible for the perception of light, is disrupted. The disease can lead to blindness, so it is necessary to contact an ophthalmologist to determine the causes and treat asterisks in the eyes at the first sign.

Retinal damage is treated surgically at an early stage. The disease is most susceptible to people suffering from diabetes mellitus, pathologies of the endocrine system, vegetovascular dystonia and neurological disorders.
Ophthalmic cause of photopsy can be:
- corneal lesions;
- glaucoma;
- cataract;
- choroiditis;
- macular edema;
- retinal hemorrhage;
- retinopathy.
Neurological causes
Another factor in the development of photopsia may beneurological or cardiovascular disease. Among them are:
- hypertension;
- eye and head migraine;
- brain tumor;
- poisoning the body with toxic substances;
- cervical osteochondrosis;
- visual scotoma;
- traumatic brain injury;
- preeclampsia and eclampsia during pregnancy.
Photopsy treatment
Simple visual hallucinations can be treated with pharmaceuticals. Eye drops "Emoxipin 1%" dissolve stains. They are used 3 times a day for a month. A similar result is given by Wobenzym tablets. They are drunk 5 tablets 3 times a day, the duration of the course is 2-4 weeks. Preparations are usually supplemented with vitamin-mineral complexes with lutein.

There are also surgical treatments for the disease. In the destruction of the vitreous body, vitreolysis is used (the division of large opaque particles into small ones by means of a laser) and vitrectomy (replacement of the vitreous body with a saline solution). Both processes have many side effects, so they are resorted to only in extreme cases. If the retina is damaged, a laser or tissue freezing is used to eliminate tears and stop retinal detachment.

You can prevent a number of diseases and get rid of photopsy with the help of eye exercises.
Ophthalmologists advise doing a series of exercises. Sit on a chair and straighten your back, look alternately to the right, left, up,down. The gaze must be translated quickly. Next, close your eyes tightly for a few seconds, open your eyes sharply, while relaxing your muscles, and calmly look ahead for 10 seconds.
In no case should you rub your eyes or even touch them with your hands. If necessary, it is better to rinse with running water.
Stars in the eyes may appear from overwork. In this case, you should put things aside, break away from the computer and sit for a few minutes with your eyes closed. You also need to walk more outside, follow a he althy lifestyle and sleep the optimal number of hours for you.

Asterisks in the eyes (or photopsia) is a visual hallucination that causes spots, sticks or bright flashes to appear before the eyes. The phenomenon usually occurs when looking at bright objects, has a single character and quickly passes. If the photopsy is repeated for a long time, you should consult a doctor. Since this may indicate serious ophthalmic or neurological diseases.