Tooth anomalies: types, classification, possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests and treatment

Tooth anomalies: types, classification, possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests and treatment
Tooth anomalies: types, classification, possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests and treatment

Tooth anomalies are various deviations from the norm that can manifest themselves in functionality and appearance. Sometimes they are visible to the naked eye. And in some cases, they can only be detected at a doctor's appointment. Deviations can be in the number, color, position of the teeth in the oral cavity, and there are also anomalies in teething (mainly in children). In this article, we will find out the causes of such violations and figure out how to deal with problems that arise in the oral cavity.

Dental pathology

Anomalies can be both congenital and acquired. Anomalies of individual teeth, as well as entire dentitions, may occur. Quite often, bite anomalies are observed, which does not allow the dentoalveolar system to function normally. Dentists conducted observations and found that almost everyonethe second child suffers from the presence of such anomalies, among adults this problem is slightly less common.

Everyone knows that each tooth has its own individual characteristics: it must clearly correspond to its position, have a certain shape and color, and also perform its function. Any deviation from accepted norms is regarded as a dental anomaly and needs to be treated and corrected. If you do not pay due attention to this issue (especially in childhood), then in the future you may encounter serious complications. Sometimes dental anomalies are not so easy to cure, and for this long-term therapy is carried out. Some patients undergo medical, surgical, orthodontic and orthopedic treatments to achieve a beautiful and he althy smile.

anomalies in the position of the teeth
anomalies in the position of the teeth

Causes of anomalies

There are quite a few reasons for the development of anomalies of the dentition or an individual tooth, and experts divided them into two groups: endogenous and exogenous.

The first group includes genetic and endocrine factors. As for genetic traits, everything is clear here - this is primarily heredity. After all, a child can inherit from his parents the shape of the teeth and their size, the structure of the jaw, soft tissues, and much more. And also such anomalies are classified as congenital malformations and diseases that are inherited. Moreover, parents may not have any problems with their teeth, and the vice was transmitted from grandparents.

Next, you should pay attention to the endocrine order, which has quitea serious impact on the process of formation of the dentoalveolar system. A disease such as hypothyroidism leads to a delay in teething in children. Milk teeth can be replaced by molars much later than it should be in the norm. In addition, there is adentia, deformation of the jaw, the shape and size of the teeth change. Such consequences can also lead to diseases such as hypocorticism, hyperparathyroidism and others.

The group of exogenous causes includes several more subgroups: prenatal causes, intranatal and postnatal, local and general:

  • It is clear that prenatal factors have an impact even before a person is born into the world. Here, the appearance of congenital anomalies can be affected by: multiple pregnancy, when children do not have enough space in the mother's abdomen, fetal hypoxia, toxicosis at different stages of pregnancy, frequent stress during gestation, amniotic bands, intrauterine growth retardation.
  • Intranatal factors also accompany the baby even before birth. This includes asphyxia and entanglement with the umbilical cord, prolonged stay of the baby in the womb after the discharge of water, intracranial injuries that occurred during the birth process.
  • The postnatal period includes diseases that are inherent in the child's body: hypovitaminosis and rickets, even insufficient exposure of the child to the street can lead to dental problems, nasal breathing disorders and much more.

Next are local factors. Pediatricians include here a long stay of a child with a pacifier, a child sucking his finger,artificial feeding and much more. Also, dental pathologies can occur after various injuries, due to the presence of a short frenulum under the tongue or on the upper lip. The cause of anomalies can be complicated caries, due to which it is necessary to remove teeth at an early age. Some children have impacted or supernumerary teeth. This interferes with the normal alignment of the dentition and leads to anomalies in the position of the teeth.

Various factors cause the color of our teeth to change greatly. This may be smoking, eating food with a high content of dyes, the presence of plaque. All these and many other factors lead to the fact that a person has an anomaly in the color of the teeth.

anomalies of a row of teeth
anomalies of a row of teeth

Pathologies related to quantity

Everyone knows that 32 teeth should be in the oral cavity, this is considered the norm. Anomalies in the number of teeth include their excessive number, as well as a lack or complete absence. The first problem has a name - hyperdontia, and it is characterized by the presence of supernumerary teeth that are not in the dentition, but outside it and strongly shift their neighbors to the sides, thereby changing their normal position to pathological. Supernumerary teeth can often be found on the upper rows, their size and shape do not match the accepted standards. It rarely happens that a supernumerary tooth is successfully squeezed into the dentition.

Such teeth must be removed without fail, as they violate the construction of the dentition. After removing themthe position of permanent teeth is corrected, because they were strongly displaced during the formation of supernumerary teeth. For this purpose, orthodontic treatment is carried out. If the patient is lucky and the extra tooth fits well into the row and does not interfere with the normal development of the neighbors, then it can be left. It is only necessary to correct its form to the correct one. And to do this is very simple with the help of prosthetics.

dental anomalies
dental anomalies

Tooth size

Anomalies in the size of the teeth are divided into macro- and microdentia.

In the first case, the visible parts of the tooth are too large, which does not coincide with the norm. This problem is most common with the central upper incisors. Too large teeth can interfere with the rest of the teeth, they do not leave room for them and thus spoil the overall appearance. In addition, teeth of this size have a bad effect on the harmony of facial features and are cosmetic deficiencies. It is impossible to cure them, so they are simply removed. After that, the adjacent teeth are corrected, and the resulting defect is hidden by prosthetics or implantation.

Microdentia, in turn, are excessively small visible parts of the tooth. In most cases, the upper lateral incisors are affected, but not a single tooth in the mouth is immune from such an anomaly. Usually there are too large gaps between these teeth, which greatly distort the face. You can simply remove small teeth and replace them with dentures, but some express a desire to keep their natural teeth and simply cover them with crowns. Anomalies in the size and shape of the teeth are very closelypaired with each other.

Shape of teeth

There are many types of anomalies in the shape of the teeth, but among them there are several of the most common: Hutchinson teeth, Pfluger teeth, spike teeth, Fournier teeth.

The penultimate species has a non-standard feature - a spike-like shape of the visible part of the tooth, resembling a cone or spike. Most often, supernumerary teeth, as well as lateral and central incisors, have this type. Everyone else rarely grows up like this.

Getchinson's teeth are somewhat reminiscent of the shape of a screwdriver or a barrel. This means that the neck of the tooth is much larger than its cutting edge, and there is also a crescent-shaped notch along this edge. These most often grow the upper central incisors. Fournier teeth have the same appearance, but they do not have a notch.

Pfluger's teeth. Here the neck prevails in size over the chewing surface of the large molars, which are the first in the row. And also here there is an underdevelopment of the bumps on the sixes.

If one of these anomalies has been identified, the doctor recommends prosthetics of diseased teeth or put veneers on them. You can also simply remove irregularly shaped teeth and install dentures in their place. In some cases, restoration of teeth is allowed.

anomalies in the shape of the teeth
anomalies in the shape of the teeth

Structure of hard tissue

This includes two types of hypoplasia (local and generalized), hyperplasia, amelogenesis and dentinogenesis:

  • Perhaps we should start with hypoplasia. It manifests itself in the form of various spots that are locatedsymmetrically, pits and grooves that appear on the crown part of the tooth. Such defects do not appear on individual teeth, but affect absolutely all rows. Quite often combined with anomalies in the shape of the teeth, their position, size and color.
  • Hyperplasia is extra bumps that can occur on the chewing surface of the tooth, as well as enamel drops.
  • It happens that yellow or brown pigmentation appears on the teeth - this is amelogenesis imperfecta. It also significantly reduces the thickness of the enamel, greatly increases the sensitivity of the teeth to cold and hot. This anomaly quite often appears simultaneously with microdentia. It is possible to cure this pathology. For this, the patient needs to take various multivitamins and trace elements, the body badly needs calcium glycerophosphate during this period. You can also do a remineralizing therapy.
  • And imperfect dentinogenesis, when there is a violation in the development of the dentin of permanent and milk teeth. With such an anomaly, the teeth become amber-yellow or grayish-brown. In a short period they are erased, can be completely destroyed. You can solve the problem by installing crowns or veneers, some experts offer dental implants.

Anomalies in the position of the teeth

These are the most severe and serious deviations. With such an anomaly, the teeth usually occupy the wrong position, and this happens not only outside the dentition, but also inside it. There are several types of incorrect position of the teeth at once:

  • Distal position. ATin this case, the tooth is strongly displaced back from the dentition.
  • Mesial position. In this case, the teeth, on the contrary, fall out a lot forward.
  • Vestibular position. This is said when the teeth are close to the lips or cheeks, depending on their type.
  • Oral position. In this case, almost all teeth are strongly displaced deep into the oral cavity.
  • Supraposition. Here the teeth can be located abnormally above the occlusal curve, as well as significantly below it, but in this case the anomaly will be called infraposition.
  • Tortoanomaly. One or more teeth can be rotated along a vertical axis. If some of the teeth are interchanged, this is called a transposition.

An orthodontist can eliminate all these anomalies. It's not that hard to do. Modern braces and orthodontic appliances work wonders in a short time.

Teeth color

Each tooth has its own optical characteristics, which include color, transparency and luster of enamel. It is considered normal if the teeth have shades from white-blue to yellow. Moreover, bluish enamel is more fragile, unlike yellowish, which is famous for its strength.

If there are pathologies in the oral cavity, then the color of the teeth may change. They can turn pink, gray, brown, brown-black, and even completely black. Such pigmentation may appear as small spots on the enamel, or it may be diffuse.

Before dealing with the anomaly of the color of the teeth, it is necessary to establishreason for its appearance. Since in some cases there is a need to correct systemic disorders. The treatment begins with the fact that the specialist conducts professional hygiene of the entire oral cavity, various methods of whitening tooth enamel can be used.

anomalies in the size of the teeth
anomalies in the size of the teeth


To find out the nature of the anomaly of the molars, sometimes you have to turn to various specialists who are not related to dentistry. It can be an endocrinologist, pediatrician, otolaryngologist and geneticist. Diagnosis of dental anomalies is carried out only under the supervision of various specialists from the field of dentistry: orthodontist, periodontist, dental surgeon, implantologist. Here, a clinical examination is carried out, the oral cavity is studied, the patient's face is examined. But besides this, a number of additional studies are needed. Impressions are taken from the teeth so that with the help of plaster models it is possible to thoroughly study the characteristics of the tooth, jaw, and only after that begin the treatment of dental anomalies.

anomalies in the number of teeth
anomalies in the number of teeth


Modern methods of treatment allow you to get rid of almost any anomaly and maintain a beautiful and he althy smile for many years. But in order not to waste time and money on treatment, you can try to take preventive measures so as not to provoke the development of dental anomalies.

This prevention must begin from the moment when the child is in the womb. It is necessary to surround the baby with care and attention, to monitor their condition,less nervous, eat right and feed the baby born with food that is designed specifically for his age. If any endocrine disorders are detected, it is necessary to carry out their immediate correction. And of course, regularly go to the dentist for check-ups in order to carry out therapeutic measures in a timely manner and not bring the teeth to the point where they can no longer be treated.

anomalies in the development of teeth
anomalies in the development of teeth

Oral care

There are a few basic rules, following which, you can have he althy and beautiful teeth for many years.

  1. Teeth should be brushed at least twice a day and use fluoride-containing toothpaste. This substance is excellent at fighting plaque, which often causes caries.
  2. You must floss daily. With its help, you can remove plaque that accumulates in the interdental space. If this is not done in time, it will turn into tartar.
  3. Eat smaller meals that are high in sugar and starch.
  4. Even if nothing bothers you, you should go to the dentist regularly to rule out damage to the surface of the teeth.

Following all these simple rules, you will have a beautiful smile and he althy teeth.
