Gum care: features, requirements and recommendations

Gum care: features, requirements and recommendations
Gum care: features, requirements and recommendations

Gum he alth affects dental he alth. That is why it is important to carefully care for the oral cavity in order to exclude the occurrence of diseases. This is done at home and in the dental office. Proper gum care is described in the article.

Why do gum problems occur?

Many people experience bleeding gums, which appears due to mechanical damage to the periodontal tissues. Microtraumas appear from:

  • solid food;
  • very stiff brush;
  • toothpicks, dental floss.

After a while, wounds are able to heal on their own. When blood loss is observed very often and even minimal damage is the cause, the body signals the presence of an ailment that does not apply to the teeth. The gums become sensitive, swollen, painful with gingivitis. Usually, the disease appears with insufficient oral hygiene.

gum care
gum care

If it is wrong to eliminate food residues and do it rarely, then yellow plaque appears on the teeth, which later becomes a thick deposit. So it appearssubgingival calculus. As a result, irritation and injury of the gums are observed.

Bleeding occurs with periodontitis. Sensitivity to cold and hot food increases, an unpleasant odor appears from the mouth. Without treatment, purulent abscesses form, loosen, and teeth are destroyed and fall out. There are other reasons as well. Bleeding gums are due to:

  • lack of vitamin C;
  • taking hormonal drugs;
  • diabetes;
  • skin diseases.

Surgical intervention should also be considered. Special gum care after tooth extraction is also required. The doctor should tell about this in detail, since each situation is individual.

Rules of care

Currently, there are many products for the care of teeth and gums, so it should not be difficult to choose. The main thing is to use them correctly. Doctors advise changing toothpaste every month to prevent addiction. A toothbrush should be used no more than 3 months, otherwise it will only harm due to the accumulation of germs.

gum care after extraction
gum care after extraction

Gum care includes flossing. It allows you to remove food debris in places where the brush cannot reach. Toothpicks also help, but they must be used with caution to prevent tissue damage.

Teeth brushing should be done based on simple rules:

  1. The procedure is carried out at least 2 times a day.
  2. Brush should be done after meals.
  3. Bperiod of the procedure, you need to correctly carry out the movements.

It is better to exclude regular snacks, and then the oral cavity will remain clean for a long time. Toothpastes are not always effective. To care for the gums, special rinses are sold. With them, food particles are eliminated better, although rinse aid will not be enough to prevent diseases.


This is a device for the care of gums and teeth. An irrigator cleans the oral cavity with a jet of water. Using the device, you can very simply clean your mouth, including hard-to-reach areas. You can clean the interdental gaps with dental floss, but then the dirt remains on the teeth.

Using an irrigator for care, you can simultaneously remove impurities with water. Dental non-removable products are considered dangerous in oral hygiene. Since food remains in hard-to-reach areas, it rots. The situation becomes more complicated with increased crowding of teeth and the presence of periodontal pockets, so cleaning in these places is a difficult task.

dental and gum care
dental and gum care

Water massage is useful for restoring blood circulation in the gums, which significantly improves the tone of blood vessels. This procedure can also be used for diabetes, gum disease. The irrigator is used for anti-inflammatory and antiseptic measures. With its help, inflamed areas are sprayed. To work with such a device, different nozzles are used, such as:

  • classic;
  • periodontal;
  • with orthodontic bias;
  • for cleansinglanguage;
  • with miniturbine.

Each nozzle performs a specific function. They provide complete care. A device such as an irrigator can be used regularly. With it, oral care will be effective and safe.


Gum care includes a he althy diet. In the absence of certain trace elements, the risk of inflammation of the gums near the tooth increases. With the help of regular examinations, it will be possible to identify the initial manifestations of diseases and prevent serious consequences. In addition to the universal rules, there are special cases. For example, after curettage, you need to temporarily refuse solid and hot food.

It is necessary to monitor the improvement of the overall composition of the bone tissue. To do this, you need to take foods with a lot of calcium. These include dairy products, cheeses, almonds, red fish and dark greens. Many people have managed to eliminate gum problems thanks to foods with vitamin C, which are rich in vegetables and fruits. This component strengthens blood vessels and veins, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Folk remedies

Gum care at home involves the use of folk remedies, which will be a great addition to the above measures. Tinctures and decoctions at room temperature are effective for rinsing. You can use for the preparation of solutions such herbs as:

  • oak bark;
  • sage;
  • mint;
  • chamomile.
dentures gum care
dentures gum care

Herbs positivelyaffect the gums and teeth. With them, inflammation is eliminated, recovery is faster. Useful s alt - ordinary and sea. To rinse your mouth, you need to prepare a solution from:

  • s alt - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • water - 1 cup.

Add a little soda to the solution. Such procedures are useful for the general condition of the gums. The medicinal plant is parsley. A decoction based on it allows you to get rid of an unpleasant odor. How to cook:

  • leaves (2 tablespoons) must be poured with boiling water (1 cup);
  • means need to cook for 5-7 minutes;
  • apply before bedtime, after brushing teeth.

It is useful to wipe the teeth with aloe juice. Such procedures are performed every day. With the help of home remedies, it will be possible to eliminate bleeding. But complete relief from the problem is possible only after visiting the dentist.

Gum Protection

Usually, the gums suffer not from disease, but due to improper care. Not all people brush their teeth twice a day. The plaque that has appeared should be “sweeped out” by movements from the gums upwards, and not smeared over the dentition. If the brush is very hard, then there will be frequent injuries. Therefore, infections penetrate, especially if the brushes are rarely changed. It is important that the stiffness is at an average level.

gum care at home
gum care at home

You need to choose the right toothpaste. Since there are many types of these funds, it is advisable to consult a dentist. With the wrong selection of the remedy, the microflora of the oral cavity is disturbed or a lot of fluorine accumulates. Shouldn't be allowedappearance of tartar. It must be eliminated in a timely manner to exclude gum disease.

After tooth extraction

It is important to take care of your gums after tooth extraction. Blood coagulation in the wound takes 10-15 minutes, and so a clot appears. Do not keep a hemostatic swab for a long time. You can not treat this place with drugs. If the bleeding does not go away, then a piece of sterile bandage should be placed instead of a tampon.

If there is severe pain even after 2 hours have passed, take a pain reliever. Aspirin should not be taken as it causes bleeding. Dry cold compresses are used to relieve pain.

gum care while wearing dentures
gum care while wearing dentures

In the first 2 hours after tooth extraction, you should not eat. Chewing movements should be accurate, chewing food should be on the opposite side. Do not eat solid, hot food, drinks, cold foods, and alcohol.

You can rinse your mouth after tooth extraction only after a day. Antiseptic treatment is performed after 2-3 hours. To do this, apply:

  1. "Chlorhexidine". Rinsing is performed 5-10 minutes 3 times a day.
  2. "Furacilin". Procedures are done 3 times a day.
  3. Miramistin. Rinse your mouth 3 times a day.

These solutions eliminate germs from the oral cavity, accelerate the healing of the gums. The procedures are considered not only effective, but also safe.

For dentures

Proper gum care is important when wearing denturesprostheses. The gums should be given a rest of at least 6-8 hours. It is advisable to do this before bedtime or during the day. They must be cleaned after removal.

gum care device
gum care device

If there are dentures, gum care is done with saline rinses. Massage is helpful to increase blood flow. The procedure is done with a soft brush or fingers. You can eliminate gum problems by eating he althy food.


If even slight changes in the condition of the gums occur, you should consult a doctor. Only the he alth of the oral cavity depends on the person himself. If you use special products and folk recipes, then your teeth and gums will be fine.
