The immune system of babies is not well developed. Therefore, it is not always able to resist a variety of virus attacks. Doctors recommend parents of such crumbs to maintain and strengthen immunity. Much attention is paid to hardening, sports. In addition, the child should eat food containing all the vitamins and minerals necessary for his growth and development. For some children, these measures are not enough. In such cases, the doctor may prescribe immunostimulating agents.

Why are they needed?
If the baby is sick for a long time and often, any diseases are quite difficult, there is reason to think about the means that increase immunity. General measures are used to improve the body's resistance to various infections. Sometimes doctors recommend taking immunostimulating drugs.
General measures include:
- hardening (it can be started from 3-4 years old);
- multivitamin preparations (such complexes are recommended by a pediatrician).
Immunostimulating drugs should be prescribed onlydoctor. He examines the baby completely. Carefully examine all records of the child's illnesses. And only if the baby's immunodeficiency is confirmed, appropriate drugs will be prescribed to him. Otherwise, the doctor will advise resorting to general measures.
Immunostimulating agents for children help to increase the activity of the body's own defenses. They improve resistance to disease and infection.
Classification of drugs
The following types of immunostimulating drugs are used for children:
- interferons ("Grippferon", "Viferon");
- interferon inducers ("Amiksin", "Arbidol", "Cycloferon");
- drugs from the thymus gland ("Timemomulin", "Vilozen");
- herbal medicines ("Echinacea", "Immunal");
- bacterial agents ("Ribomunil", "IRS-19", "Imudon").
Parents should remember that these drugs must be used very carefully. Improper or prolonged use of them can seriously undermine the defenses of the child's body.
When should I take my medication?
It is authentically known that with all inflammatory reactions, immunity plays a decisive role in the course of pathology. A strong body quickly copes with any disease.

It is almost impossible to protect a child from viruses. Therefore, SARS is the most common childhood disease. However, some babies get sick for a very long time. Others endure colds practicallyimperceptibly and painlessly. It is in such cases that it is determined whether the child's immunity is weak or strong. However, do not forget that only a doctor can confirm the soreness of a child.
Immunostimulating drugs are prescribed by doctors in the following cases:
- Children often have recurrent viral, bacterial, or fungal infections. They do not respond well to conventional treatments.
- The baby had colds more than 6 times a year.
- Infectious pathologies are very difficult. A number of complications are often observed.
- Any illness drags on for a long time. The body responds very poorly to treatment.
- Generally accepted measures to increase immunity do not provide a positive result.
- Immune deficiency detected during diagnostics.
It is very important to understand that immunostimulating drugs are not a panacea for any ailments. These are medicines that have contraindications that can cause unwanted reactions.
Effective drugs
If a baby has at least a few of the above symptoms, you should consult a doctor. After examining the baby and confirming the presence of immunodeficiency, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate medications. They will increase the protective properties of the child's body.
Doctors give a whole list of immunostimulating drugs that can be prescribed to children:
- "Immunal";
- ginseng tincture;
- "Echinacea";
- Chinese magnolia vine tincture;
- "Imudon";
- Ribomunil;
- Likopid;
- "Derinat";
- "Amixin";
- Irs-19;
- Arbidol;
- interferons: "Viferon", "Grippferon", "Cycloferon";
- Wilozen;
- Timostimulin;
- "Isoprinosine";
- "Broncho-munal";
- Pentoxyl.
Special precautions
Any of these drugs are great for boosting the immune system. However, it must be used with extreme caution. In the case of prolonged use of such drugs, they can be harmful. Indeed, under their action, the body is seriously weakened.

It is important to understand that immunostimulating agents will only be beneficial if the dosage and dosage regimen for the medication has been correctly prescribed for the small patient. Consider the most popular.
Drug "Arpeflu"
This is a drug that belongs to the group of immunostimulants and is intended for the prevention and treatment of diseases caused by the influenza virus. The drug "Arpeflu", the price of which is quite low, has an excellent antiviral effect. In addition, it stimulates protective reactions and promotes the production of interferon. As a result of such exposure, the body can fight even those viruses that have already invaded the cells of the mucous membranes. It helps to shorten the duration of the disease, reduces the duration of the pathology.
Indications for the use of the drug "Arpeflu" are:
- cold caused by flu viruses;
- SARS prevention;
- immunodeficiency states;
- chronic bronchitis (in complex therapy);
- herpetic infection;
- prevention of complications after surgery.
You should not use this remedy in case of individual hypersensitivity to it. The drug is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age. Pregnant and lactating women can use the drug, but need an individual approach and prescription.
A very rare side effect. These could be allergic reactions:
- urticaria;
- edema.
In most cases, Arpeflu is well tolerated by patients.
The price of this tool is about 56 rubles.
Echinacea tincture
The herbal preparation is considered a good immunostimulant. It perfectly strengthens the defenses, suppresses the activity of herpes and influenza viruses. Able to protect against many pathogenic bacteria.

Echinacea is shown (the price of tincture is quite acceptable) for the treatment and prevention of viral, colds, bacterial pathologies of various etiologies. It is appropriate to prescribe such a drug in case of immunodeficiency states. Sometimes it is recommended for children after regular physical activity in order to strengthen the body.
Contraindications for taking this setting are:
- pregnancy;
- under 7;
- lactation period;
- autoimmune pathologies;
- diseases of the liver, kidneys;
- allergic reactions.
The drug is easily tolerated by almost anyoneorganism. Side effects were observed only in isolated cases. Among the manifestations met:
- chill;
- symptoms of dyspepsia;
- allergic skin reactions.
Receiving the tincture does not require relinquishing control of the vehicle. Since echinacea does not affect concentration.
The price of the tincture is approximately 157 rubles.
Medication "Viferon"
This is an excellent immunostimulating drug with antiviral effects. The medicine is produced in 3 forms:
- candles;
- ointment;
- gel.
The drug "Viferon" is used for children in the form of rectal suppositories. As a result, the drug has no adverse effects and very few side effects.

This remedy is prescribed for the following infections in complex therapy:
- flu;
- bacterial uncomplicated pathologies;
- herpes;
- sepsis;
- meningitis;
- chronic viral hepatitis.
Can be used medicine "Viferon" for children from birth. This drug is suitable even for premature babies.
The only contraindication to the use of the drug is individual sensitivity to this remedy.
Some side effects include itching, skin rash. Such reactions are extremely rare and are reversible.
The price of the medicine varies from 230 rublesup to 450.
Drug "Arbidol"
This medicine is an excellent antiviral immunostimulant. The drug is produced only in the form of tablets.
The product is intended for the treatment and prevention of the following pathologies:
- flu, SARS;
- cold complicated by pneumonia, bronchitis;
- immunodeficiency states;
- herpetic infection;
- chronic bronchitis.
The drug is contraindicated for use in such cases:
- hypersensitivity to the agent;
- cardiovascular pathology;
- diseases of the liver, kidneys;
- under 3 years old.

Often very well tolerated by the body therapy with the drug "Arbidol". Tablets rarely provoke any side effects. Sometimes allergic reactions can occur. But, as a rule, they are observed in isolated cases.
It is undesirable to take this remedy during pregnancy. Such a drug can only be prescribed by the attending physician after the ratio of the predicted benefit and the risk of developing pathologies in the fetus.
The price of this tool is an average of 164 rubles.
Medicine "Immunal"
This is an excellent remedy with anti-inflammatory, antiviral, immunostimulating properties. The main component of the drug is echinacea. Quite often, the drug "Immunal" is prescribed for children.
Instructions for use recommends using this medicine in the followingcases:
- stimulation of immunity in influenza, SARS, herpes;
- frequent colds as a result of weakened immunity;
- intoxication of various origins;
- psycho-emotional overload;
- prevention of SARS, influenza during epidemics;
- complex therapy for bronchitis, pyelonephritis, arthritis.
The drug is prohibited for use in pathologies accompanied by impaired immunity:
- autoimmune diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, joints;
- tuberculosis;
- leukemia;
The medicine is not given to babies under one year of age.

You can buy the drug in almost any pharmacy. The cost of this tool varies from 225 to 295 rubles.