Informative article on how denture retention creams can make them easier to wear. The article describes the comparative characteristics of some of them, based on feedback from patients who have used them.
What are dentures?
Older people often face problems with their teeth. Losing teeth is very unpleasant. Modern medicine offers the installation of dental implants. There are a lot of advantages in this method of restoring the dentition. But implantation is a surgical operation and has some contraindications. In such situations, patients are forced to resort to full or partial prosthetics. Removable dentures are a cheaper alternative to implants. Complete dentures are installed when there is not a single tooth. Removable partial dentures are placed if there are several teeth left in the jaw. Sometimes it happens that due to injuries or other life circumstances, quite young people have to turn to an orthopedist. Prostheses have been successfully used in dentistry for a long time. For their manufacture, variousmodern materials. Depending on this, prostheses are nylon, clasp, acrylic. They can be fixed with the help of clasps, attachments, that is, locks or glue for fixing. There are practically no contraindications for removable partial dentures. The quality of modern orthodontic structures is excellent. They are inexpensive, so they are very popular among the population.

Is there life with a prosthesis?
Prosthetic wearers face questions about how to use and care for them, and information is scarce. For example, a problem arises: what to do to keep the prosthesis firmly? Often, patients who wear a removable prosthesis of the lower jaw are faced with the fact that during a conversation it may fall out. At the same time, they try not to open their mouth very much or wear a mask and feel uncomfortable. In addition, wearing dentures is accompanied by some unpleasant symptoms:
- Gag reflex.
- Rubbing gums with dentures.
- Problems with diction.
- Food particles get under the prosthesis.
Patients feel uncomfortable, try to laugh less, are embarrassed to drink tea with colleagues at work, because of problems with diction, they try to talk less and quieter. All this does not particularly please them, and they are looking for ways to help them reduce all these troubles.

How to make life easier?
Rubbing of the gums with the prosthesis occurs due to its mobility. Forfixing it, there are various means. The choice is great. One of the most popular is a cream for fixing dentures. "Which is better?" - the most common question that arises in a person who has never used such means in his life, and now decided to purchase it. Such a product fills the gap between the base and the jaw, thus preventing food particles from getting there. Sometimes it has a refreshing smell and some consumers consider this a virtue. Various manufacturers offer their products, which differ in cost and characteristics. Therefore, the consumer is looking for an answer to the question of which denture fixation cream to use in order to solve the problems that arise when wearing the base. Let's try to answer.

Which cream to choose?
It is difficult for an inexperienced owner of removable orthodontic structures to accurately choose the right one. For example, Fittident is a cream for fixing dentures. FITTYDENT is an Austrian manufacturing company that has been producing its products for over 30 years. The line includes: cream for fixing dentures, pads for the lower jaw and cleaning tablets. Complete set.

Cream "Fittident" is available in a tube of 20 and 40 grams. Very economical and easy to use. This is an evolutionary approach to the fixation of prostheses, the only waterproof product of its kind. This increases the period of fixation of the prosthesis in the oral cavity, whichreaches 10-12 hours. And judging by the reviews, even longer. Since the cream does not dissolve in either water or saliva, it works very well in people with hypersalivation. Does not contain zinc and dyes. He is absolutely harmless. Apply it dotted or striped on a dry and clean prosthesis. After that, you must wait 5 seconds, insert into the oral cavity and press firmly. For effective use, it is necessary to refrain from eating and drinking for fifteen minutes. The prosthesis is held in the oral cavity as firmly as your own teeth. Patients can drink, eat, laugh and not worry about the problem of fixing their prostheses. The cream is tasteless, easy to use due to the fact that it has a viscous base, it does not spread. According to some reviews, this is the best cream for fixing dentures, which helps to quickly get used to them and eliminates the discomfort of wearing them. Its affordability does not affect the quality. It practically does not cause allergies. You can buy it in online pharmacies.

What to rely on when choosing
It will be easier for the patient to make a choice when he decides on those moments that are important for him. For example, which denture fixing cream is better for him - tasteless or with a refreshing aroma? What consistency is the product preferable - more or less dense? The cream can be liquid, medium viscosity and viscous. Or maybe the person prefers the gel? How often does he need to use the product - once or twice a day?
Believe itadvertising?
Important point. Thanks to advertising, the cream for fixing dentures "Korega" gained immense popularity. Most patients are satisfied with this remedy. You just need to choose the right one from those offered by the Irish manufacturer. They produce 3 types of cream, which differ in flavoring additives (40 grams in a tube). In terms of fixation strength, these options are the same. By filling the voids between the jaw and the basis of the prosthesis, the structure is fixed, and food does not get there. It costs approximately 240 rubles. You can buy it in almost any pharmacy, this is a plus. Due to the components used in the composition of the cream, it has an increased viscosity and adhesion, therefore it firmly holds the removable structure, does not contain zinc. After applying the cream, the prosthesis must be put on and bitten several times for a snug fit. And also this gel is available in a tube of 70 grams, costing a little more than 400 rubles. It can be applied to wet dentures. According to real reviews, fixing lasts for about 3-4 hours.
Last doubts
Of course, before buying, you need to read the reviews about the cream for fixing dentures, talk to people who have used such products. Then it will be easier not to make a mistake when choosing. We must not forget that these are medical devices, so be sure to read the instructions.

R. O. C. S
The cream for fixing dentures "ROKS" is also in high demand. Produced by a Swiss company in a tube of 40 grams. The cost of itis approximately 290 rubles. Reviews about the use of the cream are excellent, it has a refreshing menthol flavor that persists throughout the day, most patients do not cause allergic reactions. Contains no zinc or artificial colors. The manufacturer promises fixation within twelve hours.

"Presidential" level
No less popular option. When reading the instructions for the cream for fixing dentures "President", the patient can understand the sequence of actions when installing the base, the period of its fixation on the jaw, special instructions, storage conditions and expiration date.
Everything will be fine
Most often on sale "President" (cream for fixing dentures) can be found in the form of release of 50 grams. That is more than similar products. This is very beneficial for the buyer. But he also has another form of release - 20 grams. This makes it accessible to any consumer. The characteristics of this cream allow us to consider it perhaps the best among competitive products. It has a rather strong taste. For some, this is an advantage, others do not like to feel the mint flavor all day long. The fixation is good - this is a definite plus. The manufacturer promises a fixation time of 36 hours. According to consumer reviews, it can reach 40 hours, but is weakened by hot liquid food. We must bear this in mind. The price is approximately 200-230 rubles per pack. This cream is very pleasant to it leaves a feeling of reliability and confidence that everything will be in order. You can relax while drinking tea with colleagues at work, calmly communicate, laugh and not worry that the prosthesis will fall out at the most inopportune moment. The cream relieves discomfort from rubbing the mucosa with the prosthesis, prevents food from getting into the gap between the jaw and the structure. This product for many gives an unambiguous answer to the question: "Which cream is better for fixing dentures?".

Nota bene
When using glue, it is necessary to pay attention to the correct use and application according to the instructions, the expiration date of the product, contraindications and side effects. Contraindications most often include individual intolerance, causing discomfort to the consumer. After the expiration date, the cream can not be used. This is dangerous to he alth. Usually the patient tries the remedy. If something does not suit him, the search for a suitable product continues. As soon as the buyer is satisfied with the effectiveness of the product, he continues to use it and no longer thinks about the topic: which cream for fixing dentures is best for him. It's very simple.
Caring for dentures
Now a few words about the care of dentures. To maintain oral hygiene, it is mandatory to remove the prosthesis daily, clean the oral cavity with a brush and toothpaste from food debris and traces of glue, rinse and do not forget to clean the prosthesis. It is not necessary to clean it with toothpaste, it violatesthe surface of the base, which may subsequently change its color.

The denture is also washed with soap and a brush. There are special tools for their cleaning. They are produced in the form of tablets, which are dissolved in water, for this special additives are introduced into their composition. Hissing tablets are dissolved and removable structures are cleaned and disinfected in the prepared solution. Tablets have a pleasant mint flavor, packed in blisters. Packaging is usually designed for about a month of use.
Why are fixative creams dangerous?
Modern tools are maximally modified in composition and are safe to use. Even if a small amount of the drug is accidentally swallowed, there is no risk to the patient's he alth. Therefore, you can safely use them, eat your favorite food, laugh, talk and live life to the fullest using removable dentures.