Uneven teeth: causes, how to fix?

Uneven teeth: causes, how to fix?
Uneven teeth: causes, how to fix?

Scientists around the world say that the majority of the world's population to some extent have curvature of the teeth. Is it possible to avoid such a process, and how to treat it? It is these issues that will be discussed in detail below.

child's crooked teeth
child's crooked teeth

Types of crooked teeth

Uneven teeth in the understanding of many people are those that are significantly different in size, shape or position from adjacent ones, which is basically correct. But there are different curvatures, and they are formed at several levels. For example, there are anomalies in the dentition, teeth and bite, that is, their relationship.

The first type includes dentitions that are incorrectly formed due to the abnormal eruption of several teeth at the same time. The second type includes teeth that stand separately and differ significantly from others in location, size and shape. The third group includes curvature at the jaw level, leading to incorrect closure of the rows of teeth. In people with an improperly developed bite, the smile is also far from ideal. It is necessary to figure out whichcause people have crooked teeth.

Causes of the growth of crooked teeth in a child

There are a lot of reasons for the appearance of uneven teeth. The most important among them is heredity. You need to carefully look at the smiles of grandparents and parents. It may be that uneven baby teeth or molars were inherited by a child or his parents from someone from the older generation.

Using the wrong bottles and nipples

Another factor that contributes to crooked teeth and malocclusion is the use of the wrong feeding bottles and pacifiers. The opening of the bottle should be at the bottom of the nipple, not in the center, so that the baby's tongue is in a natural position while eating. Otherwise, the lower jaw will not develop correctly. Regarding the pacifier, it must be said that at the base it should be as thin as possible. Otherwise, the baby will always have his mouth in an open position, which will cause non-closure. Hence the child's uneven teeth.

uneven milk teeth
uneven milk teeth

When should you give up a pacifier?

You need to remember one more rule: it is recommended to refuse the pacifier before the child is one year old. Due to prolonged use, he may develop an infantile type of swallowing, in which the tongue rests on the teeth when swallowing saliva, and thereby puts a lot of pressure on them. As a result, the child develops an open bite, and it will take quite a lot of time and effort to correct it.

Separately, one moreOne reason for the appearance of uneven teeth is the lack of proper care for children's milk teeth. If they are not cleaned, they will one day develop bottle caries, which, as you know, develop at a high rate. If parents saw a carious cavity in a baby, you need to take him to the doctor, otherwise the disease will not only destroy milk teeth, but also damage the rudiments of future permanent teeth. As you know, if at least one tooth is missing, or it erupts incorrectly, the bite may change.

Among other things, uneven teeth in a child appear due to mouth breathing resulting from various ENT pathologies, frequent rhinitis, bad habits of children, such as biting lips and cheeks, constantly finding foreign objects in the mouth, sucking fingers, laying between the teeth of the tongue, as well as due to rickets, diseases of a woman during pregnancy, pathologies of the nervous system.

Anterior crooked teeth in adults

In adulthood, uneven teeth can appear, for example, due to bad habits or injury. If you keep a pencil in your mouth all the time, often gnaw seeds or nails, then bumps and chips will appear on your teeth over time, you will have to correct them. Often, patients in dental clinics complain about crooked, incorrectly erupted eights - wisdom teeth. Moreover, even if they stand straight, they can change the shape of the rows of teeth, for example, when a person’s jaw is not too big and there is simply not enough room for eights in it.

But most often, uneven front teeth in adulthood are formed due toprolonged absence of one or more teeth. In the absence of timely replacement with implants or temporary prostheses, the rows of teeth will soon begin to disperse, trying to fill the resulting gaps with themselves. The result of these movements is already known - incorrect closure and crooked teeth.

Why do crooked lower teeth happen?

crooked lower teeth
crooked lower teeth

Hereditary disorders

The most common deviation is an increase in the lower jaw. Such a violation can only be corrected through orthognathic surgery.

Another reason is tooth loss. Due to the constant load, the teeth next to the defect gradually begin to tilt to the side. As a result, a unilateral bite is formed, and because of this, the load on the mandibular and temporal joints is uneven, causing their dysfunction.


The next source of uneven teeth growth is bruxism. This is a paroxysmal contraction of the masticatory muscles. In other words, teeth grinding in a dream. This disorder is most commonly observed in children. The main cause of bruxism is stress. Bruxism often occurs after crowns or significant restorations. Pathology in general, to one degree or another, is observed in most people, however, with its constant presence, it is necessary to determine the source of stress and eliminate it.

In any case, if there is any sign of the above, you can not self-medicate. It is recommended to consult a dentistwill help determine the exact cause and choose the right therapy.

Photos of uneven teeth are often found in dental clinics.

Crooked wisdom teeth

Crooked wisdom teeth are quite common. Due to lack of space in the row, they begin to grow either sideways, pressing on the adjacent tooth, or inside the mouth, or on the cheek. This most often does not lead to anything good, gum bleeding may appear, and with the growth of the wisdom tooth to the side, the destruction of the enamel and roots of the seventh tooth located nearby. As a result, caries will begin to appear on it, which causes a constant process of inflammation.

Also, all this may be accompanied by violations of the soft tissues of the cheek, which may cause malignant or benign neoplasms. That is why it is necessary to remove "bad" wisdom teeth in a timely manner. The consequences of crooked eights will be too severe if left unchanged.

uneven teeth photo
uneven teeth photo

Crooked teeth: what do they affect?

Uneven teeth affect the functioning of the body to a greater extent than people think. It is not only about psychological complexes and problems. People with crooked teeth are more likely to suffer from gum disease, dysfunction of the temporomandibular joints, and chronic tonsillitis. In addition, the likelihood of caries due to hygiene defects increases. In addition, crowding of teeth can greatly distort speech and be a contraindication for the installation of prostheses. Thus, there are enough reasons to correct crooked teeth.

So, a person has uneven teeth, what to do?

Ways to correct crooked teeth

The method of correcting uneven teeth is determined by the age of the patient and the type of anomaly. For example, orthodontic treatment for children is carried out using various removable devices: plates and trainers. They correct the location of the teeth and jaws, normalize the functioning of the muscles of the maxillofacial system, eliminate excessive pressure from the dentition, which is the tongue and cheeks. But therapy on removable equipment will be effective only up to a certain age, up to a maximum of twelve years (ideally, up to ten). At this time, the child is developing a permanent bite, and to correct it, you will need removable transparent caps or braces.

How to fix crooked teeth?

crooked teeth what to do
crooked teeth what to do


You can get a beautiful smile and straight teeth in adulthood. To align the teeth and eliminate a number of bite errors, most often adults require braces. There are a lot of braces, ranging from simple, economical, but at the same time reliable metal ones, to lingual, expensive ones that are attached on the lingual side. Everyone can choose a design according to their capabilities and taste. In addition, the upper and lower crooked teeth are corrected without braces, for this there is a great alternative - aligners (transparent caps).

Replace the wearing of braces can also be the restoration of uneven teeth with crowns or veneers, composite materials. procedure in the firstcase does not take much time, but it has a serious disadvantage - before installing the structures, the teeth are ground, and wearing prostheses is lifelong. Regarding artistic restoration, it must be said that during it the tooth shape is changed with composite materials, and fillings are also made from them. Such a technique requires a high level of specialist competence, the patient must be carefully cared for in the future, since the composite needs to be polished from time to time for the aesthetic appearance of the teeth.

In addition, boys and girls up to the age of majority can correct their teeth through orthopedic constructions and restorations. The only condition is that an adult representative must be present when signing a contract for such a service.

It should be noted that in professional dental clinics, anomalies are eliminated only at the level of the dentition and teeth, it is impossible to correct the bite using the above methods. Maxillofacial surgery and orthodontic constructions cope with this task.

It is important to note that the correction of deformities in childhood and adolescence is much faster and easier than in adults. That is why, in order to avoid wearing braces for a child for a long time, you need to contact an orthodontist as soon as possible.

How much do crooked teeth need to be corrected?

Above, ways to correct crooked teeth were discussed. But what happens if they are not corrected? Initially, there will be hygiene problems, since uneven rows of teeth are quite difficult to clean. Because of this, in hard-to-reach areas it is imperceptible to humans.caries will appear, which after some time will fall into the depth of the tooth and spread further to the surrounding bone. As a result, all the processes described above will lead to the loss of one or even several teeth, and their absence deforms the bite and, accordingly, the appearance of the patient.

But that's not all. The load due to the abnormal arrangement of the jaws and teeth will be incorrectly distributed, as a result they will wear out, there will be disturbances in the activity of the masticatory muscles and the temporomandibular joint, and the digestive and respiratory systems will be affected. Crooked teeth will thus affect both a person's he alth and appearance.

misaligned front teeth
misaligned front teeth

Ways to prevent dental anomalies

The most effective way to deal with crooked teeth is to prevent crooked teeth. Parents who want their child to grow even beautiful teeth need to carefully monitor the he alth of his oral cavity, feed him from special orthodontic bottles, give the correct pacifiers, control posture, diversify the menu with solid food, prevent chewing various objects and sucking his thumb.

The most effective prevention of crooked teeth in childhood is regular visits to the orthodontist. If you respond in a timely manner to the slightest changes in teeth and bite, then the treatment is effective and as soon as possible, without complications.

If there are congenital anomalies of the jaw bones in a child, you need to control them and operate on time, without postponing the solution of thisquestion.

how to fix crooked teeth
how to fix crooked teeth

To prevent malocclusion in adults, dental implants or prosthetics should be done as soon as possible, without delaying longer than three months after tooth loss. You also need to remove the eights in a timely manner if there is not enough space for them in the jaws. In addition, you should get rid of bad habits and do not put pens, pencils in your mouth, do not knock your teeth against each other, etc. The most important rule is to remember to go to the dentist at least once every six months and be sure to bring your child here.

Now it has become clear to many why teeth can be uneven.
