Tooth crowding: treatment and causes

Tooth crowding: treatment and causes
Tooth crowding: treatment and causes

In orthodontics, crowded teeth are a common problem. This anomaly occurs in both adults and children. If nothing is done, serious problems with the periodontal tissues may appear in the future. You can get rid of such a bite pathology by various methods, however, some of them require a huge amount of time.

What is dental crowding?

In dentistry, this pathology means a condition when teeth grow too close to each other due to lack of space. This problem may appear for the following reasons:

  • Extra teeth grow or some of them are larger than standard.
  • The bone base has not reached the required size.
  • Not all milk teeth fell out, but the remaining ones interfere with the growth of permanent ones.

This bite anomaly also occurs when the tooth groups are displaced, for example, if temporary canines or molars were removed ahead of time, and empty spaces were left without prosthetics. In addition, bad habits contribute to the development of crowding: mouth breathing or thumb sucking. Such a pathology appearsocclusion can also occur in adults with the growth of third molars.

According to some reports, 60 percent of babies under 14 have partial crowding. In some children, this deviation affects the upper jaw, while in others crowding of the lower teeth occurs. In rare cases, this malocclusion covers both jaws at once.

crowding of teeth
crowding of teeth

Stages of pathology

In dentistry, it is customary to distinguish between several options for the formation of dental crowding:

  • Easy stage. With it, only 2-3 mm are missing and deviations affect only a few teeth, the remaining units have the correct location. This simple form of pathology is the easiest to correct in a short time.
  • Medium degree. Such an anomaly is characterized by violations of 4-6 mm, moreover, it can only affect individual units, without affecting the attractiveness of the dentition. The problem unit at this stage of crowding is slightly shifted outside the flat line, turned around its axis, or has a large slope.
  • Heavy form. This degree is the most difficult and noticeable. In this case, the deviation reaches more than 7 mm, and individual teeth are forced out of the natural arch, changing the uniformity and shape of the smile. With such a violation, serious problems can arise, which are eliminated solely by the removal of dental units.

Crowded teeth: photos and causes of appearance

Doctors are not always able to establish what causes this pathology. As a rule, the causes are some habits and diseases of the oralcavities. In adults, this anomaly appears at the moment when the wisdom teeth begin to erupt. In this situation, the molars and canines are already taking up free space, and the eights have nothing left, so they move neighboring units, taking up the necessary space.

Tooth crowding is often caused by bad childhood habits. To avoid such a pathology, parents should wean the baby in time from the use of pacifiers and nipples, sucking fingers, infantile swallowing and other things. Such a pathology can also occur as a result of early loss of milk teeth and the belated appearance of indigenous teeth in their place.

crowding of lower teeth
crowding of lower teeth

Incorrect bite by nature is often the cause of crowded teeth. This pathology completely affects the shape and size of the jaw, as well as the location of incisors, canines and molars. With underdevelopment of the alveolar processes, a similar anomaly may also occur.

In addition, crowding occurs with problems such as:

  • Various diseases that affect the abnormal development of the jaw arch.
  • Presence of supernumerary teeth when there are slightly more than required.
  • Underdeveloped lower jaw.
  • Teeth that are too wide, taking up more space than they should, displacing units that grow later.
  • Hereditary pathologies that provoke the appearance of hyperdontia or macrodentia.

Crowding of teeth must be corrected, or it will be necessary to eliminate the resultingcomplications. An orthodontist is treating such an anomaly.

Negative consequences of bite pathology

Many people ignore crowded teeth, thinking that such a problem brings only aesthetic inconvenience. However, this is completely different, like other bite anomalies, the close position of the teeth can lead to complications.

Crowding of the teeth of the lower jaw causes plaque, since there are no gaps between the units with such an ailment, as a result of which it becomes impossible to provide full oral care. As a result, hard stone and plaque begin to form in hard-to-reach places, which can only be removed with special dental equipment.

Such an anomaly of teeth leads to caries. This happens due to the accumulation of plaque, which provokes the reproduction of microorganisms that cause inflammation of the gums and destruction of the hard tissues of the tooth. It is where the units are tightly pressed together that inflammation occurs.

crowding of the teeth of the lower jaw
crowding of the teeth of the lower jaw

In some cases, crowding causes teeth to fall out. Even a slight inflammation that a person does not notice, therefore, does not turn to a specialist, after a certain time passes into a chronic stage. If left untreated, a completely toothless jaw will remain in a few years.

This anomaly contributes to the formation of a traumatic bite. With crowding on certain units of the dentition, the load increases when chewing food, due towhich inflames the periodontium and erases the enamel.


Dentists deal with this problem in a variety of ways. A suitable treatment option is selected depending on the condition of the oral cavity, the individual characteristics of the patient and the degree of manifestation of the pathology. The most effective methods are the bracket system, the separation method and the extraction of teeth.

The last treatment option is used when the incisors are too large. It is impossible to correct the dentition in this case without surgical intervention. Basically, doctors remove fours, fives or wisdom teeth on both jaws. After their extraction, nearby units begin to shift, the dentition is aligned. The removal procedure is resorted to before the main therapy with the help of braces, plates or trainers. In rare cases, this therapy is an independent method.

Help eliminate crowding teeth braces. Install these orthodontic devices to adolescents and even adult patients. Bracket systems are put on for a different period, it all depends on the complexity of the malocclusion. With their help, the teeth move to a new position. But if there is not enough space in the row, removal will be required.

Correction of crowded teeth by separation method. It is carried out by grinding the enamel or by establishing temporary spacers in the intervals between units. Turning allows you to free up about 6 mm of space. Nowadays, this method is used instead of deletion.

crowded teeth treatment
crowded teeth treatment

How to fix crowded front teethno braces?

With mild or moderate pathology, aligners and orthodontic caps are also used, which, similarly to braces, move teeth. The alignment process, although slower, is more comfortable for the patient. With minor curvature, ceramic lumineers or veneers can be installed on individual units of teeth. Thus, it will be possible to align them without orthodontic treatment.

crowded teeth braces
crowded teeth braces

Tooth expansion due to plate crowding

Such manipulations are allowed only after a deep examination of the state of periodontal tissues. The procedure itself is performed in different ways, but expansion plates are most often used. The result can be obtained by the systematic pressure of this device on the dentition. The device gradually brings the units to the correct position. Plates are created individually. The best effect of this alignment of the teeth is observed in children and adolescents.

correction of crowded teeth
correction of crowded teeth

Terms of treatment

Treatment for crowded teeth is long-lasting, ranging from 6 months to 2 years. Correction of the size and position of the jaws should be de alt with from early childhood - with proper treatment, this will take no more than six months. In adults, normalizing bone curvature with orthodontic devices, unfortunately, will not work. In advanced cases, surgery is indispensable.

How to avoid pathology?

To avoid unpleasant dental procedures, it is necessary to resort to preventive measures. To prevent the formation of dental crowding, you must:

  • Give up bad habits.
  • Constantly visit the dentist.
  • Carefully control the formation of the jaw apparatus from childhood.
  • Prosthetics ahead of time lost baby teeth.
  • crowded teeth photo
    crowded teeth photo

Tooth crowding is a dangerous and severe anomaly with unpleasant procedures to correct it, so it should be avoided in advance. The main preventive method is the timely elimination of all dental pathologies.
