Orthodontic plate is perhaps the only way to correct malocclusion in children. And the sooner you put it in, the sooner your child will have a beautiful and he althy smile.
First of all, it is important for parents to understand that an orthodontic plate is not just a whim of a pediatric dentist to bring unnecessary inconvenience to your child. In the future, an ugly smile can give rise to a number of complexes in a teenager, he will become withdrawn and insecure. In addition, malocclusion makes oral hygiene difficult, which can lead to dental he alth problems. Anticipating this, the orthodontist will offer you to start constructive treatment from the earliest age - from 5-7 years. If the parents follow the advice of the doctor, the correction of the bite in the child will be quick and almost painless.
What is she like
Orthodontic plates for children are a special device made of soft plastic and metal wire of a certain thickness. They are absolutely safe: they do not cause an allergic reaction and do not injure the oral mucosa.
If serious dental correction is neededrow, pediatric dentistry advises to install a fixed plate. It is a specific system of locks that are adjusted as the bite is corrected. These dental plates for children are designed to be worn for one and a half to two years, but only a competent doctor can set the deadline.
If the curvature of the teeth is not severe, a removable appliance can be used. An orthodontic plate of this kind is a little easier to perform than the one described above, and the main advantage is the ability to remove it at the right time. You need to wear it for about a year and a half.

How the installation works. Advantages and disadvantages
Each plate is individually made for an individual patient. To do this, casts of the teeth are taken and sent to a technical laboratory. As a result, the base of the plate exactly repeats the relief of the child's palate, which allows you to create maximum comfort when wearing the device. In this case, the wire must securely fix the plate in the correct position and, if necessary, be adjusted by the dentist.

- The material of which the record is made is harmless, non-toxic and non-irritating;
- The plate is easy to care for - just remove it, rinse it under running water and clean with a toothbrush from plaque;
- adequate price.
- in the initial period, unpleasantand pain;
- does not correct one or two teeth, affects the entire upper or lower jaw;
- constant monitoring of wearing and adjustment of the wire at the orthodontist;
- long wearing period.
Braces or orthodontic plate?
Decades ago, a plate was the only way to correct an overbite in both children and adults. And relatively recently, such a thing as a bracket system appeared in medicine. In principle, it is incorrect to compare these two methods, since braces are installed only from the age of 15. They are designed to correct curvature of the already formed dentition, while conventional plates are already powerless here. It should also be noted that getting used to the plate at an early age is easier and simpler than in children of transitional age. And in adults, the correction of teeth will require a lot of patience.
Well, it's much easier for a child to cope with an inconvenience in communication than for an adult. In addition, braces can be decorated with rhinestones, pebbles of various colors, which is especially important for teenagers. However, the cost of such a system is much higher than the price of conventional dental plates. For children, it would still be better if the parents decide to correct the bite as early as possible - it is also more economical in terms of monetary costs, and the child will be rewarded with a beautiful smile faster.

Proper care
Orthodontic plate requires careful personal care. There are a numberrules to follow in order to quickly achieve the desired result, namely a beautiful smile:
- The dental plate must be put on at night, otherwise the whole treatment will be reduced to a minimum in terms of effectiveness. Parents should supervise this at first, as soreness persists for several days after insertion.
- Do not neglect the hygiene of the orthodontic appliance. To do this, you need to purchase a small toothbrush and a special cleaning gel.
- In order to avoid breakage, as well as strong contamination, the plate must be removed before each meal. Explain this to your child and put a special container in his school backpack in which he can put it.

All orthodontic appliances have their disadvantages, but there are many more advantages. The main result of your efforts will be a beautiful and he althy smile of the child! Dental pediatric dentistry will help you with this.