Intestinal problems. Symptoms and diseases

Intestinal problems. Symptoms and diseases
Intestinal problems. Symptoms and diseases

Problems with the intestines, the symptoms and signs of which will be described below, are of concern to more and more people on all continents of the Earth. Intestinal-related diseases occupy a leading position in medical statistics. Doctors attribute this to the specifics of modern life, including stress, poor diet, lifestyle, the spread of immunodeficiency diseases, alcohol abuse and food saturated with preservatives, fats and carcinogens. All this, in their opinion, can cause problems with the intestines. Symptoms of dysfunction of this organ are quite easy to distinguish, they are difficult to confuse with something else. Let's find out about them so that we can see a doctor in time, if necessary.

Intestinal problems: symptoms

What physiological conditions can indicate problems with the intestines? They can be divided into two categories: the firstincludes digestive disorders and everything connected with it. In medical language, this complex of symptoms is called dyspeptic. The second category is associated with pain in the abdomen. This complex of symptoms gives reason to suspect that there are problems with the intestines.

Dyspeptic symptoms

Dyspeptic symptoms are manifested in the following pathological conditions:

  • loss of appetite;
  • flatulence (bloating);
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • skin diseases;
  • excruciating headaches, lack of energy, drowsiness, muscle weakness;
  • bad body odor;
  • "instability" of the stool - diarrhea, diarrhea, in some cases may be accompanied by the presence of blood, mucus, etc.;
  • anemia (from prolonged bleeding);
  • prolonged stool disorder;
  • increased body temperature.

The last four symptoms are especially serious, as they may indicate cancer.

Pain symptoms appear as follows:

  • dull pain in upper abdomen;
  • sharp localized pain in upper left abdomen;
  • aching pain around the navel;
  • sharp pain in lower left abdomen.
signs of bowel problems
signs of bowel problems

Pain can have a different character, intensity and localization. This set of symptoms can be seen as signs of bowel problems.

Intestinal diseases

We figured out the symptoms, but what diseases they are about"they say"? This is a very important question, since rectal cancer is one of the most common types of oncology in all countries. At risk are people over 40, regardless of their social status. For this reason, at this age, it is recommended to undergo a colonoscopy every two years, or even every year. This allows you to detect neoplasms at an early stage. What else can be violations of the intestine? As a rule, these are dysbacteriosis, irritable bowel syndrome, polyps (benign tumors), colitis (inflammation of the large intestine), enteritis (inflammation of the small intestine), acute intestinal infections, etc.

causes of bowel problems
causes of bowel problems

People often ask the question: what are the causes of bowel problems? Among them may be past intestinal infections, diseases associated with immunodeficiency, irregular and unhe althy diet (a lot of meat, fat, refined sugar, but little fiber, water), as well as a psychological factor (stress, nervous overload and tension).
