Mistake occurs in every second person in the world. The statistics give huge numbers, but everything is actually not so sad. Anomalies in the development of occlusion can be of varying complexity. The main thing is to quickly identify the pathology and begin treatment. Many parents often do not even notice that their child has an overbite. What to do if there are fears of its occurrence? What causes it, and what symptoms can tell about it?
How do you tell a correct bite from an incorrect one?
You can determine the anomaly of the bite yourself, but the main thing is to know how the teeth should close correctly. If the upper dentition slightly covers the lower one, there is no space between the incisors, the teeth are in close contact with each other, then the bite is correct.
But how to determine the wrong bite in a child? Do all other deviations need to be urgently treated? But it's not like that. The correct bite can be divided into several types that allow for very minor anomalies: a slight protrusion of the lower or upper jaw. The main thing is that the functioning of the jaw should be harmonious, without prejudice toorganism.
Bite with anomalies does not allow to properly perform some functions. In this case, the child may have difficulties: with speech, chewing and swallowing, breathing and digestion.
There are several types of defects, but you should not make a diagnosis yourself. The fact that a child has a malocclusion (photos will be presented in the article) can only be confirmed by a specialist.

If there are any doubts and concerns, then in this case you should consult a doctor.
Varieties of malocclusion
Today, doctors divide bite anomalies into several types:
- Distal. Very often it is also called prognathic. This type is characterized by the overdevelopment of the maxillary bone, due to which it is slightly forward. This look can be formed due to missing teeth or dentures.
- Mesial. Another name is reverse. This anomaly is characterized by insufficient development of the lower jaw. This pathology leads to the fact that the incisors on the lower jaw overlap those located on the upper, while there is some inconvenience during speech and eating.
- Open. If most of the teeth do not close, then this is precisely the open type of anomaly. It is considered one of the most difficult and takes a long time to heal.
- Deep malocclusion in a child. Very often, doctors call this type of traumatic, and all due to the fact that it leads to the rapid erasure of enamel on the teeth. Define itit will not be difficult on your own, because the upper row of teeth during rest completely covers the lower one.
- Cross. This species appears in people with an incompletely formed upper or lower jaw on one side of the mouth. This type of anomaly requires several methods of therapy at once: braces and other orthodontic appliances.
- Reducing. This type develops in people after early loss of teeth or decay.

Not all of the above species can be clearly distinguished. Only a doctor can diagnose and determine the causes of malocclusion in children and adults.
What causes malocclusion?
There are several main reasons that can provoke malocclusion.
- Artificial feeding. Breastfeeding is as natural as possible, all babies are born with a slightly shortened lower jaw. When a baby feeds on breast milk, in order to get it, he needs to spend a lot of effort, while the jaw develops better and the correct bite is formed. But not all mothers have the opportunity to breastfeed their child, so there is nothing left but artificial feeding. But this type of feeding should be correct: the child should drink 200 ml of the mixture in 15 minutes, and at the same time he should also get it with special diligence. Only in this case the jaw will develop correctly.
- Long breastfeeding. Parents should remember that the first year and a half of life, breastfeeding should not causespecial concerns, but then you need to ensure that the bite is formed correctly. Forced sucking for a long time can cause malocclusion.
Incomplete development of the jaws. Underdevelopment of the jaws can cause an improper diet. From a year and a half, solid foods must be present in the diet so that the baby learns to chew properly, otherwise the child may have an incorrect bite.
Heredity. It is very difficult to deal with a predisposition to malocclusion due to heredity. In this case, you need to constantly monitor the baby:
- how he sleeps, whether his mouth is open during sleep;
- whether his head is thrown back during sleep;
- does not put palms under the cheeks;- the pillow should be flat.
- Dummy. Too frequent use of the pacifier or for a long time can lead to abnormal bite development. It is best if the baby sucks it only for 20 minutes after eating or to fall asleep faster.
- Frequent runny nose and nasal congestion. Be sure to do everything possible to remove it with nasal congestion. If everything is left to chance, then a child who cannot breathe through the nose switches to mouth breathing, at which time the facial muscles do not work properly, the bones of the skull are deformed, and as a result, an abnormal bite appears in a child a year or a little later.

If you do not take any measures and do not monitor the development of the baby's jaw, then the consequencesmalocclusion can be much more serious.
What can bite pathology lead to
Incorrect bite in a child (the photo below indicates this) can lead not only to an aesthetic change, but also to the following consequences:
- Facial features can change drastically.
- Chewing problems will start.
- Permanent headaches will appear.
- Teeth will be uneven.
- Digestion disorders.
- Early tooth loss.
- Teeth decay.

In order to prevent such serious consequences, urgent treatment must be started. How to correct malocclusion in children? When should parents sound the alarm and when is the best time to start therapy?
When should parents worry about their child's malocclusion?
From birth, parents should monitor the development of the baby's jaw, observe how the first teeth erupt, whether they grow correctly. Anomalies of the bite will be noticeable visually if you look closely: the teeth do not grow as they should, some will be crooked, or the jaw may simply protrude slightly forward. In this case, parents should not put off going to a specialist.
Also, the signal may be the incorrect pronunciation of sounds by the child or the baby sucks his thumb for a long time. An annual dental consultation will not hurt and will allow you to control the development of the bite.
But when is it better to start treatment if an anomaly is detected? At what age will therapy give good results?results?
When is the best time to treat an overbite in a child?
It is impossible to answer exactly the question of when to start therapy for malocclusion. The opinions of doctors differ greatly: some believe that treatment will give a good result only if it is started as late as possible, and there are those who believe that treatment should begin as early as possible. But many doctors agree that if a child has a malocclusion, 5 years is the best time to start therapy.

It is at this age that it is possible to correctly direct the growth of not only teeth, but also the jaw. It is possible to change the width of the sky, the shape of the jaw bones and much more. At an older age, you can correct the shape of the teeth, but now it will not be possible to set the jaw correctly, the bones become coarser.
Symptomatic of abnormal bite
A malocclusion can be manifested by the following symptoms:
- Teeth protruding slightly forward or back.
- Mixed jaw position can be seen when closing teeth.
- Teeth severely crooked.
- There are gaps between the teeth.
- Rows of teeth are uneven.
The final diagnosis can only be made by an orthodontist, if a visual examination is not enough for him, he can prescribe an X-ray of the jaw or make a cast of teeth to determine exactly what type of anomaly. But is it possible to correct a child's malocclusion? Lower jaw forward - is it curable?
Correction methodsbiting
Today, orthodontists use five main methods to correct malocclusion in children. Each of them gives excellent therapy results:
- Myotherapy is a special set of exercises. It gives good results only during temporary bite. The whole complex is aimed at restoring the normal tone of all the muscles of the oral cavity. In turn, this leads to optimal jaw growth, and in the future - to the correct teething.
- Using orthodontic appliances. It is possible to correct the malocclusion in a child, if he is 2 years old or more, with the help of special devices. They help forcefully move the teeth until they are in the correct position. If the baby is under 6 years old, then plates, trainers or mouthguards are used. But if the child is already over 10 years old, then all these devices will not help.
- Complex treatment. This method of therapy combines devices and manipulations of surgeons. It is allowed to be used from the age of 6.
- Surgery.
- Orthopedic bite correction.

Varieties of structures for correcting bite in children
It is possible to fix the wrong bite in a child with the help of special devices. Each of them gives its own results in therapy, and which one is suitable for a particular baby, the doctor selects.
- Plates. These are removable structures that are often used to correct an overbite. The doctor places a plate in the mouthchild, using special springs, loops and wire arcs. With the help of such a device, you can expand the jaw, move the teeth, prevent their twisting and save the baby from bad habits. If a child has a malocclusion, 1 year, and sometimes more, will be required to cope with the pathology.
- Orthodontic trainers. The difference between these devices and braces is that they can be used to correct bite even in young children. The effect of treatment with these devices is faster and more comfortable for the child. Trainers are made of silicone, and you need to wear them for about an hour, day and night, while sleeping.
- Mouthguards. With their help, you can quickly correct the wrong bite in children. The treatment is very convenient, since the device can be removed at any time, the child does not feel any discomfort and at the same time it is almost imperceptible on the teeth.
- Brackets. This is a non-removable design, it is not removed during the entire treatment. It consists of arches that are attached with locks, and those are already glued to the teeth. Each of the locks is responsible for the position of a particular tooth. Due to the tension of the arches, the dentition is aligned. It is these devices that are most often used to treat all types of bite anomalies. There are several types of braces: metal, plastic, sapphire and lingual. Which is better to choose in a particular case, the doctor decides.
Therapy & Care Methods
Parents of a child with malocclusion need to know that treatment can bring its own unpleasant moments. At the beginning of therapythe baby may experience pain, irritation, rubbing of the gums and cheeks. But after a couple of weeks, all symptoms should pass. You should not follow the child's lead when he whimpers that he is uncomfortable, the effect of the treatment will be better if you follow all the doctor's recommendations.
After a corrective device is placed in the child's mouth, it must be carefully looked after. To do this, recommend a special toothpaste and dental floss.
Removable devices need to be cleaned well. It is also necessary to visit the doctor regularly to make adjustments and correct the design.
But preventive measures can be taken to prevent misaligned bites.
As soon as a child's teeth erupt, you need to visit the doctor regularly. At this age, preventive measures can be taken to protect the child from malocclusion:
- Using myotherapy.
- You can prevent malocclusion at an early age by grinding off the incisal edges and cusps.
- Massage of the oral cavity can also help, but a specialist should show how to do it correctly.

Everyone knows that the disease is easier to prevent than to treat later, therefore, in order to prevent malocclusion in a child, you need to visit the orthodontist at least once a year, and if you notice changes between visits, then earlier.