Molluscum contagiosum in children is often required. According to doctors, the disease worries a fairly large percentage of children, and the healing process is often delayed for a long time. An important point is the unpleasant sensations associated with the course of the disease and all known approaches to its elimination. Usually therapy is long, requires considerable effort, and the result is far from always satisfactory. Certain difficulties are associated with the problems of making an accurate diagnosis - often, instead of molluscum contagiosum, doctors prescribe treatment for HPV or other diseases with similar appearances.
Where did the trouble come from?
Molluscum contagiosum can appear in both a child and an adult. According to statistics, children are more susceptible to it, although the virus is quite common among all age groups. Treatment of molluscum contagiosum in children is often necessary against the background of contact with a carrier of a dangerous virus - the molluscum is extremely contagious. If the immune system is weakened,the probability of infection is exceptionally high.

Molluscum contagiosum treatment is more often needed for children suffering from atopic dermatitis. A distinctive feature of such babies is too dry skin that does not have sufficient protection by nature. Molluscum contagiosum is more common in areas where the climate is hot. There is a higher risk of getting sick in a child from a dysfunctional family, a person living in poor conditions, forced to coexist with numerous cohabitants.
Features of the disease
When selecting the treatment of molluscum contagiosum for children, adults, it must be taken into account that the pathogen prefers a humid environment. Reproduction processes are actively taking place in water. Mollusk can infect humans. The area of localization is the skin. From the moment of contact with the carrier of the disease to the onset of the first symptoms, it usually takes from a couple of weeks to a couple of months. Most often, infection occurs through contact. Often in children's institutions, the disease proceeds as an epidemic. During the treatment of molluscum contagiosum in children, according to reviews, it is not necessary to isolate the patient. Doctors recommend to be especially careful about hygienic measures, to maintain the immune status. If the child is he althy, and the immune system is strong, even when in contact with a carrier of the disease, there is a chance not to get sick.
As is known from medical statistics, most often infection occurs when children play together in the sandbox. However, this option is far from the only one. You can get shellfish by going to a public pool oranother reservoir, using household items, toys of the patient, accessories for hygiene measures. The mollusk is transmitted through bedding. There are many cases when the parents were the carriers of the virus, but the manifestation of the disease was noticed only in the child, since the baby's immune system was weaker than in adults.
Senior and junior
Treatment of molluscum contagiosum in children is usually necessary due to contact with the things of an infected person. Children get sick when visiting public institutions. But for adults, the most common route of transmission is intimate contact. This affects localization: as a rule, the mollusk is found near the reproductive organs. Possible damage to the hips, abdomen in the lower part.
It happens that treatment of molluscum contagiosum in children is required due to the manifestation of the disease near the organs of the reproductive system, but much more often the localization area is unpredictable. There are many cases of manifestation of the disease on the face or body, neck and limbs. Possible damage to the eyes, buttocks. More often, the mollusk develops on open areas of the skin. Spotting a rash in most cases is easy, which means you can recognize in time that it's time to see a doctor.

Molluscum contagiosum in children manifests itself as hemispherical formations. These may be single, or several may appear at once. Visually, they are similar to warts, pimples. A distinctive feature - the top seems to beflattened. To the touch, the formations are dense. The mollusk has a round shape. The skin tone does not change - the formations are painted in the same color as the surrounding tissues. In rare cases, the area of localization of the virus seems to be covered with wax, acquires a pinkish tint. Perhaps a visual resemblance to mother-of-pearl.
If molluscum contagiosum is removed from a child or adult, whitish filling of the area can be seen. Outwardly, it is similar to cottage cheese. This substance is extremely infectious. If you carelessly open the formation at home, you can easily spread the virus. The risk of such a development of events is relatively low, since molluscum contagiosum does not provoke burning, itching, scabies, discomfort, soreness, but in some cases mild itching is possible. If you comb the area, the discomfort will become stronger. There is a risk of infectious processes, inflammation of the skin.
If you examine the portfolio of specialized clinics for photos of molluscum contagiosum in children, you will notice that the formations caused by the virus can be crusted with a yellowish tint. If the disease develops according to this scenario, the use of antibacterial drugs will be required to eliminate the secondary focus of infection.
Progress of disease
If you do not start treating a molluscum contagiosum in a child on time on the face or body, the disease develops over time, the extent of the lesion increases. If at first the molluscs are usually single or their number is relatively small, it soon spreads throughout the body, the number of formations increases significantly. nodules onparameters can vary greatly. Some are the size of a small grain, others can be as large as a pea.
The development of the disease can lead to the fusion of individual elements. In this case, large lesions are formed.
In the presence of such symptoms, the patient should visit a dermatologist. A qualified doctor will make an initial diagnosis after a preliminary examination. To confirm it, if in doubt, samples of organic tissues are taken.

Is it time to see a doctor?
As can be seen from numerous reviews, treatment of molluscum contagiosum in children is more often necessary in those families where parents are not too responsible and diligently instill a culture of hygiene in babies. Compliance with the rules of personal safety, he alth care, increasing the immune status - all this helps to prevent shellfish infection.
As soon as the parents noticed an abnormal formation on the body of the child, rashes, questionable areas that look sick, the first measure is not at all a search on the World Wide Web for photos of molluscum contagiosum in children, the causes of this disease and methods of its treatment. The first thing to do in such a situation is to seek help from a doctor. If there is a pimple on the body that does not disappear for a long time, it is important to show the child to a specialist.
Ignoring the primary manifestation leads to the development of the disease, the aggravation of the condition. The longer the case is delayed, the longer and more difficult the treatment will be. In the presence of a few rasheseliminating the mollusk is relatively easy, but with progress, the treatment becomes painful and expensive.
What to do?
The main method of treatment of molluscum contagiosum in children is the removal of formations. After confirming the diagnosis, it is this procedure that will be recommended to be completed as soon as possible. To increase the effectiveness of the course, topical drugs are prescribed, drugs to support the immune system. Medicines have proven themselves well in the treatment of molluscum contagiosum:
- "Aciclovir";
- Oxolin;
- Panavir;
- "Viferon";
- "Cimetidine".

Often use iodine and chlorhexidine, tinctures made on celandine, immunomodulators. In some cases, the doctor recommends paying attention to the Retin-A and Aldar ointments. Of the means to increase the activity of immunity, "Isoprinosine" and "Cycloferon" are considered especially reliable.
Only drug treatment of molluscum contagiosum in children (a photo of the drugs applicable within the framework of such a course can be seen in the material) will not show a pronounced result. Official medicine draws attention: the only way of treatment is removal, accompanied by the use of drugs.
How to delete?
Doctors explaining how to treat molluscum contagiosum in children may recommend curettage. Of all the methods and ways of removing diseased tissues from the body, this one is the simplest and most accessible. The work uses a curette, with which you can scrapeformation content. Then the area is treated with special means to prevent the spread of infection to he althy areas of the body. Most often, ordinary iodine is used.
There are more effective and modern methods. Possible treatment options for molluscum contagiosum in children (the photo in the material gives some idea of the devices used) are nitrogen, radio wave surgery, laser intervention and electrocoagulation. The younger the child, the more likely the doctor will recommend using curettage as the most traditional approach.

Nuances of treatment
Molluscum contagiosum in a child on the eyelid, on the limbs, trunk - in a word, in any part of the body - can appear in numerous formations. If there is more than one, all must be deleted. Children tolerate the procedure more easily when there are few formations, so it is wise to consult a doctor when you can see the first manifestations of a shellfish infection. With large lesions, removal will likely require anesthesia.
Statistics show that most often the victims of molluscum contagiosum are children under one year of age. Surgical intervention in this period is associated with certain risks, dangers, and is not easy for children. There is a possibility of scar formation. Rash marks can last for years, sometimes for life.
It must be taken into account that removal is not a guarantee of an absolute instant cure. It was indicated above that the cause of molluscum contagiosum in children is contactwith a carrier, and there are a lot of those around. A relapse of the disease is possible at any time.
Many parents whose offspring is diagnosed with molluscum contagiosum prefer to seek help first from homeopaths, and only as a last resort - to a surgeon. The homeopathic approach is based on the idea that any disease comes from outside, which means that it can be expelled in the opposite direction. Homeopaths believe that the removal of the mollusk is not only not a cure, but an opposition to the natural process of human healing. Such an approach, according to a number of experts, can damage the internal organs, and the kidneys are the first to suffer.
Should I trust homeopaths to treat shellfish? Reviews about this course of therapy are very different. Some report that homeopathy did not help at all, while others assure that the illness in children passed quickly, the treatment was easy, and there were a minimum of unpleasant impressions. When choosing a doctor for cooperation, it is necessary to work only with professionals in their field. You should not expect that a homeopath will cure an infection in just one or two procedures. Probably, the therapeutic course will stretch for a long time.
How to help yourself?
Treatment of molluscum contagiosum in children at home is a topic that has long been of interest to people of all ages. Is it possible to help a child without going to the clinic? For a long time, people have been trying to invent methods to get rid of the virus. Some remedies are considered relatively effective, they are used by many, despite the calls of doctors not to practice self-medication and turn toprofessionals until the condition worsens.
Some admit that the use of home remedies was useless and even hurt, but others say that certain recipes came up and helped, they managed to recover from a viral illness. Studying healers' books, special newspapers and collections of recipes, you should not expect that all the options listed in them will help in a particular case. There is a possibility that even what turned out to be useful acquaintances will not show the desired effect - folk recipes are exclusively individual.
Perhaps, most often at home they try to cure a mollusk with the help of garlic juice. The liquid is squeezed out of the fresh product and the diseased areas of the skin are treated with it. It is necessary to use such a herbal remedy daily until complete recovery.

What else to try?
It is believed that you can expel the mollusk by resorting to celandine. In almost any modern pharmacy, you can buy an alcohol tincture made from the extract of this plant. True, inaccurate use of the drug can easily provoke a burn. As the healers say, the risks of getting burned are less if you use the natural juice of the plant. The celandine is plucked, the diseased parts of the body are smeared with secretions from the stem. It is advisable to repeat the treatment of the covers as often as possible.
Cauterization of molluscum contagiosum with iodine, brilliant green is another widely used method of treatment. The likelihood of getting burned is higher if you use iodine, but the solutionbrilliant green is considered a safer product. The medication treats areas of the skin with rashes once daily.
Potassium permanganate can be used in a similar way. You can buy a ready-made liquid at a pharmacy or purchase a powder that is bred at home. In the second option, before directly applying to the skin, the product must be filtered - large particles can burn the delicate skin of the child.
Safe and inexpensive
If a molluscum contagiosum is detected, you can get rid of it at home by applying a decoction of a string. This simple folk remedy is intended for lotions. Compresses are applied daily several times. When the formations open, the areas should be treated with iodine until complete healing.
Some healers advise treating rashes with bloody maternal secretions obtained during the menstrual cycle. Liquid lubricates damaged skin. It is believed that this method allows you to get rid of the mollusk in just a few days.

Whatever method of treatment is chosen, it must be taken into account that the development of a pathological microorganism proceeds faster in a humid environment, which means that water procedures will have to be excluded for the period of an active therapeutic course. It is allowed, of course, to wash the patient, but this should be done quickly and as rarely as possible, locally treating those parts of the body that need it the most. Healers recommend washing only the reproductive organs, the head. Howthe shorter the duration and area will be the contact of the liquid and the skin, the lower the risk of activation of molluscum contagiosum.
Need to know
It is believed that molluscum contagiosum does not lead to serious consequences if the integrity of the skin is not damaged. But combing diseased areas is a direct path to the appearance of an infectious focus, which will not be easy to get rid of.
No specific studies have been conducted to prove the effectiveness of surgery or immune-boosting drugs for molluscum contagiosum. It is known that natural immunity can be obtained, but the process of its formation is extremely slow, taking many years.
If the disease is not treated at all, over time it may disappear on its own. In this case, there will be no scars or other unaesthetic marks. Some doctors advise with molluscum contagiosum to choose just such a line of behavior - just wait until the problem exhausts itself. It usually takes one and a half to two years.
In many developed countries, molluscum contagiosum is not considered a disease, which means there is no cure. Removal is recommended if the child is immunocompromised.
Curious and useful information
Molluscum contagiosum occurs when infected with a specific virus from the filter category. By its nature, it is close to the causative agent of smallpox. Most often, outbreaks of the disease are observed in children's educational institutions for preschool children.
Molluscum contagiosum mainly treatmentbegin to get rid of unaesthetic formations. More often, the help of doctors and folk remedies is resorted to when formations form on the face. By itself, the body can defeat the virus in about 6 months if the person is he althy.

Laser treatment
This procedure is resorted to if the patient was previously examined by an oncologist. There is a risk that the molluscum contagiosum is complicated by a malignant neoplasm. In this case, laser intervention can lead to serious consequences, activation of tumor growth.
Laser removal is carried out in a clinic that has special equipment for this. Anesthesia is required if the patient's pain threshold is above average. The laser is able to penetrate the body to a depth of up to half a centimeter, and its action is clearly directed. Diseased cells are heated, due to which the excess evaporates, and the microorganism that provoked the disease dies.