Dentistry 2024, October

How long can I eat after installing a light filling?

How long can I eat after installing a light filling?

Almost every person has at least one filling. They are used to protect the tooth from decay. After all, if there is a hole in it, then pieces of food will accumulate there, leading to decay. And this is the reason for its destruction, which is desirable to avoid. For this, a light seal is often installed. How long can you eat after that? The answer to this question is presented in the article

Preventive dentistry to prevent diseases of teeth and gums

Preventive dentistry to prevent diseases of teeth and gums

Having beautiful and he althy teeth, gums are very important. The he alth of the whole organism depends on their condition. To carry out a system of measures to prevent diseases of the teeth and gums, there is preventive dentistry

Children's braces: types, installation, photos

Children's braces: types, installation, photos

According to statistics, about 40% of adolescents and 30% of children have various jaw anomalies. Such problems in most cases lead to poor he alth in the future

Adhesive prosthesis: technique, installation steps, reviews

Adhesive prosthesis: technique, installation steps, reviews

In the life of every person there comes a moment when he begins to lose teeth. This may be the result of an injury in a car accident or playing sports, but most often the tooth is removed as a result of its long illness and complete destruction

Dentistry "Consilium" in Yaroslavl: address, services, patient reviews

Dentistry "Consilium" in Yaroslavl: address, services, patient reviews

In Yaroslavl, a huge number of dental clinics and private offices. And this is not surprising, because a rare patient decides to treat his teeth in a municipal clinic. Dentistry "Consilium" in Yaroslavl is one of the most popular in the city. It was established in 1987 and has long won the respect of Yaroslavl residents

"President": toothpaste for children and adults. Feedback from buyers and dentists

"President": toothpaste for children and adults. Feedback from buyers and dentists

It's hard to find a really good oral care product these days. Many unscrupulous manufacturers add substances harmful to he alth to toothpastes. But there are also good effective means for brushing your teeth. And those who care about their he alth should pay attention to the products of the President brand. Toothpaste, rinses, brushes and other oral care products produced under this brand meet all the requirements of dentists

The initial stage of caries: causes, symptoms, prescribed treatment, recovery period and dentist advice

The initial stage of caries: causes, symptoms, prescribed treatment, recovery period and dentist advice

There is hardly a person who would not dream of having a snow-white smile and he althy teeth. How to achieve the desired result? To do this, you will need to regularly visit the dental office for the timely detection of diseases, the most common of which is caries

Irrigator Waterpik WP 70: models, specifications, rules of use and reviews of dentists

Irrigator Waterpik WP 70: models, specifications, rules of use and reviews of dentists

Many people today focus on oral hygiene. The environmental situation and water quality are low and contribute to the destruction of tooth enamel. You can remove harmful microbes and keep your mouth clean with the Waterpik WP 70 irrigator

Oral B electric brush: customer reviews

Oral B electric brush: customer reviews

According to reviews, the Oral B electric toothbrush is much better at cleaning teeth than others. This is due to the fact that the manufacturer offers a lot of nozzles. And the multifunctional brush head rotates in different directions, completely eliminating plaque after eating. The device is distinguished by uniform pressing, respectively, the probability of enamel destruction and gum injury is excluded

Irrigator AquaPulsar OS-1: description, characteristics, quality of brushing teeth and removable nozzles

Irrigator AquaPulsar OS-1: description, characteristics, quality of brushing teeth and removable nozzles

Irrigator AquaPulsar OS-1 is intended for comprehensive care of teeth and gums, as well as for the entire oral cavity. Its action is based on the supply of a jet of liquid under pressure, with which you can gently, without damaging the enamel and soft tissues, clean all hard-to-reach places, including the side walls and cervical areas of the teeth, which cannot be reached with a toothbrush

3D White Crest, whitening strips: reviews

3D White Crest, whitening strips: reviews

Special whitening strips can be used to whiten teeth. Consider their pros and cons, as well as reviews of those who used such tools. In addition, the article will be useful to those who are interested in learning more about the product line

"Rudenta": patient reviews, qualifications of specialists, review of services

"Rudenta": patient reviews, qualifications of specialists, review of services

RuDent's clinic has been working for many years on the principle of "quality in everything and always." It is precisely these beliefs of the hospital staff and the management of the medical institution that brought the clinic credibility and recognition of patients. What do employees say about this medical facility? Reviews about RuDent are of interest to many

Why does my mouth smell after a tooth extraction?

Why does my mouth smell after a tooth extraction?

Such a symptom causes inconvenience to other people. If, in addition, halitosis is accompanied by weakness and painful sensations, then the condition can affect the quality of human life. These signs are a signal of the development of complications after surgery, which require emergency care at home and a subsequent return visit to the doctor

Milk teeth in adults - why don't they fall out and what to do about it?

Milk teeth in adults - why don't they fall out and what to do about it?

Milk teeth are a sign of childhood, but there are cases when one or more of these teeth are also found in an adult. Absolutely everyone is faced with a situation where teeth begin to fall out, this is a completely normal phenomenon. However, sometimes they do not undergo replacement and remain with a person even in adulthood

Physiotherapy in dentistry: types, indications and contraindications

Physiotherapy in dentistry: types, indications and contraindications

Physiotherapy in dentistry is a procedure using currents of various frequencies, UHF, light and other influences used for treatment. It is often used to combat inflammation and gum disease, as well as to recover patients after surgery

Aphthous ulcer: photo, causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Aphthous ulcer: photo, causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Aphthous ulcer is also known as stomatitis. These are painful, healing wounds that can appear anywhere in the mouth. They appear one at a time or in groups. Although they are not considered a serious disease, they are nevertheless capable of causing considerable inconvenience

Resorcinol-formalin method of dental treatment: stages, disadvantages, consequences

Resorcinol-formalin method of dental treatment: stages, disadvantages, consequences

What is the resorcinol-formalin method of canal filling. Stages of dental treatment. What is the danger of this method for he alth. Irreversible consequences for the body after dental treatment with the resorcinol-formalin method

Which painkiller is better for toothache: a review of drugs, features of use

Which painkiller is better for toothache: a review of drugs, features of use

Toothache causes a huge amount of trouble: it does not allow you to fall asleep and interferes with a full meal, spoils your mood and can often be accompanied by other unpleasant manifestations. Often the pain syndrome is accompanied by a general deterioration in well-being. The only solution is to see a doctor as soon as possible to treat or remove the diseased tooth. But if you can’t visit the dentist soon, you can take painkillers

How to relieve pain with toothache: a review of drugs, folk remedies, reviews

How to relieve pain with toothache: a review of drugs, folk remedies, reviews

About how and how to quickly relieve a toothache without pills or with them, sooner or later many people think. Everyone has teeth, and they hurt quite often. Some face this many times in their lives, others have to endure suffering only once or twice. But to find a person who has never had a toothache at all in his life is very difficult. For a long time, options for helping the sufferer have been known

How to ease teething in a child: effective methods, special preparations and folk remedies

How to ease teething in a child: effective methods, special preparations and folk remedies

The question of how to ease teething in a child worries every parent. Sooner or later, the crumbs begin this painful and rather long process, when neither he nor his parents have sleep and rest. In total, teething can take up to three years. All this time they will cause pain and discomfort to the baby. In this article, we will talk about effective methods of pain relief, special preparations and even folk remedies

Sodium lauryl sulfate in toothpaste: what is it and why is it harmful

Sodium lauryl sulfate in toothpaste: what is it and why is it harmful

To keep your teeth he althy, you need to take good care of them. Of the various types of care products, paste is in demand. It provides fresh breath, cleans teeth from food debris. Often there is sodium lauryl sulfate in toothpaste. What is it for and what composition is safer, you can find out from the article

Fissure sealing: purpose, features, reviews and results

Fissure sealing: purpose, features, reviews and results

Fissure sealing in adults is performed when there is a high probability of fissure caries. How is it carried out? Sealing fissures in adult patients, since their enamel is already fully formed, resembles the process of treating a carious tooth - opening, cleaning and processing

"Rotokan" for stomatitis: indications, composition of the drug and instructions for use

"Rotokan" for stomatitis: indications, composition of the drug and instructions for use

Stomatitis is one of the most unpleasant forms of inflammation of the oral mucosa. This disease is characterized by the appearance of ulcers on the inside of the lips, palate and cheeks. It brings a lot of unpleasant and painful sensations, interferes with drinking and eating, being in society, and in some cases even provokes high body temperature and swollen lymph nodes

How to remove swelling from the gums: tips

How to remove swelling from the gums: tips

Gum inflammation can occur in anyone. This disease is fraught with many unpleasant consequences and threatens to lose teeth. A specific smell in the oral cavity, pain and bleeding of the gums - all these symptoms characterize the onset of the inflammatory process. How to remove inflammation from the gums? And what are the reasons for this process?

Best orthodontist in Chelyabinsk: list

Best orthodontist in Chelyabinsk: list

How to choose the right orthodontist in Chelyabinsk? Of course, it is necessary to choose a specialist who will have the future beauty of a smile and the correct bite in his hands, otherwise the disappointment may be too great. Reviews, professional experience and, of course, the list of the best orthodontists in Chelyabinsk, presented below, will help you not to make a mistake

Tooth perforation: causes, treatment, possible complications

Tooth perforation: causes, treatment, possible complications

In dental practice, treatment technologies are always improving. However, this does not protect patients from complications. One of these is tooth perforation. Pathology occurs in only 9% of cases, but requires timely elimination. Otherwise, the likelihood of not only tooth loss increases, but also the appearance of more serious he alth problems

Because of what caries appears: causes, treatment, prevention

Because of what caries appears: causes, treatment, prevention

What causes caries? This question worries each of us, one has only to feel a slight toothache. This pathology does not appear on its own and there are reasons for this. Tellingly, it can be quite difficult to detect the disease at an early stage. In addition, if you ignore the treatment, then in the end it can lead to serious complications

What is periodontitis? Classification and treatment

What is periodontitis? Classification and treatment

Periodontitis has two forms of the course of the disease and several types that differ in their manifestations and consequences. It is important to diagnose it in time and correctly, because the symptoms are similar to other dental diseases, and the consequences of improper treatment can lead to tooth loss

Removable dentures: reviews, types, selection options, getting used to

Removable dentures: reviews, types, selection options, getting used to

Few people manage to keep their own teeth until very old age. The first losses can happen very early, and measures will have to be taken immediately, since a radiant smile is not only beauty, but also he alth. The correct bite, along with the full functioning of the dentoalveolar system, is directly related to the use of food, and therefore to the functioning of the digestive system

Astra Tech implants: reviews, manufacturer, warranties, advantages and disadvantages

Astra Tech implants: reviews, manufacturer, warranties, advantages and disadvantages

In the life of a modern person who wants to become successful, one of the key factors of an attractive appearance is a neat and beautiful dentition, which is not ashamed to show in a conversation or in a charming smile. And in fact, who will believe in the success of a person if he has rotten teeth or even gaps in his mouth due to their absence? With the high development of dental technology, it became possible to install not only beautiful, but also very durable Astra Tech implants

Telescopic prostheses - description, service life, benefits and reviews

Telescopic prostheses - description, service life, benefits and reviews

What are the advantages and disadvantages of telescopic prostheses? Everything you need to know about removable crowns with a telescopic fixation system: advantages, features, cons, indications for use, as well as patient reviews

Why does the gum hurt? What to do and how to treat?

Why does the gum hurt? What to do and how to treat?

Pathologies of the mucous membrane of the alveolar process of the jaw, which can cause severe pain in the gums. Prevention of diseases of the oral cavity. Drug treatment at home and effective folk methods that are used if the gum hurts a lot

Installation of braces - reviews, features, recommendations and types

Installation of braces - reviews, features, recommendations and types

A beautiful smile helps not only to enjoy positive moments, but also to gain self-confidence. Unfortunately, not everyone from birth can boast of perfectly even teeth and a correct bite. In order not to be ashamed of your smile, the situation with crooked teeth should be corrected as quickly as possible. And braces are the main assistant in the fight for a smile

Inflammation of the gums: treatment with folk remedies instead of going to the dentist

Inflammation of the gums: treatment with folk remedies instead of going to the dentist

Gum inflammation is a nuisance that can cause serious consequences. The disease is accompanied by the development of a stable pain syndrome, bleeding of local tissues, the appearance of aesthetic discomfort

Odontogenic sepsis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Odontogenic sepsis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Odontogenic sepsis is a type of blood poisoning that occurs due to all kinds of pathogenic microorganisms entering the blood vessels, including fungi, bacteria, viruses. When this disease occurs, not individual, but almost all vital organs of a person are affected. This is where its main danger lies. As a result, the general well-being of the patient, his condition, as well as the quality of life significantly worsen

After tooth extraction, a bone sticks out of the gum - causes and methods for eliminating the defect

After tooth extraction, a bone sticks out of the gum - causes and methods for eliminating the defect

Sometimes it happens that after the extraction of a tooth, a person discovers that a small piece of bone remains in the gum. In most cases, it does not pose any he alth hazard, this fragment does not allow the gum to fully grow or scratches neighboring tissues. In this case, it is necessary to contact the dentist as soon as possible to eliminate the pathological condition

Local anesthesia in dentistry. Mistakes of local anesthesia in dentistry

Local anesthesia in dentistry. Mistakes of local anesthesia in dentistry

Local anesthesia in dentistry occupies a special place, since the conditions for this procedure determine how the tooth will be treated. Mistakes in local anesthesia in dentistry are fraught with the occurrence of various undesirable allergic reactions and complications in the patient. What are the mistakes in anesthesia? Why do they arise?

Odontogenic osteomyelitis: description with photo, causes, treatment and prevention

Odontogenic osteomyelitis: description with photo, causes, treatment and prevention

The etiology of odontogenic osteomyelitis can be different. Doctors say that in almost 90 percent of cases, pathology develops due to the penetration of harmful bacteria into bone tissue along with blood. In some cases, the cause of the problem lies in pathogenic fungi

Gum disease periodontal disease: causes, symptoms, treatment methods

Gum disease periodontal disease: causes, symptoms, treatment methods

Stages, symptoms and causes of deep damage to the periodontal tissue. The dangers of gum disease periodontal disease for he alth. Pathology treatment methods: drug therapy, dental procedures and traditional medicine recipes. Prevention of periodontal disease, strengthening gums and tooth enamel at home

Classification of filling material by composition and purpose

Classification of filling material by composition and purpose

Today, the classification of filling material is quite diverse and includes a wide variety of options. Some of them serve as a temporary measure, others are put on a permanent basis. And with all this, each type of filling has not only obvious advantages, but also some disadvantages. What can modern dentistry offer us?