Hypofunction and hyperfunction of the pancreas are very serious diseases that, if left untreated, can even lead to death. The occurrence of such a disease is associated with dysfunction of the nervous system and hypoglycemia (decrease to the minimum level of glucose in the body). To combat this disease, it is necessary to administer intravenous glucose, which is able to normalize the patient's condition and block the symptoms of the disease.

Hypofunction can lead to the development of diabetes. In this case, the patient needs to inject insulin to maintain the normal functioning of the organ. Timely treatment of hypo- and hyperfunction of the pancreas will help to cope with the disease and increase the chances offaster recovery.
Causes of hypofunction
The endocrine part of the pancreas is able to form a special cell group, which is commonly called the islets of Langerhans. The accumulation of endocrine cells that produce hormones are localized in the tail of the gland. Thanks to this group of cells, the pancreas can produce three types of hormone:
- glucagon – increases blood glucose levels;
- insulin - regulates glucose levels;
- lipocaine - regulates fat metabolism in the liver.
The defeat of the islets of Langerhans can lead to hypofunction of the pancreas. The nature of this lesion can vary.
Hypofunction symptoms
It is worth remembering that the symptoms of this disease are exclusively individual in nature and may vary depending on the patient's condition. Reduced pancreatic function is manifested by the following main symptoms:

- constant feeling of thirst, dehydration;
- feeling of dryness and discomfort in the mouth;
- frequent urination (polyuria);
- fast and drastic weight loss;
- feeling sick, vomiting;
- painful sensations localized in the abdomen;
- fatigue and weakness;
- clouding of consciousness.
Such symptoms can lead to a diabetic coma. If you notice the presence of the above symptoms and a deterioration in your general condition, then immediately seek help fromspecialist.
It is worth paying attention to the fact that a high level of glucose in the blood can lead to the destruction of some tissues and blood vessels. Sometimes these processes can lead to gangrene, blindness, cardiovascular disorders and strokes. In order to prevent such manifestations of the disease, it is necessary to monitor your well-being and go to medical examinations more often.

Hypofunction treatment
A urinalysis showing blood glucose levels will help track the functioning of the pancreas. After passing the analysis, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment. The doctor prescribes intravenous injection of artificial insulin to maintain normal blood glucose levels.
Causes of overactive pancreas
Identification of the underlying cause of hyperfunction of the gland is very important for subsequent treatment. Hyperfunction may occur due to a decrease in blood glucose levels. In response to this phenomenon, the body begins to dramatically increase the production of insulin, which in the end it is not able to neutralize.
Pancreatic hyperfunction is distributed by gender, because this disease is much more common in women than in men. The reason for this phenomenon is the differentiation of the endocrine system, as well as the special distinctive characteristics of the woman's body (the disease can progress with a shorter time interval, but on a large scale).
It is known that hypoglycemia is a consequence of hyperfunctionpancreas.

In order to track the first symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to pay special attention to:
- diet;
- general body condition;
- blood glucose.
How does overactive pancreas manifest itself?
Hyper function symptoms
The symptoms of this disease are not pronounced. It is because of this that it is difficult for patients to notice any changes in the daily rhythm of life, and even more so to consult a doctor. The initial signs of an increase in glucose levels are more like ordinary fatigue and nervous experiences. With hyperfunction of the pancreas develop:
- general fatigue and weakness of the body;
- unjustified fatigue;
- drowsiness, loss of energy;
- state of apathy;
- cramps of legs and arms;
- fainting.

The sooner you respond correctly to the symptoms of hyperfunction of the pancreas, the faster, more effectively and efficiently the treatment will be. Lack of timely treatment of hyperfunction of the pancreas leads to irreparable consequences, up to stopping the body's vital functions.
The symptoms of this disease become more pronounced over time, the patient begins to experience great discomfort, as a result of which his usual mode of life is disturbed.
Tip: Appreciate and take care of yourhe alth, be sure to visit specialists for routine examinations, including a list of additional tests. This will greatly increase the chances of a speedy recovery.
Illnesses due to overactive pancreas can be very serious.
Disease diagnosis
Diagnosis of the disease is concluded in several stages, which allows the doctor at each of them to obtain extensive information about the state of a particular organ and the organism as a whole. Diagnosis of the disease is:
- measuring glucose levels;
- determining the level of insulin;
- determining the level of proinsulin;
- functional test, which is taken after a daily fast;
- carrying out computed tomography of specific areas of the patient's body.
How to cure hyperfunction of the pancreas?

Acute attacks of the disease are usually neutralized by the introduction of glucose intravenously. The patient has the right to refuse this method and start taking any sources of glucose during a sharp deterioration in the condition. Hyperfunction of the pancreas may be accompanied by the appearance of tumors in this organ. In such a situation, the treatment of the disease consists in surgical intervention and removal of the tumor.
Sometimes, due to the individual characteristics of the patient, such surgery is strictly contraindicated. Then the patient needs to follow a special diet, take specialmedicines and strictly follow medical prescriptions.
But do not forget that such a conservative method of treatment is considered less effective, in contrast to the timely removal of the tumor.
In closing
Still think that it is very difficult to cure this disease? If such thoughts visit your head, then victory in the fight against pancreatic diseases is clearly not on your side yet. Or are you already thinking about surgery? This is not surprising, because the pancreas is a very important organ, the proper functioning of which is considered the key to good he alth and overall he alth. Take care of yourself and stay he althy!
Attention, this article is for informational purposes only. You should not self-medicate, because this approach is very dangerous, especially when it comes to diseases of the pancreas.