Osteoarthritis of the spine: types, symptoms and treatment

Osteoarthritis of the spine: types, symptoms and treatment
Osteoarthritis of the spine: types, symptoms and treatment

Osteoarthritis of the spine is a pathology expressed by the abrasion and thinning of the cartilage that lies between the vertebrae. This condition is usually observed in professional athletes, often and many times exposing their spine to loads, or in people over 60 years old, in whom this condition occurs against the background of natural aging of the body.

Causes of pathology

osteoarthritis of the cervical spine
osteoarthritis of the cervical spine

For the development of this kind of pathology, not one reason is required, but several at once. The destruction of the intervertebral cartilage occurs gradually, over many years, and several factors lead to this at once:

  1. First of all, it is a metabolic disorder.
  2. Daily stress that is not normal for a human.
  3. Physical damage to the vertebrae as a result of a fracture or dislocation.
  4. Overweight, obese.
  5. Work-related sedentary lifestyle.
  6. Osteoarthritis of the spinemay be a hereditary disease transmitted from parents at the gene level.
  7. Pathology can be triggered by diabetes or gout.
  8. In case of congenital or acquired injuries of the musculoskeletal system, the cartilages of the spine are subjected to a disproportionately large load, which leads to their abrasion.
  9. Pathology is possible with a weak muscular frame that supports the spine.
  10. Chronic liver disease can alter metabolism to the point where intervertebral cartilage begins to break down.
  11. Osteoarthritis of the spine often occurs against the background of inflammation caused by tuberculosis, gonorrhea or syphilis.

Whatever causes the development of the disease, self-diagnosis in this matter is impossible. A correct and complete examination can only be carried out by a qualified specialist.

Symptoms of disease

osteoarthritis of the spine symptoms
osteoarthritis of the spine symptoms

Osteoarthritis of the cervical spine or another part of it has characteristic features that are characteristic of any part of the spinal column:

  1. Severe pain syndrome that occurs at the site of the lesion - the neck, thoracic region, lower back, sacrum. At the initial stage of the disease, such sensations disappear after a warm-up. As the disease progresses, the pain becomes permanent.
  2. Over time, the joint deforms.
  3. The soft tissues around the affected joint swell.
  4. Osteoarthritis of the lumbar spine restricts movement.
  5. Progression of diseaseaffects the state of the central nervous system, since during an illness the arteries supplying the brain with blood, and therefore fresh oxygen, are significantly narrowed. This situation leads to frequent loss of consciousness, memory impairment and other dangerous conditions.
  6. Osteoarthritis of the thoracic spine is accompanied by pain when trying to take a deep breath.
  7. When moving or bending, a characteristic crunch is heard in the back.


spinal osteoarthritis
spinal osteoarthritis

Treatment of osteoarthritis of the spine depends on the type of pathology:

  • lumboarthrosis - lesion of the lumbar spine;
  • cervicoarthrosis - pathology of the cervical region;
  • dorsarthrosis - the lesion is localized in the thoracic region.

Cervicoarthrosis, in addition to pain characteristic of this pathology during movement, is manifested by neurological abnormalities. For example, the patient's vision may deteriorate, black dots appear before the eyes, frequent dizziness occurs with loss of consciousness. Hearing is also impaired, and an incessant ringing appears in the ears.

With lumboarthritis, pain affects not only the lower back and sacrum, it also affects the buttocks and thighs, sometimes depriving a person of moving completely. The cause of this disease is too much load on the lower back associated with professional activities or obesity, or, conversely, the extremely low mobility of a person. In the course of the disease, the legs up to the ankle lose sensation.

Dorsarthrosis is characterized by pain in the thoracic spine,and sometimes it is reflected in the anterior part of the sternum. An unknowing person decides that these are not symptoms of osteoarthritis of the spine, but signs of heart pathologies. The spasm occurs abruptly, with attacks, especially at the time of emotional experiences, which actually pushes the patient to an incorrect diagnosis of his condition and, accordingly, to inadequate self-treatment.

Diagnostic measures

treatment of osteoarthritis of the spine
treatment of osteoarthritis of the spine

Spine disease is diagnosed only by professionals using modern equipment. Self-diagnosis leads to incorrect and therefore dangerous treatment.

First of all, the doctor collects an anamnesis, during which he finds out the patient's lifestyle, occupation, diet and bad habits. All these aspects influence the development of diseases of the spine and, accordingly, should be taken into account when making a diagnosis.

Then the patient undergoes an external examination and is sent for an instrumental examination. The most common method for diagnosing diseases of the spine is radiography.

For a more accurate diagnosis and obtaining a visual picture of the pathology, computed tomography is performed. But this procedure allows you to reflect only one section of the spine. For a complete examination of the entire spinal column, magnetic resonance imaging is performed.

Drug treatment of osteoarthritis

Drug treatment is used in the initial stages of the disease in combination with other methods of therapy.

First of allThe patient is prescribed a drug that relieves pain and inflammation. This is achieved by using Diclofenac, Piroxicam, Baralgin, Analgin or Dicloberl.

diclofenac tablets
diclofenac tablets

To strengthen bone tissue and cartilage, the patient should take B vitamins and calcium. For the same purpose, he is assigned a chondroprotector: "Artrin" or "Chondroflex". The drugs are taken orally or intramuscularly.

Muscle relaxants may also be prescribed to relieve muscle spasm that causes pain.

Physiotherapy treatment of osteoarthritis

osteoarthritis of the joints of the spine
osteoarthritis of the joints of the spine

This type of therapy is a continuation and addition of drug treatment. It is used quite widely and has a positive effect on the entire spine as a whole. Although special treatment can be prescribed for osteoarthritis of the cervical spine, thoracic and lower. Physiotherapy consists of several procedures - massage, acupuncture, swimming, magnetotherapy, electrophoresis and laser therapy.


osteoarthritis of the lumbar spine
osteoarthritis of the lumbar spine

This type of therapy is used only in exceptional cases, when conservative treatment did not improve the patient's condition. Surgery is also used in case of a sharp deterioration in the situation. For example, when the spinal cord is compressed by the vertebrae or stenosis of the spinal canal occurs. These phenomena can cause failure of the lowerlimbs or some internal organs.

During the operation, the growth on the vertebra is removed or the affected intervertebral disc is replaced with an artificial implant.

The value of gymnastics and exercise therapy for osteoarthritis

osteoarthritis of the spine symptoms and treatment
osteoarthritis of the spine symptoms and treatment

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of exercise therapy and gymnastics in diseases of the spine. Daily exercises can return normal blood circulation to the soft tissues around the spine, and hence the flexibility of the entire spinal column. Pain from spasms disappears, the risk of pinched nerves is reduced. Reduces inflammation.

The main condition for physical therapy is the regularity of classes: at least 2 times a day for 15-20 minutes. You need to start only under the supervision of a physiotherapist, so that in the future all movements are done correctly. And in no case should you do gymnastics with pain in the spine. The effectiveness of exercise therapy increases if, along with it, the patient undergoes physiotherapy and takes prescribed medications.

Folk treatments

There are a number of traditional medicine recipes that can alleviate the suffering of the patient. But one must understand that this kind of therapy will be effective in the case of complex treatment, which includes a conservative approach, special physical education and diet.

Folk treatments involve the use of tinctures and homemade ointments. It is believed that if tincture of birch buds is rubbed into the spine, inflammation will disappear. And if you lubricate the back with an ointment with mustard and s alt, the pain will pass. When symptoms appearosteoarthritis of the spine treatment begins with eucalyptus ointment, it relieves pain well. And if you regularly massage the patient with rubbing olive oil mixed with lemon juice, then the therapeutic effect will be enhanced by 2 times. Be that as it may, before using any method of treatment with traditional medicine, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Disease prevention

Osteoarthritis of the joints of the spine is a disease associated with very unpleasant consequences. This is scoliosis, and fusion of the vertebrae with each other, and pinching of the nerve roots. Therefore, instead of treating this condition for years, you just need to follow preventive measures and thereby try to avoid its occurrence in principle.

First of all, you need to realize the importance of sport. You need to train regularly, at least once a day for 2 hours. And it doesn’t matter what kind of sport it will be, running, gymnastics or swimming. The main thing is regularity. This is especially important for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle associated with their professional activities.

You also need to follow a diet. Nothing complicated, you just need to exclude fried, fatty, spicy, preservatives, dyes and sweet pastries from your diet. Everything else can be eaten, only at the same time observe the measure. Ideally, you should eat 6-7 times a day, but in small portions.

Along with the diet, you need to follow the daily routine: go to bed and wake up at the same time. This measure will strengthen the nervous well-being of a person.

It is very important to get rid of bad habits: smoking and drinking alcohol. They aredestroy blood vessels and the immune system of the body, which leads to all kinds of diseases.

Conclusion and conclusions


Osteoarthritis is a dangerous disease that can immobilize a person. However, in the early stages, the pathology is successfully treated. For the timely detection of osteoarthritis and other diseases, you need to regularly check your he alth at the district clinic or at any medical institution.

And the most important thing for an adult is the need to accustom your child to all preventive measures from childhood. He needs to make a he althy lifestyle a pleasant habit for him.
