Small unpleasant cracks sometimes appear in the corners of the mouth - these are seizures. They make people feel uncomfortable. It hurts the patient to laugh, open his mouth, and in a neglected version, even eat food. It is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner if the disease causes inconvenience for a long time. After all, it can talk about a more serious illness. How to cure jams in the corners of the mouth quickly - read this article.
What are jams in the corners of the mouth
Zeeds are an injury to the mucous membrane. Initially, a bubble is formed with a clear or cloudy liquid. When exposed to external factors (lip movement, eating), the bubble bursts. This leads to erosion of the mucous membrane or skin in the corner of the mouth. Zayed causes discomfort and spoils the aesthetic appearance, but, in addition, it may indicate another disease. Therefore, when such wounds appear, a person is interested in howcure jams in the corners of the mouth quickly. This phenomenon in medicine is also called angulitis, angulatory stomatitis, angular stomatitis, slit-like impetigo or cheilitis - all these terms refer to the same process.

Reasons for appearance
The disease appears due to infections that seep under damaged skin in the corners of the mouth, begin to multiply and cause characteristic inflammation. To stop this process, you need to know how to cure jams in the corners of the mouth quickly.
Angulitis can be as an independent disease or as a symptom of a more serious illness. In the first case, seizures occur for the following reasons:
- failure to perform oral hygiene;
- using unwashed dishes;
- licking lips in the cold;
- damage to the corners of the mouth during dental procedures or through false teeth and malocclusion (in the elderly);
- eating unwashed fruits or vegetables;
- squeezing pimples or other mechanical impact on the corners of the mouth;
- using fluoride toothpaste;
- Use poor quality lipstick.
There are 2 types of this disease:
- Primary. Caused by streptococcal impetigo, granular cheilitis, candidiasis, or atopic cheilitis.
- Secondaries. Signal about syphilis, tuberculosis, HIV infection or beriberi.
In any case, it's important to know how to cure corners of the mouth quickly.

Primary angulitis
Streptococcal impetigo is a skin disease caused by streptococci. First, a rash appears in the form of small pimples, which covers not only the skin around the mouth, but also other parts of the body. Later, the pimples become larger, coalesce and form an erosion of the skin. The crust at the site of the affected areas will have a yellowish or brown tint.
With granular cheilitis, the ducts of the minor salivary glands grow. Because of this, they become infected. In addition to seizures, the symptoms of the disease include dry lips and the appearance of blood on cracks.
Candidiasis is a fungal infection caused by yeast-like fungi. When determining the causes and treatment of jamming, this disease must be considered.
Atopic cheilitis means an allergic reaction of the mucous membrane of the lips to external stimuli. Most often manifested in children in the form of inflammation of the lip line and nearby areas of the skin, which causes pain. This is the answer to the question why jams in the corners of the mouth prevent the child from sleeping.
Secondary angulitis
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that affects the mucous membranes, skin, and disrupts the basic systems of the body. Instead of a crust in the corners of the lips, a chancre may occur. It is harder in structure and signals the initial stages of syphilis. It can affect not only the skin around the lips, but also any other surface of the body or mucous membrane. In this case, the treatment of seizures in the corners of the mouth in adults should be immediate.
Tuberculosis affects the lungsKoch stick. It also causes angulitis at the corners of the mouth.
HIV infection weakens the immune system, which leads to the penetration of other infections. The appearance of jams, which are just caused by infections, speak of immunodeficiency in the human body. With such a disease, a quick treatment for jamming in the corners of the mouth, unfortunately, is unlikely.
Avitaminosis, or lack of vitamins D, B2, A, E. Most often, angulitis occurs as an early symptom of a lack of riboflavin (B2). At the same time, a person feels constantly tired, loses his appetite, and feels weak. The skin begins to peel off in several areas of the skin, there is a burning sensation and redness of the tongue. For this reason, seizures in children may appear.

Less likely illnesses
In addition to the above diseases, seizures also signal ailments such as:
- anemia;
- prolonged fever;
- diabetes mellitus;
- liver disease;
- violation of intestinal microflora;
- drug overdose;
- metabolic disorder;
- caries.
Symptoms and Diagnosis
The first sign is redness at the corners of the mouth, which provokes itching. After that, cracks and small purulent blisters appear. Within 3 days they burst, causing pain and discomfort. Particularly affected areas of the skin suffer during the intake of s alty and sour foods. There is pain when opening the mouth or trying to smile. In advanced variants, bleeding develops.

The problem of determining angulitis is that its symptoms are very similar to herpes, so additional tests are required, first of all, to identify serious diseases. A scraping is taken from the patient from infected areas of the skin. They also conduct a general blood test to detect the amount of hemoglobin (it is low in anemia) and leukocytes. Separately, the doctor may prescribe tests to determine syphilis, tuberculosis, or B-vitamin levels.
Angulitis treatment
Before you start treatment, you need to consult a doctor so that he, using tests and analyzes, determines the root cause of the appearance of ulcers in the corner of the mouth and prescribes the treatment of the underlying disease. This is how you will learn how to cure corners of your mouth quickly and effectively.

However, the patient is advised to quit smoking and follow a diet. It includes foods fortified with vitamins E and B2. The first are:
- vegetable oils;
- cabbage;
- oatmeal;
- beans;
- nuts;
- corn.
Vitamin B2 contains the following foods:
- rice;
- egg yolk and cheese;
- bran;
- avocado;
- beans;
- nuts;
- cabbage;
- poultry and fish;
- oatmeal and corn.
You should also avoid spicy, sour and sweet foods, alcohol and soda from the diet. It is necessary to walk more in the fresh air, sleep at least 8 hours a night and maintain oral hygiene.
The doctor may prescribe vitamin preparations to speed up the process of restoring the necessary elements in the body. It is also expected to use antifungal drugs, immunomodulators, antibiotics and restorative agents. This treatment is called general.
There is also local therapy. It is aimed at eliminating discomfort and external manifestations of angulitis. If you are interested in how to quickly remove jams in the corners of your mouth, check out the medical and folk methods of treatment.
Topical zaed therapy with medicines
There are numerous reviews on the Internet about ointments from jamming in the corners of the mouth. The most effective are ointments and gels, among which:
- "D-panthenol" restores tissue, relieves inflammation and compensates for the lack of pantothenic acid.
- Metrogyl Denta fights micro-organisms that cause seizures.
- "Bepanten" relieves pain, restores the affected areas of the skin, improves cellular metabolism.
- "Teimurov's Paste" is used for fungal infections because it relieves pain, dries and cools the infected skin.
- "Levomekol" promotes tissue repair, reduces inflammation, stops the expansion of the rash.
- "Clotrimazole" is used for fungal infections in the corners of the mouth.

Patients are left with positive feedback about ointments from seizures in the corners of the mouth. Some advise using iodine or brilliant green to cauterize the jam. Moisturizing creams must be applied after these products.and hygienic lipsticks. For rinsing the mouth and lotions, they resort to "Stomatidine", it fights well with germs, streptococcus infections and fungi.
Folk remedies against angulitis
Methods of dealing with seizures at home should not prevail in the treatment. But as needed, if the discomfort is too noticeable, you can use them.

The common people recommend the following methods:
- Twice a day treat the affected area with earwax.
- Use garlic juice, it protects well against germs.
- Lubricate the corners of the lips 2-3 times a day with sea buckthorn oil.
- Cover cracks with beeswax the same number of times.
- Grate the jams with plantain juice.
- Using a cotton pad, apply decoctions of herbs (calendula or chamomile) to the affected parts of the body. It is necessary to keep the medicine on the wounds for 20 minutes 2 times a day.
- Moisturize jams with honey and pork fat, and the first should be 2 times more.
- To get rid of burning sensation and disinfection of angulite, thermal water is used: a moistened cotton pad is kept on cracks for 5 minutes.
Preventive measures
To prevent the appearance of angulitis, you must follow simple rules of personal hygiene:
- Don't use someone else's towel and toothbrush.
- Do not eat food from dirty dishes, especially if it was used by a person with angulitis.
- Brush your teeth 2 times a day.
- Treat in timecaries.

After treating seizures in the corners of the mouth, do not return to smoking, eating unhe althy foods and other negative habits. This will help prevent the disease. It is better to exclude from the diet too fatty, spicy, sour or s alty foods. Go outdoors more, but wear lip balm when temperatures are low.
Although there are many ways to get rid of angulitis at home, it is best to see a doctor right away to start treating the underlying cause, if this is the case.