Tooth alignment without braces in adults: the most effective ways

Tooth alignment without braces in adults: the most effective ways
Tooth alignment without braces in adults: the most effective ways

Teeth straightening without braces in adults is a very effective way to make your smile attractive and prevent the development of many pathologies in the future. However, this technique often discourages patients, and often because of the high cost. However, these options are better than braces, which, in turn, scare patients with their unattractiveness.

How to straighten the teeth of an adult without this device? A frequently asked question with many interesting answers.

straightening teeth without braces for adults
straightening teeth without braces for adults

When can an alternative be used?

There are several more modern ways to do this, and they are suitable in the following cases:

  • if there is a violation of the location of several teeth;
  • when it is urgent to correct curvature, since treatment with braces often takes a long time (sometimes this period is several years);
  • when the gums are low,since the locks that are in the braces often damage them;
  • minimum bite deviation from normal;
  • low pain threshold, which can provoke severe discomfort during therapy;
  • if professional activity and other areas of life depend on the manner of speech, appearance, and braces greatly complicate the speech process and are not very attractive.

Let's look at the most popular ways to straighten teeth without braces in adults.

lumineers price
lumineers price


Today, there are a fairly large number of effective methods, thanks to which you can align your teeth without the use of braces. The most common among them are:

  • Lumineers;
  • ceramic veneers;
  • caps;
  • composite restoration;
  • trainers for straightening teeth in adults.


First let's talk about Lumineers. The price of this device will be given below.

The creation of lumineers is considered one of the latest technological achievements. They are thin porcelain overlays that can help you achieve a beautiful smile and straighten your teeth without adversely affecting the enamel. Lumineers are a type of veneers, however, these products differ from classic microprostheses in a specific design.


Key Features:

  • the thickness of such products is no more than 0.2 mm;
  • modeling technologies used in the manufacture of lumineers make it possible to obtain prostheses that closely match the natural shape and color of teeth;
  • high structural strength compared to conventional classic veneers - no microcracks appear on their surface;
  • these products will last longer than classic veneers - the minimum service life is 20 years;
  • if necessary, products can be easily removed.

What good is this way of straightening teeth in adults?

  1. Correction of teeth that are rotated around their own axis, as well as shifted back or forward in a row.
  2. Closing gaps between teeth.
  3. Shape change. For example, hiding the wedge-shaped effect with excessively short teeth, their alignment.


Using lumineers is a quick and high-quality way to align the front teeth without braces. Compared to conventional crowns or veneers, these products have several advantages:

  • possibility of installation without turning the tooth;
  • the procedure is virtually painless, so the use of anesthesia is not required;
  • as fast as possible installation of the structure - 2-3 visits to the dentist;
  • no need to install temporary pads.

Lumineers do not change their shade under the influence of external factors. A person can safely drink coffee or tea without fear of dark spots on the teeth.

how to straighten adult teeth
how to straighten adult teeth

Removable leveling platesteeth in adults or lumineers made using modern technologies are absolutely safe for he alth. They not only help to correct the defect, but also prevent the formation of caries on the teeth. If necessary, they can be removed. The design does not bring discomfort, it is almost imperceptible. Moreover, the teeth become more aesthetic. Lumineers also have a long service life.


Despite all the pluses, Lumineers are not without minuses. For example, not everyone will be able to install such a structure for themselves due to its high cost. One unit of the product, together with a set of dental procedures, will cost approximately 60 thousand rubles. Naturally, such a price of Lumineers scares.

Another disadvantage of such products is that they thicken the tooth somewhat, since there is no preliminary turning during installation. In cases with small teeth, such a defect is invisible. And yet, improper installation of products can lead to the formation of cracks. Therefore, you should be careful when choosing a specialist.

Contraindications for installation

The design cannot be installed in case of periodontitis, caries, bruxism, pathological abrasion of teeth, pronounced changes in bite. Lumineers will only help with minor violations, and they do not correct major defects.

What else is used to straighten teeth without braces in adults?


Removable dental aligners for adults
Removable dental aligners for adults

This method is also a good alternative to braces. Veneers arethin plates that are used for minor pathologies. The convenience lies in the fact that they allow you to effectively correct defects in the dentition. There are several types of records, which differ depending on the material used in the manufacture:

  1. Porcelain veneers. They are made of porcelain or zirconia. Products do not attract attention, look very aesthetically pleasing. Have a long service life.
  2. From composite materials. Such records are cheaper, but they have a short service life and poor aesthetics.

The use of veneers has a number of advantages:

  • hide imperfections and straighten teeth;
  • Hide enamel imperfections, have a natural color;
  • long serving;
  • no additional hygiene required;
  • high speed of defect elimination.

Disadvantages of veneers

The main disadvantage of this method of straightening teeth without braces is the need for grinding, even if the enamel is he althy. Without turning, only Hollywood ultra-thin veneers can be installed. But they are very expensive. Ceramic onlays are also quite expensive, and composite materials, which have a lower cost, are very unreliable and have low strength.

Another disadvantage is associated with significant deformation. In this case, after straightening the teeth without braces with the help of veneers, the diction often changes in a person. In certain cases, when installing structures made of composite material, discomfort in the mouth occurs.

ways to straighten teeth in adults
ways to straighten teeth in adults

When wearing such a system, you can not eat solid food. Improper installation may increase the sensitivity of the teeth, often there is a problem of inconsistency of the pads in size. Poor installation also leads to discoloration of the product. In the process of correcting defects with veneers, pathologies can progress. If there are certain contraindications to them, then this device is not installed.

Veneers are a good help in dealing with minor defects in the front teeth. The installation procedure is shortened in time compared to the duration of treatment with braces, and allows you to quickly achieve the desired result.

However, there are some restrictions on such orthodontic intervention. For example, severe violations of the dentition become the main obstacle to the installation of veneers. Only an experienced dentist is able to assess the degree and nature of the curvature of the teeth and, based on this, determine the direction of the upcoming treatment.

Correction with veneers involves the normalization of the appearance without shifting the teeth in a row and penetration into the tissues. If there are no pathological disorders in the jaw, veneers can be used.

Designs are made of ceramic, imitating the transparency and color of natural enamel. They install painlessly. Trema, diastema, curvature of teeth are corrected. Composite veneers are usually placed on front teeth. This is done in one visit to the clinic. However, such designs require regular polishing. Contraindications: crooked teeth, bruxism, underdevelopment of teeth, thinned enamel.

trainer for teeth alignment in adults
trainer for teeth alignment in adults

Product cost

The cost of installing veneers varies depending on the material of manufacture and the number of crooked teeth. The cost is approximately 7,000 rubles for composite veneers, from 200 thousand rubles for ceramic veneers.

Also there are products called mouthguards for straightening teeth. How much they cost and what it is - we will tell further.

Alignment with caps

There are three types of these teeth straightening products. They differ depending on the method of manufacture. Among them:

  1. Standard - have a standard shape and size, so these products are not able to provide the proper impact on the teeth. In most situations, an obstacle to their use is a pronounced discrepancy between the product and the actual parameters of the teeth.
  2. Standard thermoplastic - made of a special material, under the influence of high temperature become plastic. After cooling, they acquire a density. This helps to achieve the desired fit to the surface of the teeth.
  3. Custom made - made to order for each patient. In this case, standard blanks are not used. They are considered the most effective and maximally provide the desired result. They are made using thermoforming technology.

What are mouth guards made of?

The types of material for their manufacture also differ:

  1. Polyurethane. This material does not take the shape of the patient's jaw. It is used in the production of standard products. Biopolymers based on nylon and polypropylene are used. Before putting on, they are heated under hot water.
  2. A-silicone. Also called vinyl polysiloxane. This material allows to achieve precise manufacturing according to a pre-designed model.

Mouthguards should be worn for at least 22 hours. This means that the product can only be removed during meals and during hygiene procedures. This is due to the fact that the teeth, without being subjected to the necessary pressure for four hours in a row, begin to return to the wrong shape.

The process of therapy takes place in several stages. After the initial examination and taking impressions, a computer 3D model of the cap is created. Special software helps to create the final model that matches the desired result.

After that, a calculation is made of how far and how exactly a certain tooth needs to be moved or rotated at a particular stage of treatment. When preparing a therapeutic course, as a rule, several drops are produced.

The essence of the method of correcting with mouth guards is that the incorrectly growing tooth is constantly subjected to minimal pressure from the product. However, it is programmed to move or rotate each of the teeth that require it. This is how a smooth transition to a positive result is gradually carried out.

straightening teeth without braces with veneers
straightening teeth without braces with veneers

Mouthguards are categorized as removableappliances for straightening teeth, and this is their main advantage. At the same time, the patient has the opportunity to carry out full and high-quality care for the oral cavity. When installing caps, a minimum adaptation period is required. They are invisible during normal communication, which ensures absolute peace of mind for the patient. Mouthguards also do not lead to a change in diction. They are very comfortable to wear, because they are not able to injure the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and do not cause pain.

The disadvantage of such products is that they do not allow the correction of complex deep defects of improperly standing teeth. In addition, the manufacture of caps on an individual basis involves a rather long waiting period for the start of therapy, which sometimes reaches several months. How much do aligners cost? They have a rather high price - from 7 to 15 thousand rubles apiece.

We looked at how adult teeth are straightened without braces.