Treatment of gingivitis with drugs and folk remedies at home

Treatment of gingivitis with drugs and folk remedies at home
Treatment of gingivitis with drugs and folk remedies at home

Everyone has heard about the dangers associated with caries, many know from their own experience how unpleasant stomatitis is, but the treatment of gingivitis is a much less familiar topic for the layman. This term is used to refer to gum disease. It so happened that many do not pay enough attention to this area of the oral cavity, but the approach is wrong: the quality of the teeth and the general condition of the person as a whole largely depend on the he alth of the gums.

Do I need help?

You can understand that gingivitis treatment is already necessary if you know the main signs of the disease. As a rule, the pathological process is manifested by an unhe althy shade of integument - blue or red, bleeding. Many do not pay attention to such nuances, but in vain: it is at the initial stage that the disease is easiest to cure.

Gingivitis is a pathology that affects the gums, accompanied by inflammatory processes. Somewhat similar to periodontitis, but differentby localization. With gingivitis, the affected areas are mucous membranes, papillae between the teeth. Periodontitis develops if you start gingivitis, leads to a violation of the integrity of the connection between the tooth and gums. Pathology damages bone tissue. At the first signs, you should not hesitate to treat gingivitis - getting rid of the disease is quite simple if you approach it correctly. To choose the optimal course, you should come to the dentist. The doctor will examine the oral cavity and tell you which remedies are suitable in a particular case.

Gingivitis causes and treatment
Gingivitis causes and treatment

Nuances and reasons

It is known that more often the treatment of gingivitis is necessary for people with diabetes, as well as those who have AIDS, malignant neoplasms. All these groups of people should regularly visit the dentist, practice preventive measures to prevent the disease, since its treatment will be much more difficult than for people without systemic diseases. It is recommended that pregnant women be regularly examined for oral diseases.

Most often, the treatment of gingivitis is necessary for people who do not practice thorough hygiene measures. Inflammatory processes are initiated by bacterial plaque, the localization area of which is the tooth enamel and areas near the gums. The most reliable method of preventing disease for this reason is ultrasonic professional cleaning with enviable regularity.

Gingivitis treatment is required due to the formation of a film of microscopic pathological life forms on the mucous membrane and the surface of the teeth. These bacteria producetoxic components, acids that negatively affect the he alth of different parts of the oral cavity.

In some cases, the cause is an incorrect bite. An orthodontist can tell you exactly how correct the bite is, how it can be corrected. Sometimes treatment of gingivitis is required due to mouth breathing, the presence of tartar. It is possible to develop inflammatory processes due to low-quality fillings.

Doctors pay attention: it is impossible to insure against the disease. Gingivitis can occur in anyone and everyone. More often, the disease develops in people with reduced immunity, as well as in those in whose body active hormonal changes occur - adolescents, pregnant women.

As diagnostics sometimes show, treatment of gingivitis is required due to other diseases. Provoke inflammatory processes can:

  • avitaminosis;
  • leucopenia;
  • herpetic viruses;
  • allergy;
  • malnutrition;
  • increased concentration of sugar in the circulatory system;
  • drug therapy.

There have been cases where gingivitis has been attributed to the use of oral contraceptives.

What happens?

Before you figure out how to treat gingivitis, it is reasonable to delve into the classification of the forms of this disease. There are two main types:

  • common;
  • local.

The first involves extensive areas of damage, the jaw or both are affected. In the second case, the situation is not so difficult - the pathological processes are localized in a small area of the gum.

The most striking symptoms are chronic gingivitis. The gums bleed, the tissues become loose, the mucous membrane acquires a bluish tint. In addition to chronic, there are forms:

  • catarrhal;
  • hypertrophic;
  • fibrous;
  • ulcerative;
  • ulcerative with necrosis;
  • atrophic;
  • purulent;
  • generalized.
Gingivitis Treatment
Gingivitis Treatment

And if in more detail?

The catarrhal form in the predominant percentage of cases is chronic. Treatment of chronic catarrhal gingivitis seems to many patients an insignificant task, since exacerbations, although frequent, do not lead to a general deterioration in well-being, so people simply do not pay attention to them. As a rule, you can notice the disease by bloody discharge from the gums during a meal, brushing your teeth. An unpleasant aftertaste may appear in the mouth, and a visual examination shows swelling of certain areas, the presence of tartar.

The hypertrophic form is usually somewhat more severe. The gum tissue grows, the patient is worried about pain when chewing. With this form, people turn to a doctor for advice on how to treat gingivitis much more often than those suffering from a catarrhal form.

Fibrous type is another form of gingivitis in which the gums do not hurt. Not even bleeding. A distinctive feature of the disease is the growth of periodontal tissues, which creates discomfort when eating.

Almost always people turn to the doctor for help with the treatment of gingivitisgums, if the disease begins in an ulcerative form. It is characterized by general poisoning of the body and an acute onset, the gums hurt and bleed, the digestive tract malfunctions, the head hurts, and sleep is disturbed. Many note that a feeling of impotence comes, interest in food is lost, the temperature rises, the gums become covered with a grayish coating, when trying to remove it, the patient suffers from pain. The papillae around the edges seem to be cut off, and the teeth are covered with stone.

The most difficult thing is the treatment of necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis, especially if you start a case. This disease is also called Vincent's gingivitis. The periodontium ulcerates, necrosis is localized in some areas. The patient's lymph nodes increase in size, fever begins (up to 39 degrees), the mouth smells bad, the tongue is coated, and the gums bleed and swell. With Vincent's gingivitis, the gums are characterized by cyanosis. The patient generally feels weak, worries about general malaise.

Types and features: concluding the review

Sometimes dental treatment and atrophic gingivitis are required. Such a disease is chronic, characterized by degeneration of the epithelium, due to which the volume of gum tissue gradually decreases. This leads to the exposure of the dental roots and neck. As statistics show, if an atrophic form is established, then periodontitis treatment will be required soon. Gingivitis does not provoke such a complication only if the therapeutic course is started as early as possible. Delay causes the loss of the dentition, as the connection between the gums and teeth is completely broken.

Treatment of gingivitis and periodontitis
Treatment of gingivitis and periodontitis

The generalized form may be the cause of the body's response to disruption of the endocrine system. The disease is manifested by swelling, redness of the mucosa, pain and blood discharge. Sometimes the gums become loose, burning is localized in them, some areas are affected by cyanosis. With such gingivitis, deposits form on the teeth, the oral cavity is covered with plaque. The patient smells bad from the mouth, saliva secretion is activated, lymph nodes grow, the temperature rises. From statistics it is known that more often the treatment of gingivitis of this form is necessary for adolescents, pregnant women. This is due to the restructuring of the hormonal system.

Finally, the purulent form is the variety that is considered the most dangerous. Against its background, even the treatment of necrotizing gingivitis is given relatively simply and is associated with not so great risks to the patient's he alth. The purulent form is explained by bacteria, and the lesions begin to fester. At the same time, soft tissues swell, manifestations of general poisoning of the body are observed, the patient is tormented by fever. Pus is an acidic environment that can penetrate into soft tissues, periodontium. Under its influence, the structures of organic tissues are disturbed, and the damage is far from always reversible. Only timely treatment can save teeth.

What to do?

Treatment options are many. There are traditional approaches, but folk methods can also be used. Many believe that the combination of classical medicine and non-traditional options is the best and most reliable.path to complete recovery. Specific methods are chosen based on the form of the disease, the characteristics of the patient's condition, the presence of systemic and local disorders. Of course, doctors evaluate how neglected the condition is, how severe the disease is.

Treatment of gingivitis with folk remedies
Treatment of gingivitis with folk remedies

As can be seen from the reviews compiled by patients of various dental clinics, the treatment of gingivitis always begins with a thorough cleaning of the oral cavity. This primary action allows you to completely remove deposits. It is the hygienic aspect that is the most important element of the therapeutic course for gingivitis. It is necessary not only to transfer special cleaning in the doctor's office, but also to prepare for regular cleaning of the oral cavity at home. To do this, you will have to stock up on both tools and pastes.

If it is revealed that gingivitis is provoked by a filling, the doctor will correct its size and shape or change it to a new one.

Medicines for the benefit of patients

The classic approach is to treat gingivitis with antibiotics. Sometimes therapy is supplemented with antifungal agents. The doctor will advise specific preparations by examining the condition of the patient's oral cavity and taking tissue samples for laboratory analysis in order to identify the specifics of the microflora. Antimicrobial and antifungal agents will eliminate the source of infection, which means they will bring the moment of recovery closer.

Special agents are prescribed to stop inflammatory processes. The most effective formulations are applied by dentists right in the office. You can’t use them at home, the risk is too highharm yourself - during the procedure it is important to follow the rules of application. At the appointment, the doctor will tell you which anti-inflammatory drugs are suitable for use at home. Typically, the program includes:

  • "Chlorhexidine" for frequent rinsing;
  • special gels for applying to affected areas.

Perhaps the most widely used is "Chlorhexidine". Many begin to rinse with it even before going to the doctor - the medicine is inexpensive and effective, it is in the medicine cabinet of almost any of our compatriots, and it is suitable for adults who need gingivitis treatment and children. The photo below shows what the drug looks like.

Treatment of necrotizing gingivitis
Treatment of necrotizing gingivitis

They use medicines as follows:

  • after eating, rinse your mouth with a disinfectant;
  • then dry the mucosa with gauze;
  • a small amount of gel is applied to the affected areas of the gums;
  • abstain from eating and rinsing for three hours.

The procedure is repeated twice a day: after breakfast and shortly before going to bed.

Hygiene is the key to successful treatment

A distinctive feature of the disease is severe soreness of the areas affected by pathological processes in contact with any objects. For patients, each brushing of teeth becomes a source of unpleasant experiences, and in especially severe forms of the disease, it is comparable to torture. Despite such troubles, it is impossible to cope with the problem without regular cleaning of the oral cavity, so you will have to usetoothpaste twice daily is one of the main home remedies for gingivitis. You can quickly defeat the disease if you choose special pastes with healing, disinfecting, anti-inflammatory components. Recently, a fairly wide choice of pastes, which include extracts:

  • pharmaceutical chamomile;
  • marigold inflorescences;
  • sage;
  • yarrow.

But whitening pastes for this disease are strictly prohibited. These products contain abrasive substances that cause microscopic damage to the gums. Under their influence, inflammatory processes are activated.

In some cases, doctors may advise using hydrogen peroxide instead of pastes. Soak a cotton swab in the liquid and gently wipe the teeth with it, avoiding damaged areas of the gums. This procedure disinfects the oral cavity well, but is considered gentle, especially in comparison with a toothbrush that injures delicate tissues.

Folk treatment

Gingivitis, as healers say, can be quickly defeated if you use infusions, decoctions of herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect. Most often used sage, chamomile. Homemade medicines prepared on these plants not only stop inflammatory processes, but also activate the regenerative abilities of tissues.

Hygienic aspects

No matter how reliable folk remedies may seem to many, the treatment of gingivitis with their help begins only after visiting the doctor and carrying out all the necessary procedures in the dental office,otherwise, no positive result will be achieved. It must be remembered that gingivitis provokes deposits on the teeth, which means that you first need to clean them off, and then use medicinal formulations. Otherwise, pathological life forms will actively develop in the raid, and any antiseptics are powerless against them.

Ggingivitis than to treat
Ggingivitis than to treat

The most effective ways to clean teeth from deposits are with ultrasound or laser. At the end of the procedure, their surface is carefully polished. This helps to prevent re-adherence of plaque.

After finishing the treatment, the doctor checks the condition of the teeth and recommends a full sanitation: cure caries. Otherwise, there is a high probability of a recurrence of the infectious process, which means that gingivitis will return.

At the appointment, the doctor will explain how to properly treat the oral cavity at home to prevent the recurrence of the disease. Proper care is the most reliable prevention of gingivitis.

Nuances of treatment

If gingivitis is accompanied by ulcers, necrotic processes are localized in certain areas, the treatment will be much more difficult than the catarrhal form. First, necrotic plaque must be removed - for this, surgical intervention is performed. Then the oral mucosa is treated with a special composition to activate regeneration. Assign a general treatment to ease the symptoms of intoxication of the body, a course of antibiotics. The more neglected the form, the longer and more difficult the therapy will be. Only an integrated approach will windisease. Neglecting medical recommendations, the patient can start the condition to such an extent that the consequences will be irreversible.

Gingivitis antibiotic treatment
Gingivitis antibiotic treatment

If gingivitis is accompanied by edema, sometimes it is enough to remove deposits and apply drugs to stop inflammatory processes. When the case is started, a sclerosing course is started, that is, a special solution is injected under the papillae. The substance is a combination of glucose, calcium chloride and magnesium sulfate. One papilla requires 0.1-0.2 ml, injected three to four times. Between procedures take breaks - a day or more. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe treatment with hormonal drugs.

Fibrous gingivitis requires surgical excision of hypertrophic areas. There are no conservative ways to shrink these tissues yet.

There are also cases when the deposits on the teeth are very voluminous, and the case itself is complex. As a rule, curettage is indicated for patients. This term refers to a minimally invasive operation to remove deposits on the surface of the teeth.

Drugs: many options

Before starting the treatment of gingivitis with folk remedies, you should drink the course prescribed by the doctor. In addition to antibiotics and antifungal drugs, the doctor may recommend multivitamin complexes. As a rule, gingivitis indicates a weakening of the immune system, which means that ascorbic acid will bring maximum benefit. Perhaps there is a shortage of other trace elements in the body, so the doctor will recommend the best option.multivitamins containing everything you need for oral he alth. In some cases, local immunomodulators are recommended. Under the influence of such drugs, the body's ability to counteract harmful life forms increases.

From ointments, gels, the most popular are:

  • Solkoseril.
  • Metrogil Denta.

They stop inflammation, provide local anesthesia. The drugs form a strong protective film on the surface of the mucosa, which means that the active ingredients can affect the diseased areas for a long time.

Local influence is an important positive aspect of ointments, gels. The absence of a systemic effect reduces the risk of side effects, a negative response of the body, and an allergic reaction. Such gels and ointments can be used during pregnancy, since their components are not absorbed into the circulatory system and do not affect the fetus. Often, only topical preparations are allowed for pregnant women with gingivitis, since antibiotics can have a teratogenic effect.

Local antiseptics

With gingivitis, you can use Miramistin to rinse your mouth. Such a solution shows a pronounced effect against most pathogenic bacteria that can take root on the human oral mucosa. In addition to the anti-inflammatory agent, it has qualities that stimulate regeneration. At home, a 0.01% solution should be used to rinse the mouth. The frequency of use is three times a day, the duration of the procedure is a minute. If gingivitis is running or is severe, you can make applications with thismedicine - a small piece of gauze is impregnated with an antiseptic and applied for 15 minutes to diseased areas. The optimal frequency is twice a day. Treatment continues until the patient's condition improves.

Furacilin solution is considered useful for gingivitis. This substance has an anti-inflammatory and astringent effect, stimulates regeneration at the cellular level, and eliminates areas of bleeding. You can rinse your mouth with a pharmacy solution consisting of furacilin at 0.02%. An alternative option is home preparation, when one tablet of the drug is dissolved in a glass of water and used for local treatment. It is necessary to do such rinsing after meals and shortly before going to bed.

Doctors pay attention: the first days of the use of antiseptic drugs may be accompanied by local burning of diseased areas. This does not indicate the need to discontinue the drug, but is a normal reaction of the body. After a few days, the discomfort will pass by itself.

What else to try?

Sometimes doctors advise for gingivitis to rinse with baking soda. Perhaps this medicine is the simplest and most affordable for the general population. A teaspoon needs a glass of warm water. The product is dissolved and mouthwash is used every day (4 times) until the gingivitis is completely gone.
