Losing teeth with age or subsequent injury is a very unpleasant phenomenon. Dentistry is quite developed today, but, unfortunately, there are no dental implants that could replace a lost tooth forever. Therefore, removable dentures are still the best solution for people who have lost several teeth at once in a row.
Often they cause great discomfort to their owners, especially at first. You have to get used to them, if they are not properly selected, they break, injure the gums, food getting into the space under the prosthesis causes inconvenience and can lead to inflammation. The person feels insecure and uncomfortable. Therefore, in the field of dentistry, a line of tools has appeared that help improve the quality of life of patients. One of these preparations is Korega cream for dentures.

Operation principle
Suspension is designed to securely fix the denture in the oral cavity. It is a soft and plastic cement, which becomes dense on contact with air. Cream "Korega" for dentures is applied in small evendoses on the surface of the artificial gum. Evenly distributed when pressed, it fills the resulting air space. So it creates an obstacle for food to enter the area between the prosthesis and soft tissues, thereby reducing the risk of injury to the gums from solid particles, and therefore reducing the likelihood of inflammation.
Cream "Korega" for dentures allows the design to be held securely. Eating solid food becomes more comfortable. This is extremely important for people with sensitive gums. Denture creams can vary in strength, so you may need to try several types to see which is right for you. The tool must securely hold the removable denture for 16 hours, and therefore it is enough to use it only once a day, before the start of the day.
Cream "Korega" for dentures will maintain fresh breath, thanks to the menthol included in the composition. But if you want, you can choose an unscented product. In addition, the cream has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect.

When choosing a product, it is important to consider the chemical composition of the product. It should be noted that Korega is completely safe for the human body, does not irritate the tissues of the oral cavity or stomach. The only contraindication may be individual intolerance to one of the constituent components.
Consists of a cream of gum, silicon, sodium-magnesium-zinc s alt of methyl venyl ethermaleic acid, menthyl lactate, petrolatum, liquidparaffin, dyes, menthol additives and fragrances.
How to use
Instructions for use are attached to each package of Korega cream. It will help you learn the correct use of the product if you bought it for the first time. It's actually very easy to use.

Before application, the prosthesis should be thoroughly washed and dried. After that, the cream is applied to the inner surface with small dots in the center. Try not to apply too much and avoid the edges of the denture. Now you just need to install the prosthesis in the mouth and tightly clench your jaw for a few seconds.
If the excess cream came out of the limits, they need to be removed. Use a tissue or cotton swab slightly dipped in regular sunflower oil.
Removing the prosthesis
The tool can stick the prosthesis firmly enough. To make it easier to remove, start loosening the artificial teeth little by little. As soon as the fixation is loosened, press a little on the gum from the side of the cheek and separate the prosthesis from the gum with a prying movement. You should be aware that hot drinks and food can reduce fixation.
Keep the product tightly in a well-closed tube, otherwise it will dry out quickly. If it becomes necessary to clean the cap of the tube, do not rinse it in water. It is better to remove excess cream with a tissue soaked in oil.
It is extremely important to constantly keep the prosthesis clean, so it will not only last longer, but the risk of inflammatory processes will be reduced tominimum.

After removal, immediately remove the remnants of the cream. In this series of dental products there are special tablets designed to care for the prosthesis. You can use them and Korega cream. The price of a pack of tablets ranges from 250 rubles, this is enough for a month of use. With their help, you can prepare a disinfectant composition in which artificial teeth will be kept overnight.
Side effects
Means usually does not cause side effects, as the instructions say. Cream "Corega" in extremely rare cases (especially with individual intolerance) can cause changes in taste sensations, nausea and increased salivation. People who are prone to allergic reactions may also experience unwanted body reactions. Before buying the Korega cream, the instructions for use and the composition of the components should be carefully studied. If you find in the composition a substance that your body perceives badly, it is better to refuse such a purchase.

Korega (tooth cream) can be used by both pregnant women and nursing mothers. It has no effect on the intrauterine development of the baby and does not affect milk.
The cream does not interact in any way with other pharmacological substances or drugs.
The product is sold in tubes with a dosage of 40 grams. The cost is quite acceptable, for the Korega cream the average price is 270rubles. It will last for one month. Do not try to use more suspension than is necessary to securely hold the prosthesis. If you notice that the tube lasts for a shorter period, then it can be assumed that the denture itself is not well adjusted to the shape of your gums. In this case, you should contact the dental technician and make adjustments. Each prosthesis is different and it is essential that it has the right shape for you. Otherwise, wearing it will cause discomfort and may lead to unpleasant consequences.
Can I trust such a tool, and what reviews does Korega cream have? The price and availability are captivating. However, to get a clear answer to this question, you should listen to the opinion of people who use dentures all the time. And their opinions are contradictory. Some claim that the tool is really reliable, and they have been using it for many years. But others leave not the best reviews. According to them, the cream does not hold the prosthesis well and lasts only a few hours.

In order for the tool to be as effective as possible, you need to choose the right one according to the degree of fixation and use it correctly. You should also regularly visit the dentist and carry out the correction of a removable prosthesis, because over time the shape of the gums can change. And if the space between the gums and artificial teeth is significant, the cream will be ineffective, and wearing will cause discomfort.
Pay attention to what you canencounter a fake. Yes, unfortunately they do. You need to buy products in pharmacies. Only they have certificates and guarantee the proper quality of the goods.