How to treat periodontal disease at home - the experience of ancestors

How to treat periodontal disease at home - the experience of ancestors
How to treat periodontal disease at home - the experience of ancestors

If you don't bleed after eating an apple or flossing your teeth, you have a good chance of keeping your teeth he althy until old age.

how to treat periodontal disease at home
how to treat periodontal disease at home

You do not suffer from periodontal disease. Many people think that the most common dental disease is caries. And they are wrong. Leadership has been "won" from him by periodontal disease - a disease caused by bacteria that form in the oral cavity due to poor hygiene. There is inflammation of the gums. Animals are also susceptible to this disease.

Insidious periodontal disease

The next stage of the disease is stones on the teeth that are not removed with a toothbrush, and then inflammation penetrates into the gums and roots of the teeth with the formation of so-called “bags”, which leads to the destruction of the periodontal tissue (periodontium), deformation of the gums, to loosening and loss of teeth. The insidiousness of periodontal disease is that it does not manifest itself at the initial stage with any obvious signs.

how to treat periodontal disease drugs
how to treat periodontal disease drugs

Arises urgentlyquestion: "How to treat periodontal disease?" Medicines for this purpose exist, and the most diverse. In addition, the practice of past years in the treatment of periodontal disease at the stage of deep inflammation was to open the "bags" surgically. It's time to forget these frightening stories about cutting and sewing up the gums and cleaning the "bags" - medicine has made it possible to protect the patient from such an unpleasant procedure. Inflammation of this kind today is very successfully treated with laser radiation. And only 3 things are required from the patient: perfect oral hygiene, regular monitoring and a dental hygienist. How to treat periodontal disease with medication? First of all, this is an inflammatory disease, therefore, medicines are selected in accordance with this process. In choosing the name of the medicines, it is better to trust the dentist (do not self-medicate with medicines!). It should also be remembered that any disease has its own cause. Periodontal disease often occurs due to many diseases of internal organs, diabetes, atherosclerosis, beriberi, and also due to hereditary predisposition. Therefore, it is worth directing your efforts to the treatment of diseased organs.

how to treat periodontal disease with medication
how to treat periodontal disease with medication

How to treat periodontal disease at home?

Regular medication is unlikely to please the patient - chemicals can adversely affect other organs of the body. In addition, medications often cause various allergic reactions. Do not worry - in addition to medical, laser and vacuum treatment methods, there areAnother reassuring argument is the experience of ancestors. How to treat periodontal disease at home using folk remedies? First of all, you should adhere to careful hygiene, a sparing diet with the exclusion of sugar-containing foods, replenish your stocks of fruits and vegetables, especially carrots and apples.

Their use saturates the body with vitamins, and also promotes regular massage of the gums, prevents the formation of tartar. To all the above methods of treatment, be sure to add rinsing the mouth with decoctions of herbs. For this, horsetail is suitable (removes plaque from the teeth, stimulates the gums), birch sap (rinsing and ingestion), alcohol tincture of calendula (frequent rinsing for disinfection), celandine tincture, horseradish tincture, violet flowers, oak, marigolds, sage, chamomile, strong green tea brew, saline solution. How to treat periodontal disease at home? This can be done by regularly massaging the gums with a toothbrush dipped in a saline solution (1 glass of water + 1 tsp of s alt) or in a decoction of oak, marigold, sage, chamomile. You can chew pine needles, eat cranberries, rub your teeth with them (vitamin C strengthens the gum vessels). Periodontal disease is also treated with hydrogen peroxide: it is necessary to rinse the mouth or wipe the gums twice a day with a mixture of 15 ml of water and 15-20 drops of peroxide. After a while, the question of how to treat periodontal disease at home will cease to excite you, from your own experience you will see that such treatment is a very real, effective and efficient method.