How to quickly get used to removable dentures: tips and advice from experts

How to quickly get used to removable dentures: tips and advice from experts
How to quickly get used to removable dentures: tips and advice from experts

Removable dentures are widely used in modern dentistry. Their main purpose is to restore the functionality and aesthetics of the dentition. How to quickly get used to removable dentures? A foreign body in the mouth can create problems. How to speed up the addiction process?

Possible problems

How to get used to removable dentures faster for someone whose life they have recently entered? To begin with, it is worth considering the possible negative points:

getting used to removable dentures
getting used to removable dentures
  • Speech defects. Speech disorders are often observed during the use of prostheses. This may be due to a design defect or its incorrect selection.
  • Hypersalivation. Excessive salivation is another possible problem. This is how the body reacts to a foreign body introduced into the oral cavity. Hypersalivation disappears after some time.
  • Discomfort while eating. When eating, the patient mayexperience discomfort. Chewing becomes easier after a certain amount of time.
  • Gag reflexes. This trouble is faced by people who have increased sensitivity of the salivary glands.
  • Pain. Pain is associated with a load on the periodontal tissue, unusual for the body. Also, pain can be the result of an error in the choice of design, non-compliance with the rules of operation. Material allergies cannot be ruled out.
  • Distortion of taste. The patient may note that he does not feel the usual taste of food. This is due to the fact that a large gum area is located under the denture plate. Within a month, the taste sensations should recover by themselves.

How long does it take to get used to removable dentures for a person

Stomatology, unfortunately, cannot yet give an exact answer to this question. It depends on a number of factors. How long does it take to get used to removable dentures? What determines the term?

Is it difficult to get used to removable dentures?
Is it difficult to get used to removable dentures?
  • Individual characteristics of the organism. The age of the patient, the interaction of organs and tissues, the state of the central nervous system, and so on are taken into account.
  • The structure of the prosthesis. The acclimatization period depends on the size, method of fastening, degree of fixation.
  • Patient patience. Not all people endure the adaptation period to the end.

How long does it take for a beginner to get used to removable dentures? The adaptation period can last from two days to six months.

Three stages of adaptation period

How to get used to removable denturesprostheses? You need to know how the adaptation period goes:

  • The first stage is the day of installation of the structure. A person may immediately experience profuse salivation, a sharp change in speech breathing, and a decrease in chewing ability. He may also be bothered by vomiting.
  • The second stage is observed during the first five days. Chewing function is restored, salivation returns to normal. It becomes easier for a person to talk, there is no tension in the facial muscles. The urge to vomit also disappears.
  • The third stage can last from a week to a month. A person ceases to feel a removable prosthesis as a foreign object. Chewing power is restored. The musculoskeletal apparatus adapts to the structure.

How to overcome pain

How easy is it to get used to a removable denture? Pain is perhaps the main problem that a person may face during the adaptation period. First you need to establish the reasons for their appearance.

pain when wearing removable dentures
pain when wearing removable dentures

If the reason is the wrong design, you need to see a doctor. If the source of the problem is the increased sensitivity of the oral mucosa, then you can fight the pain at home. It offers a massage, the use of anesthetic gels and creams. You can also practice rinsing your mouth with special anesthetic solutions. In no case should you endure severe pain. It is imperative to remove the prosthesis and make an appointment with the doctor.

Howmassage correctly? First you need to carefully treat your hands with an antiseptic solution. The procedure begins with gentle stroking of the gums in a circle. Gradually, you should move on to stronger pressure. Massage must be done twice a day, it takes several minutes. If the pain increases and does not subside, the procedure must be stopped.

How to restore chewing function

How to get used to removable dentures faster, what else needs to be done to reduce the adaptation period? Restoration of chewing function is another important task that needs to be addressed. The following tips will help with this.

removable dentures care
removable dentures care
  • It is better to temporarily refuse solid and dry food (dried fruits, crackers). Preference should be given to liquid dishes (soups, cereals).
  • When eating, it is recommended to cut food into small pieces with a knife. Chew food thoroughly, slowly.
  • It is important that the right and left sides of the jaw work when chewing. This prevents the prosthesis from shifting or slipping.
  • Oral hygiene should be done with the utmost care.

How long does it take to get used to dentures without removing them? It is advisable not to take them out for about 30 days to speed up the adaptation process. The dentist will help determine the exact date.

What you need to restore speech

How long does it take to get used to a denture, how quickly will speech be restored? This process can also bespeed up.

massage to quickly get used to removable dentures
massage to quickly get used to removable dentures
  • Special exercises have proven themselves well. It is necessary to stretch and compress the lips, strain and puff out the cheeks. It is advisable to do such simple gymnastics several times a day. The good thing about exercise is that you can do it anywhere.
  • It is also useful to train the correct pronunciation of words. You can do this up to five times a day, each time exercising for at least 15 minutes. It is recommended to pronounce the words at first quietly and slowly, excessive loads will give a result opposite to the expected one. The pace builds up gradually. At the end of the adjustment period, you can already speak loudly and clearly.
  • Another effective exercise is reading literature aloud. As in the previous case, it is recommended to start slowly and quietly. The speed and timbre increase gradually. You can read not only fiction, but also magazine and newspaper articles. A person will be more willing to do this exercise if they are interested.
  • You can also repeat whistling and hissing letters several times a day, words in which they are present. Words can be simple - "heron", "winter", "bowl". When pronouncing them, a large number of facial muscles are involved, and the tongue is also actively working. This helps to improve diction in a short time. A similar result is provided by the pronunciation of the letter "r" and words with its presence. For example, you can repeat the words "fish", "robot", "rails".

Good resultgive tongue twisters. It is not necessary to pronounce them quickly at all. The emphasis should be on repeating combinations of complex sounds and letters.

The main thing is to exercise regularly. You should not count on the result, exercising from time to time.

Struggle against excessive saliva

How long does it take to get used to dentures when the salivary glands stabilize? Over time, the problem will resolve itself. But this process is easy to speed up. You should be aware that salivation can be increased and decreased.

mouthwash while wearing removable dentures
mouthwash while wearing removable dentures

If a person is uncomfortable with too active work of the salivary glands, a saline solution or an infusion of chamomile can help him. Means it is necessary to irrigate the oral cavity once a day. With reduced salivation, you can also do something. To alleviate the condition, you need to drink more liquid, taking small sips.

At least for a while, it is worth removing from the diet foods that actively contribute to irritation of the mucous membrane. A person undergoing an adaptation period is categorically contraindicated in hot and spicy food. The abuse of tobacco and alcohol products is also not recommended. Ideally, cigarettes and alcohol should be avoided.

How to deal with gagging

How long does it take to get used to dentures to stop vomiting? At such moments, a person has a desire to remove the structure. In no case should you do this, it will only prolong the adaptation period.

When appearinggagging is recommended to take deep breaths and exhalations. All this must be done with a closed mouth. It also helps to cope with an unpleasant state of resorption of the lollipop. Preference should be given to menthol or mint flavors. It is also recommended to rinse the mouth with a solution of common s alt.

How to restore taste sensations

The lack of familiar taste sensations is the least of the problems that people encounter when they get used to removable dentures. However, eating tasteless food is still unpleasant enough.

First of all, you need to make sure that meals are regular. Under no circumstances should you skip meals. While eating, you should try to feel its taste at least on a subconscious level. Memory will help a person cope with this task. Food should be kept in the mouth as long as possible. So the taste sensations will recover faster.

Positive attitude is another important point. A person should enjoy the meal, enjoy every bite eaten.

When to see a doctor

Is it difficult to get used to removable dentures without medical help? Many successfully survive the adaptation period without ever going to the clinic. But still there are situations when you need to urgently make an appointment with a specialist. Self-medication can be dangerous.

with a long addiction to removable dentures
with a long addiction to removable dentures
  • Wearing a prosthesis leads to rubbing and squeezing of the gum tissue.
  • The structure has shifted or is slipping.
  • Painful sensations, inflammation in the oral cavity.
  • Prolonged violation of chewing and speech functions. You can try the home remedies above before seeing your doctor.
  • Development of cheilitis and stomatitis.

Underestimate the importance of a timely visit to the doctor can not be. Serious inflammatory diseases should be guarded against.

Possible causes of chafing

Is wearing a prosthesis uncomfortable? The dentist will help determine the cause. Possible explanations are as follows.

  • The presence of irregularities on the design. In this case, the doctor performs the correction of the prosthesis.
  • The occurrence of an allergic reaction. In this situation, the design changes to a new one.
  • Hyperemia. In this case, the dentist prescribes rosehip oil or sea buckthorn oil for the patient.
  • Poor oral hygiene. It must be cleaned of food debris after eating. Also shown is the use of lotions from natural ingredients, rinsing with herbal decoctions.

Also, when rubbing the prosthesis, the products described below are used.

  • Special pads and plates made from collagen. These devices are placed between the prosthesis and the gum. They have a healing effect, a disinfectant property. They also have a protective function.
  • Apitherapy. Honey is an effective anti-inflammatory, wound healing and analgesic agent. It must be applied at night on the gum.
  • Medicines. It can be creams and gels,whose action is aimed at healing the gums. They activate the adaptation process, speed up getting used to the removable structure.

Long adaptation

How long does it take to get used to dentures? Reviews let you know that some people have a prolonged adaptation period. What could be the reason?

  • Individual intolerance to materials.
  • Bone atrophy.
  • Physiological features of the jaw.
  • Poor fixation of fastening systems or their incorrect selection.
  • Adentia.

Sometimes the problem is related to the banal non-compliance with the rules of operation. A person pays insufficient attention to oral hygiene, neglects rinsing and massage, special exercises. All this leads to the fact that the adaptation is delayed.

Only a dentist can correctly identify the source of the problem. It is not worth delaying to see a doctor, it is dangerous.

Intolerance to dentures

This case, although not very often, is observed in dental practice. Such a state can be assumed if the design continues to cause discomfort to a person after passing through the adaptation phase.

The hallmark symptoms of intolerance are as follows:

  • pain;
  • severe redness of the mucosa;
  • burning;
  • taste bud dysfunction (food has a plastic or metallic taste).

Allergy to the materials used is the main factor that leads to intolerance to dentures. Mechanical damage to the gums by the structure is also possible. It is also impossible to exclude infection with a fungus or microbes, the psycho-emotional state of the patient, dysfunction of the immune system.


It will be useful to refer to the experience of those who are already familiar with removable dental structures and have experienced a phase of getting used to them. So, how long does it take to get used to dentures? Reviews contain conflicting information, but some common points can be identified.

The most important thing is to remember about regular hygiene procedures. It is the neglect of this rule that often creates a problem. The more often the patient takes care of the prosthesis, the less inconvenience it can create for him. You need to understand that plaque remains on the structure in the same way as on the teeth.

The psychological component also plays an important role. Emotional readiness of the patient is the key to successful adaptation. Before wearing a removable structure, a person must set himself up for the fact that he will face certain inconveniences during the addiction period. In reviews, people are often advised to provide themselves with comfortable conditions in this phase. It is best to take a vacation for the adjustment period. Restoring speech function takes some time, it may not be easy to communicate normally with others right away.

Reviews indicate that the adaptation process proceeds individually for each person. This can take anywhere from a week to a year. How to quickly get used to removable dentures, avoid many problems? To do this, follow the recommendations given above.
