Modern medicine has many different ways to correct certain imperfections in our smiles. Distal bite, that is, such a feature of the structure of the dental apparatus, when the lower jaw is too small, disproportionate in size relative to the upper jaw, is no exception. For correction in this case, it is customary to use the Herbst design - an apparatus that has no analogues today. What kind of device it is and what its principles of operation will be discussed in this article.
Why fix an overbite?
So, the distal bite is the presence of a more developed upper jaw compared to the lower one. It would seem, why correct this feature inherent in nature? The fact is that in the absence of timely intervention by the dentist against the background of the presence of a distal occlusion, a number of aesthetic problems may arise. Namely:
- Insufficient closure of front teeth.
- Protrusion of the upper lip.
- The non-closure of the lips, as a result of which the mouth always remains half open.
- Swelling of the face with an undeveloped chin.
- Shorteninglower face.
Distal bite is easy to identify by finding the lower lip behind the upper incisors. Dentists strongly recommend resorting to treatment as early as possible in order to avoid the defects listed above. Herbst's construction will help with this. The device is successfully used all over the world.

Causes of underbite
There are only three reasons for this phenomenon:
- The presence of an underdeveloped lower jaw with a normally developed upper jaw.
- Excessively large upper jaw compared to a normal lower jaw.
- Underdevelopment of the lower jaw with an excessively large upper.
What is the Herbst apparatus?
Adaptation is a non-removable orthodontic structure that pushes the lower jaw forward, due to which the distal occlusion is corrected. In addition to the restoration of aesthetics, patients experience an improvement in the functioning of the mandibular joints, and the work of the jaw muscles as a whole is rebuilt.
How does Herbst's construction work? The device consists of one pair of telescopic hinged beams, which are attached with crowns or fixing rings to the lower and upper dentition. The design in no way becomes an obstacle to opening the mouth. Herbst's articulated apparatus is a device that seems very cumbersome, but at first glance it is almost invisible. Getting used to it comes almost immediately after installation. The device does not cause discomfort. What do people who have installed the invention say?Herbst? The device in no way interferes with the patient's usual way of life - many believe.

Design variations
Depending on the choice of the type of installation of the device, there are several options for the device:
- Classic - hinged arches are supported on artificial metal crowns.
- Fixation on the crown / orthodontic arch of the selected bracket system - thanks to this design, it is possible to simultaneously correct the dentition and correct the jaw.
- Installation on a plastic base - this design allows for the correction of distal occlusion for people with partial or complete dentition due to the possibility of installing the device on a partial base.

There are many advantages of the device in question:
- Ultimate reliability.
- Full compatibility with all existing braces.
- Small chance of breakage.
- Ease of use.
- No oral hygiene requirements.
Cons include:
- Possibility of injury and damage to the mucous membrane. This happens, as a rule, during a meal.
- Difficulty cleaning distant crowns.
How long does it take to correct an overbite?
Another advantage of wearing this device is the rapid achievement of the desired result. Bite correction occurs inrelatively short terms - within 6-12 months - depending on the complexity of the case.
Will it be necessary to “fix” the result?
As with most braces, you will need to wear a retainer for some time after removing the braces. In some cases, your dentist may recommend wearing a retention mouthguard. Any of these devices will ensure the long-term and reliability of the result achieved while wearing the Herbst apparatus.
There are few cases when the device cannot be used: the patient has a severe somatic pathology, as well as mental disorders.
How do patients rate the Herbst apparatus?
Reviews from clients of various dental clinics somewhat contradict the promises of the complete aesthetics of the device. Most patients note that the Herbst apparatus is still visible to others, despite the installation on the last teeth. Especially, judging by the reviews left, the dental structure is visible during a conversation and with a wide smile.

Herbst apparatus: cost
Depending on the clinic, the price of the dental device in question ranges from 17 to 48 thousand rubles on average. Any patient can choose the best price / quality ratio for themselves and fulfill their dream of a beautiful smile.
Be he althy!