Sparkling smile, snow-white teeth attract attention with their beauty. A he althy oral cavity indicates the overall he alth of the body. And the shamans of ancient Sumeria believed that only those with strong teeth could communicate with spiritual deities.
Gum problems
An experienced dentist will help determine the causes of the negative phenomenon. He will explain that oral diseases can be caused by a number of factors:
- Wrong care. Poor brushing, infrequent use of rinses and floss, and inability to use a toothbrush lead to enamel contamination.
- Mistake in the selection of dental care products. Remember that the paste must contain the necessary components for strengthening and not contain substances aggressive to the enamel. The bristles of the toothbrush are selected according to the type of gum care required and the density of the teeth.
- Microbes that enter the body with food intake.
- Frequent coffee consumption.
- Weakened immunity provokes the development of mouth diseases.
- Unbalanced diet. Lack of vitamins received.
- Medications with side effects of this direction.
- Smoking.

Periodontitis and parodontosis
Gum problems such as periodontitis and periodontal disease are the most common. In addition, they are also very dangerous for humans. The tissue at the base of the tooth is called "periodontium", which is where the name of these diseases comes from. In the early stages, their symptoms may be similar. And sometimes it does not manifest itself at all, because of this, the disease is triggered by 80% of the population. By the way, it leads to omission of the gums, exposure of the necks and displacement of the teeth. Everything can end in their loss. Periodontitis is accompanied by painful manifestations, purulent deposits at the neck of the tooth. It proceeds as a strong inflammatory process.
At first, an imperceptible problem with the gums is periodontal disease. With this disease, the patient may not have any complaints. A slight sensation of itching, intermittent sensitivity to hot and cold do not contribute to the visit to the dentist. But if you do not start treatment in a timely manner, the consequences can be too dire. Periodontal disease leads to tooth loss.
But it's not all gum problems. Do not forget about stomatitis. It occurs on the basis of microorganisms entering the oral cavity, which the immune system perceives as malignant. The disease manifests itself in the form of abscesses on the oral mucosa, gums. In chronic stages, it leads to inflammation of the gum tissue, purulent formations. Symptoms disappear within a week without the use of drug treatment. With frequentremissions should consult a doctor. The manifestation of stomatitis can be caused by violations of internal organs, the presence of a herpes infection or allergic processes.

A vivid symptom of gingivitis is bleeding gums. At the beginning of the disease, it may not be noticeable during the morning toilet. Only when eating can you detect a slight taste of blood. Problems with the gums appear with an increase in their sensitivity, they become loose. Gingivitis can be caused by endocrine disorders. Often it is accompanied by inflammation of the lymph nodes under the lower jaw or middle ear. Less commonly, the cause may be post-traumatic syndrome or medication. Microorganisms deposit objects of their vital activity on the integument of the oral cavity and accelerate the inflammatory process. There is an unpleasant smell from the mouth, the gums descend, plaque and stones form. The human condition is getting worse. The gum becomes hypersensitive.

Gum flux
Caries and pulpitis in advanced stages destroy the tooth so much that purulent discharge inflates the gums. Another cause of edema can be a poorly sealed canal, into which an infection penetrates with clogging and provokes an acute abscess. Violations resulting from periodontitis also lead to poor bonding of the tooth with the gum, opening the way for purulent flux.
Gum Problems: Treatment
The treatment algorithm for any disease of the teeth and gums begins with a diagnosis and clinicalexaminations. A detailed history reveals the essence of the disease to the doctor, identifies the causes and influences the choice of methods for eliminating the problem. Examinations that must be carried out: x-ray of the root canals to detect holes in the dentary, blowing with air - it will help to find damaged areas and indicate the sensitivity of the tooth enamel, examination by a specialist.
To treat most gum disease, it is necessary to eliminate the cause, which lies in the infection. This happens with the help of medicines and the selection of antiseptic products for dental care. In advanced cases, physiotherapy is necessary to restore the soft tissues of the gums. With diseases such as flux, the only option is to remove the tooth that caused the disease. After that, the gum is incised, cleaned of pus, and then filled with a medical preparation with a restorative effect. To prevent re-opening of the channel, the place is clogged with a seal.

Folk remedies for the prevention of gum disease
Do you have gum problems? What to do? Of course, go to an experienced specialist! But it should be remembered that gum treatment at home is impossible. After all, the wrong approach will lead not only to the complication of the situation, but also to the loss of the tooth. Only prevention is possible. And only a doctor can identify gum problems and prescribe appropriate treatment.
It is generally accepted that any herbs relieve inflammation of the gums and eliminate pain. But dentists say that oak bark infusions are bad.are reflected in the structure of the dentary bone, forming microcracks. At the same time, a s alt solution with soda will quickly relieve pain and swelling of the gums. The first component has antiseptic properties and fights infections.
Infusions of chamomile, sage, St. John's wort also help get rid of harmful oral bacteria without destroying the tooth. It is necessary to take 3 tbsp. spoons of each component, mix and pour hot water. Bring to a boil in a steam bath, let it brew for 40 minutes. Strain, rinse twice a day. And propolis and tar can be rubbed directly into the gums or added to rinse infusions. Also for rinsing you can use: kefir (its bifidobacteria will help in the fight against harmful microbes), carrot juice (acts as a gum strengthener), aloe juice diluted with water.

Causes of gum disease during pregnancy
Can gum problems occur during pregnancy? Yes, and it happens very often. Pregnancy is a time of change. Any mother tries to protect her body from harmful external influences. The immune system is weakened. The body, working with a double load, is unable to fight inflammation in the mouth. The reasons why gums suffer during pregnancy are as follows:
- Lack of vitamins, trace elements.
- Excessive hormonal activity. It leads to a change in pH balance and acidity throughout the body.
- Emotional sensitivity. Stressful situations make everyone vulnerableorgans.
- Eating a large amount of food of one direction (sweets, pickles, flour products).
- Ineffective care. During the course of pregnancy, women become overly cautious. Some, seeing blood on the brush, begin to brush their teeth more carefully, without washing out all the remnants of food and germs. Or cancel one of the dental bone cleaning procedures altogether.
Treatment and prevention of gum disease during pregnancy
Treatment of gum disease during pregnancy is essential. A medical worker during a routine examination will easily detect violations and prescribe the necessary measures. Removal of calculus with equipment that does not harm pregnant women and the use of various antiseptics will help preserve teeth until they can be treated. To prevent gum disease, you need to eat fresh fruits and vegetables of durum varieties (carrots, apples). This contributes not only to obtaining vitamins, but also produces a therapeutic massage of the cervical dental areas.

Children's Oral Diseases
The tiny body of a child undergoes a number of painful changes in the process of its formation. One of the biggest challenges for the whole family is teething. The gums become swollen and vulnerable. In addition, babies can suffer from periodontitis, gingivitis, childhood stomatitis. Diseases manifest themselves in the same way as in the adult population.
The causes of violations may be:
- Hereditary factors.
- Problems with the endocrine system.
- Disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Immune diseases.
- Lack of vitamins needed by a growing body.
- Physiological malocclusion is one of the causes of gum problems. It should be seen by a specialist.
- Babies often taste the world, so unwanted germs enter the mouth.
Signal of the multiplication of bacteria in the oral cavity will be the color of the dentition, bad breath and complaints of itchy gums. To prevent gum problems in children, the following prevention is necessary:
- Compliance with all the rules of brushing your teeth. Children do not use the brush very carefully during the morning toilet. Parents should be taught how to brush all areas of the teeth by pointing the bristles down from the base of the gums.
- Preventing germs from toys or other items that may enter the mouth.
- The use of special "chewing" rattles with massaging elements during teething. They improve blood circulation in the gums and relieve pain.
- Control the amount of sweets eaten.
- Checking food temperature. Cold or hot food adversely affects the delicate gum tissue.
- Safety precautions to prevent injury.

Oral hygiene products
Very unpleasant and fraught with consequences are various problems with the gums (photos of diseases can be seen in any medical reference book). To themto avoid, remember to brush your teeth and rinse your mouth at least twice a day. If possible, it is recommended to do this after each meal, since caries most actively affects the enamel during the first 20 minutes after eating.
Comprehensive care will be provided by a brush, silk thread for cleaning the gaps between the teeth, a medical toothpick. Rinse aid fights unpleasant odors caused by bacteria and their waste products. It will help get rid of unwanted pests in the most inaccessible places.