Alternative medicine
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Voll's method is one of the progressive achievements of medical science. Thanks to this method of diagnosis, it is possible to determine the disease even when the patient himself is not aware of it. This is its greatest advantage and innovation
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
The human papillomavirus has been known for a very long time. It was found that the cause of the appearance of warts and papillomas is the entry of the virus into the human body through sexual contact
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Pediculosis (lice) is a fairly common phenomenon throughout the world, its causative agent is a small insect (human louse) that parasitizes on the skin of people. At the first sign, you need to take action immediately
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Healing properties of milk thistle (that's what people call milk thistle) were discovered in ancient times. Due to the unique composition of this plant, which contains about 400 different active substances, it has a very wide range of effects on various systems and organs of the human body
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Toxins, heavy metal compounds enter the body with food, water, polluted air. Fast food, chemically processed vegetables and fruits, a sedentary lifestyle, unhe althy diet - all this leads to the fact that toxins gradually accumulate in the body over the years. Unfortunately, they are not just “collected” in the body
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Quite often, hiccups overtake us at the most inopportune moment, and even not so easy to pass. Many are concerned about the question not only of where it comes from, but also how hiccups can be de alt with. After all, often in life there are such situations when it arises at all by the way and something urgently needs to be done with it. In the article, we will find out how to cope with prolonged hiccups in an adult and answer many questions that readers have long been interested in on this topic
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
How to brew dill? This question worries young mothers, patients of gynecology and gastroenterology, and all people who care about their own he alth. Why is dill used as the basis for a folk remedy? What is it useful for and how to brew it correctly? It is worth dwelling on this
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Facing in life with certain circumstances, we turn to traditional medicine. From century to century, the tradition of treating people with decoctions and home remedies has been kept. Today we will talk about such a miraculous plant as izmagen grass. It plays a huge role in the prevention and treatment of various diseases
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Ear pain is the main symptom of inflammation. It gives a lot of discomfort, interferes with life. As soon as you have pain, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. But what if you have to wait a few days before going to a specialist? Traditional healers say - it is necessary to use natural medicines. For example, geranium will help with earache. We propose to talk about the beneficial properties of this plant today
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
In order to get rid of various ailments, cosmetic procedures, cheer up, relaxation, aromatherapy has long been used. The healing properties of essential oils have made them very popular today. To use these tools to solve a particular he alth problem, you need to know what properties each of them has. A lot of experienced manufacturers offer quality products without synthetic additives
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Pyelonephritis is an inflammatory nonspecific renal pathology of bacterial etiology affecting the renal pelvis, parenchyma and calyces. Its causative agents are enterococci, Escherichia coli, staphylococci, Proteus and others. Not only medicines are used for pyelonephritis. Herbs alleviate the condition of patients, and also help to get rid of the consequences of drug, rather intensive therapy
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Healing elecampane was known to ancient healers: Pliny, Hippocrates, Dioscorides. Its expectorant properties were especially noted. Even Dioscorides knew how to brew elecampane for coughing, and he prescribed crushed elecampane root with honey to his patients. In ancient Rome, it was used as a seasoning for various dishes
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
During immobilization (the period of bone fusion), the inflamed ankle requires absolute rest. All recommended exercises contribute to ensuring the full circulation of blood in the soft tissues of the affected area, excluding the formation of contractures and atrophy
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Diabetes, unfortunately, today is a widespread disease throughout the world that affects people of any age and gender. This dangerous endocrine pathology can cause dangerous complications in the cardiovascular, nervous and other systems
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
In the life of every woman there comes a special period, which is called menopause or simply menopause. Very often, this process is accompanied by the appearance of characteristic symptoms, which can be very unpleasant and disturbing. Along with medications, various herbal remedies help to cope with the symptoms of menopause. Today we want to talk about what herbs to drink with menopause
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Saxifrage femur is a medicinal herb. Distributed in Europe, often found in the Crimea, in the temperate latitudes of Russia, in the Caucasus and the Far East, in Siberia and Southeast Asia. The saxifrage femur is used not only in medicine, but also in cooking. In this article, we will consider the beneficial properties and medicinal recipes based on this plant
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
An amazing medicinal plant elecampane ("nine forces") was named by ancient healers for its ability to fight many diseases. They knew how to prepare a medicine from elecampane that could help with many ailments. In herbal medicine, from many species of this plant, elecampane is used high, mainly its root part
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
The healing science of Tibet includes an ocean of therapeutic methods capable of restoring he alth, curing disease and rejuvenating the body. Currently, a number of alternative medical systems are known (including Tibetan medicine). Joint healing is just one branch of ancient Chinese healing science
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Whoever has ever drunk more than the norm knows that at night there is always a strong thirst. Therefore, after the party, some prepare a bottle of mineral water in advance and put it near the bed so as not to run far. And few people think about the reason for this phenomenon. Today we'll talk about how to get rid of dry wood. Why does this condition occur and how to deal with it?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
The benefits and harms of beetroot decoction have been known to traditional healers since antiquity. It was successfully used to treat many diseases and was considered a panacea for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. Modern scientists have studied the properties of this product and have come to the conclusion that the benefits and harms of beetroot decoction are due to its rich composition
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Does everyone know that there are special points on the head for headaches, called acupuncture points? Yes, this most common ailment can be treated not only with the help of medications, but also with a healing effect on these zones. In addition, this knowledge has been successfully used for more than 10 centuries not only to eliminate headaches, but also to treat a number of diseases. What are these points, and where are they located?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Somewhere in the expanses of alpine meadows grows a small herbaceous plant with medicinal properties - leuzea. The appearance of Leuzea flowers resembles miniature asters. The color of the inflorescences is in lilac-pink shades. The leaves of the plant are large and wide
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Folk healers and representatives of traditional medicine successfully use plants that have medicinal properties in the treatment of many diseases. Many of us know the most common herbs - valerian, St. John's wort, celandine, sage, chamomile and others. But many plants with unique medicinal properties, less common in nature, are unknown to us
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Petitgrain essential oil allows you to surround yourself with your favorite scent all the time. It is bittersweet, delicate, soft, floral and citrus. In the summer, this fragrance will allow you to create a fresh, cool atmosphere. The oil has a number of useful properties, which we will consider today
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Mucus is a natural filter on the surface of organs, necessary to prevent the penetration of microbes and pathogens into tissues. That is why in the human body there are membranes with excreted secretions in areas such as the mouth, nose, sinuses, throat, lungs and gastrointestinal tract. The viscous liquid contains antibodies and enzymes that help the body recognize and kill invaders such as bacteria and viruses
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
The cervical spine is a rather fragile part of the body. With a sedentary lifestyle, it is he who undergoes the first deformations. Today, even schoolchildren are diagnosed with osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae. This can cause pain and discomfort in the shoulder girdle, reduce visual acuity and hearing, and cause cerebrovascular accident. A complex of gymnastics for the neck will help reduce the intensity of pain and improve the patient's condition
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
For a long time, people have been treating various diseases with folk remedies. And in the modern world, more and more patients turn to the services of herbalists and healers. Looking around, especially in the spring and summer, you can see a huge number of medicinal plants, from which it is easy to prepare various medicinal potions and decoctions. Today we will talk about the medicinal properties and use of sage for gargling
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Constipation can be called a real disease that brings discomfort to a large number of people. However, laxative pills can cope with this unpleasant phenomenon
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
In folk medicine, many useful plants are known. They are used in the treatment and prevention of various ailments. The beneficial properties of fenugreek allow it to be used as an effective healing agent. Read more about the plant and its use in the article
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Many people have a money tree at home. Its correct name is a fat woman. And it is not only an excellent filter for cleaning the air and energy at home, but also a plant that has healing properties. The money tree helps in the treatment of wounds, abscesses, bruises and sprains, helps to get rid of sore throats, herpes, arthrosis and arthritis. But how? What is this action based on? And how to use the fat woman correctly? This and much more will now be discussed
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Alternative medicine offers a large number of ways to help get rid of cough in children. However, any folk remedy must be previously agreed with the pediatrician
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
What is the treatment of burdock known to traditional medicine? In the article you will learn how to properly carry it out, what are the indications for its use
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
This herbaceous perennial plant belonging to the celery family is found almost everywhere. It can be seen near houses, in gardens and parks, in wastelands and in humid forests. Many consider it a weed. They are right, but not everyone knows the beneficial properties and contraindications when using sleepweed
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Puffiness may indicate the presence of various diseases in the human body. However, folk remedies for swelling of the legs can be quite effective and will not cause unnecessary harm to the body
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
The fat woman shows medicinal properties, improving the energy of the room in which it grows. In the event that one of the people living in the room is sick, the plant, drawing in negative energy, sheds its leaves. After a person recovers, the money tree immediately changes
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Saffron is one of the expensive spices. The value of the product is associated with the complexity of the manufacturing process. The beneficial properties of saffron are described in the article
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Burns are the consequences of intense exposure to the skin of thermal, chemical or electrical factors. With a slight degree of severity of such injuries, the use of effective folk remedies can alleviate suffering and eliminate trouble. The most effective methods of alternative medicine, which make it possible to cope with the consequences of burns, I would like to consider in our publication
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Lilac is rich in useful substances. Therefore, in folk medicine, teas, infusions, decoctions, ointments and compresses are made from it
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Shepherd's purse grass is an annual plant belonging to the cabbage family. It also has other names: field buckwheat, heart grass, girchak, grinder. The plant has an erect stem with small leaves and white-yellow flowers. Asia is considered the birthplace of the shepherd's bag, but this plant is found throughout Russia
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Pumpkin seed oil, the benefits and harms of which are the topic of today's discussion, is universal. It is used to prepare various dishes, used in cosmetology and even drunk as a medicine. The liquid substance is obtained not from the amber pulp of a vegetable, as one might think, but from roasted seeds, which only increases the value of the finished product