As you know, cough is a reaction of the body that occurs as a result of damage to the mucous membrane by traumatic factors (microbes and viruses, pathogens of various diseases, dust, allergens). Unfortunately, cough can occur not only in adults, but also in children, and in the latter case, treatment should be prescribed with particular care, since the drugs and dosage for the child's body are different from the drugs that are usually prescribed for the treatment of an adult.

Most parents try to start with some folk cough remedy for children and only then turn to pharmacy drugs for help if alternative medicine has been powerless.
If we talk directly about the treatment of cough in children with folk remedies, then it was customary to turn to alternative medicine in this matter for a long time - this method of healing has always had a lot of supporters due to its high efficiency and fast positive dynamics.
As part of non-traditional preparationsmedicine, in any case, there are various herbs that allow you to get rid of germs that cause coughing, but do not harm the child's body. The most common folk cough remedy for children is the chest collection, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. As part of this drug is a certain combination of medicinal herbs, taken in equal proportions. However, do not forget that some herbs can cause allergies in a child, respectively, even when using such treatment, you should always consult with your local pediatrician.

For example, folk treatment of cough in children with licorice, which is part of some fees, can backfire if the baby's body is too sensitive. In addition, the syrup from this plant is contraindicated in diathesis.
An interesting cough effect is given by carrot juice, which should be mixed in equal proportions with water, adding a few teaspoons of honey. Take such a folk remedy for coughing for children should be a tablespoon at least three times a day before the next meal. Do not forget about black radish, the effectiveness of which has been known since ancient times. After rubbing the root crop, you should let it brew with honey and take the resulting juice in a teaspoon. However, you should not use this folk cough remedy for children without consulting a doctor, since radish juice can irritate the stomach lining too much and cause allergic reactions. For those children whodefinitely not allergic to citrus fruits, you can try the healing properties of lemon, which allow you to quickly and safely get rid of a cough.

Fruit as a whole should be boiled over low heat for ten minutes, after which the juice from the lemon should be squeezed into a glass, add glycerin (two tablespoons) and pour honey on top. This composition should be taken at least twice a day, it helps to cleanse the lungs and bronchi.