Citrus aroma is always associated with the holiday. It calms and reminds of summer. After all, oranges and lemons themselves look like little suns. Yes, and they sing only under its hot rays. Petitgrain essential oil allows you to surround yourself with your favorite scent all the time. It is bittersweet, delicate, soft, floral and citrus. In the summer, this fragrance will allow you to create a fresh, cool atmosphere. The oil has a number of useful properties, which we will consider today.

What is this
Indeed, not everyone knows what petitgrain essential oil is and what it is extracted from. The source is a tropical tree called orange. It is a hybrid of mandarin and pomelo. It is from the shoots and leaves of this plant that petitgrain essential oil is obtained. Requires quite a lot of raw materials. It takes about 900 kg to get 2 kg of ether. Of course, this is a lot, since the essential oil is a concentrate and is used inminimum quantities.
It has an orangey, woody scent and is used in the perfume industry. But in addition to a pleasant aroma, it is also very he althy.
Natural sedative
Essential oil of petitgrain copes with this task better than many special preparations that are sold in pharmacies and are quite expensive. It contains linalyl acetate and linalool. This amazing extract makes it easy to overcome fear, anxiety and even shock. Therefore, it is used by some psychotherapists who need to help patients in the most difficult situations. Petitgrain oil effectively calms the nervous system. There is evidence that it protects against epileptic seizures and seizures.
This effect on the nervous system allows the use of oil for emotional disorders, atherosclerosis, nervous exhaustion and overwork. It is able to activate nervous reactions and is an excellent psychostimulant. What does it say? Thanks to the use of oil, productivity and memory increase, the emotional background improves.

Great antidepressant
Bitter orange is a cherry-sized fruit. It has not gained popularity compared to other tropical fruits. But the essential oil is known all over the world and widely used. There are many antidepressants in the arsenal of neuropathologists today. But often the list of side effects they have is so extensive that they are not prescribed unless absolutely necessary. Why not use natural and safe petitgrain oil?
Hissoothing aroma allows you to relax perfectly and effectively copes with depression. If you suddenly feel lonely, then try using this wonderful remedy.
Natural antiseptic
This is another famous property of petitgrain essential oil. Its use as an antiseptic allows you to effectively heal internal and external wounds. The remedy fights staphylococcus aureus, which often causes the development of sepsis. In order to prevent complications of the condition, it is very good to use fragrant oil. Do not forget that for treatment you need to use more serious drugs prescribed by a doctor.

Good antispasmodic
Of course, there may be "No-Shpa" or "Duspatalin" in the first-aid kit. But, in addition to a positive effect on the body, they also have contraindications, and also have side effects. These drugs are used if a person has spasms, cramps, intestinal colic, or trouble breathing.
Petitgrain oil has a strong antispasmodic effect and will help get rid of the mentioned ailments. It can be used to relieve baby's colic. A small bottle will last for a long time, and its cost is quite low.
Sweat and odor remover
And here this oil has no equal. Pomeranian has a truly magical aroma. It is gentle, unobtrusive, floral. Its intensity allows you to mask unpleasant body odors, but at the same time, the aroma does not interfere with others and does not overlystands out. The oil inhibits the growth of bacteria in areas prone to sweating. It can be used when cleaning shoes, especially from the inside.

Cosmetic product
And here the oil showed itself from the best side. Simple and affordable, it does wonders for the skin. This oil has a tonic and rejuvenating effect. It is especially suitable for oily and sagging skin. The use of oil reduces wrinkles and acne, restores firmness and elasticity to the skin. With it, you can get rid of stretch marks that appear with a sharp change in body volume.
Very often this essential oil is used in the treatment of the scalp and hair. It is enough to add it to the composition of home masks on a regular basis - and in a month the result will be noticeable. Hair will stop falling out, dandruff will disappear, and the appearance of the strands will improve.

Cleansing properties
As you know, all problems come from within. Problems with skin and hair are most often associated with slagging of the body. The reason for this is ecology, wrong way of life, errors in nutrition. Cleansing the body of toxins at home with the help of orange oil is quite simple and safe. The oil is able to cleanse the body of toxins, normalize the biochemical formula of lymph and blood. In parallel, it helps to optimize digestion and cleanse the digestive tract.
Use and dosage
If you are looking for an option on how to increase immunity for an adult, then essentialoils will be your good helpers in this. The tool we are considering can be used in dozens of different ways.
- The simplest is inhalation. Take a bowl of hot water and add 5 drops of petitgrain oil to it. Put it next to your workspace. You can use aroma lamps for this.
- After a hard day, take a relaxing bath. To do this, 5-10 drops of the product should be applied to coarse sea s alt and dissolved in warm water.
- To enrich your shampoo, mask or hair tonic, try adding 3 drops per 5 ml each time.
- For a therapeutic massage, use 20 ml of base and 6 drops of orange oil.
- For oral administration, a medicinal mixture is prepared. To do this, mix 6 teaspoons of honey and 12 drops of oil. Mix well and take 1 teaspoon daily. The course of treatment is up to three weeks, after which you need to take a break.
There are no contraindications to combine these methods with each other. You can take the oil inside and massage at the same time. But do not forget about the possibility of individual intolerance and allergic reactions. Test first by applying a small amount to the skin.

Instead of a conclusion
Now you know how to increase the immunity of an adult. You need to go to bed on time, eat right, and also use one or more of the above recipes. Petitgrain oil is not for nothing called the elixir of youth. It can significantly transform your life. Histhey use it to calmly, without anguish, the "lark" will turn into an "owl", and vice versa. The body receives such a powerful charge of energy and strength that almost everything becomes possible.
Of course, essential oil cannot be called a panacea. But the listed indications are quite a tangible reason to try it in action. Especially since you don't really need anything. Put an aroma lamp at home and get several effects at once: a pleasant aroma, calmness and he alth of the whole family.