How to get rid of dry mouth? Causes and solutions

How to get rid of dry mouth? Causes and solutions
How to get rid of dry mouth? Causes and solutions

Whoever has ever drunk more than the norm knows that at night there is always a strong thirst. Therefore, after the party, some prepare a bottle of mineral water in advance and put it near the bed so as not to run far. And few people think about the reason for this phenomenon. Today we'll talk about how to get rid of dry wood. Find out why this condition occurs and how to deal with it.

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how to get rid of dry skin after drinking

Unpleasant morning

The evening was just magical, but after waking up, I want to bury my head in the pillow and not see anyone. Usually at this moment a person notes two main symptoms: a severe headache and thirst. Sometimes it's also nauseating. And before considering the topic: “How to get rid of dried wood?” you need to figure out what your unfortunate body is undergoing at this moment.


If a significant amount of alcohol was drunk in the evening, then the present will develop until the morningpoisoning. What do they do in this case?

If poison has entered the body, then the person is hospitalized and the necessary procedures are carried out to neutralize and remove toxins. But usually no one is in a hurry to call an ambulance to a person who has gone over at a party, especially if this happens to him quite often. Therefore, the body will have to independently cleanse itself of ethanol and its decay products. It is already becoming clear that you need to think not about how to get rid of dry wood. It is important to reduce the level of toxins in the body as soon as possible, then the condition will return to normal sooner.

dried wood after s alty how to get rid of
dried wood after s alty how to get rid of

Load on internal organs

Almost the entire body experiences the effects of a fun party. The whole irony is that helping the body get rid of ethanol and its decay products is almost impossible, with the exception of the blood purification procedure, which is quite expensive. Ethanol enters the liver and breaks down into acetaldehyde, which turns into acetic acid, which, in turn, will circulate through the body and be excreted at the cellular level. And until it has passed through every cell, it is almost impossible to speed up this process. It should be understood: the more you drink, the longer all these processes will take place. And getting rid of dry wood quickly, no matter how much you want it, will not work.

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Liver function

The main burden falls on this body. The liver begins to filter what is taken inits owner. She has to work directly with ethanol and its decay products. The latter are very harmful and quickly destroy the cells of the body. In order to carry out such a cleansing effect, a huge amount of water is needed. The result is severe dehydration.

Intoxication plus fluid loss is why you have a severe headache in the morning. How to get rid of dry wood? It is necessary to replenish the body's fluid loss. According to statistics, during the fight against the consequences of drinking, the body loses up to 3 liters of fluid. Based on this, it can be assumed that he needs to replenish stocks. But this is only one side of the coin. There are other reasons why a person is thirsty in the morning.

how to get rid of dry mouth
how to get rid of dry mouth

Causes of dry mouth

The desire to drink everything that is poured and in large quantities can be easily explained based on scientifically proven facts.

  • Alcohol promotes the excretion of magnesium from the body. Because of this, strong excitability arises and thirst appears. Therefore, if you are looking for a way to get rid of dry mouth, you need to consider eating sources of magnesium. It can be food or pharmaceutical preparations.
  • Metabolism and the work of almost all internal organs are changing. Absolutely all substances that will be formed as a result of the breakdown of alcohol negatively affect metabolic processes. Of course, the body wants to get rid of them, and this requires a lot of water.
  • Overloaded liver cannot producea sufficient amount of enzymes that could fight the effects of alcohol. Therefore, the amount of toxins in the blood rises sharply. As a result, all tissues try to stock up on precious moisture, and as a result, edema appears. How to get rid of dry skin after drinking? Give him a drink of life-giving moisture.

So we come to a simple truth. The body suffers from dehydration, so you want to drink. And the best thing you can do is provide him with plenty of clean water.

Basic rules

And now let's talk about the practice of how to get rid of dried wood after alcohol. At first glance, there is nothing complicated in this. But there are certain points to be aware of.

  • Since the moisture deficit is about 3 liters, then immediately after waking up, you need to drink about one and a half liters of fluid to ensure the normal functioning of the body.
  • If a person has hypertension, then you need to be careful. A large amount of water drunk can lead to a sharp increase in pressure. And this is fraught, especially considering yesterday.
  • Drinking too much can cause nausea or vomiting. Therefore, you need to drink in small portions at regular intervals. On the other hand, vomiting also helps to eliminate toxins.
  • Reception of alcohol leads to the loss of useful s alts. Therefore, it will be very useful to prepare a bottle of mineral water in the morning.
  • After a slight improvement in the condition, you need to enrich the body with vitamins. To do this, squeeze lemon juice into water or add blackberry jam.currants.
dryness after alcohol how to get rid of
dryness after alcohol how to get rid of

Why you want to drink after s alty

Everyone has definitely experienced this phenomenon. It is worth eating s alted fish, and the feeling of thirst becomes very strong. Let's talk about how to get rid of. Sushnyak after s alt is due to physiological reasons. S alt entering the body begins to be distributed throughout the body. It happens unevenly. But the body strives to ensure that the amount of s alt is the same in the blood and in all cells. Therefore, immediately after consuming such a product, a strong thirst wakes up.

But if you drink a lot immediately after s alted fish, then your thirst is not quenched. It takes time for the water to get into the blood and dilute it, as well as dissolve the s alt in the cells. That is, the best option would be to wait a short pause, and then make yourself water with a little lemon juice. Drink it in small sips.

Are there any other ways to get rid of dried wood after fish? Everything is individual here. Someone claims that milk helps well, others prefer cool juice. But these drinks only remove the feeling of dry mouth. And only clean water can eliminate the cause of thirst. It just takes a little time for you to feel relief.

drink more water
drink more water

Instead of a conclusion

Water for our body is of paramount importance. This is not surprising, all cells are filled with it, it is the main substance on which metabolic processes are tied. With toxic damage, water is needed in large quantities.quantities to wash each cell and remove the poison. And the use of alcohol is nothing but voluntary poisoning. Therefore, since the evening you need to drink as much mineral or ordinary water as possible. Take a few activated charcoal tablets before bed. When you wake up at night, you can drink a couple more glasses of water. Then in the morning the symptoms of a hangover and thirst will be much less noticeable.

Today we discussed how to get rid of dry skin after drinking alcohol and eating s alty foods. There is only one principle - to drink in small portions and often.
