Many people have a money tree at home. Its correct name is a fat woman. And it is not only an excellent filter for cleaning the air and energy at home, but also a plant that has healing properties.
Money tree helps in the treatment of wounds, abscesses, bruises and sprains, helps to get rid of sore throats, herpes, arthrosis and arthritis. But how? What is this action based on? And how to use the fat woman correctly? This and many other things will be discussed now.

Plant composition
It is impossible to accurately answer the question of what causes the healing properties of the money tree. Its chemical composition has not been carefully studied. But it is known that it contains flavonoids and phytoncides. And they have a huge list of healing properties. Here is the impactflavonoids:
- Make the walls of blood vessels stronger, increase their tone and elasticity.
- Increase the protection of body cells from harmful microorganisms.
- Reduce exposure to allergens.
- Reduce the risk of tumors and cardiovascular diseases.
- Protect against viral diseases.
- Strengthen immunity.
- Helps fight gastrointestinal diseases and hepatitis.
- Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
- Prevent aging at the cellular level.
- Help fight menopause.
Vytoncides, which are biologically active substances that suppress bacteria, have the following effects:
- Regulation of heart rate.
- Positive effect on the psycho-emotional state.
- Suppression of the development of conditionally pathogenic formations.
- Improvement of metabolic processes.
- Improve performance.
However, the fat woman also contains arsenoids, which are arsenic compounds. And this, as you know, is poison. It has an extremely negative effect on the central nervous system, therefore funds made from fat women should not be taken orally.

Fat girl against skin problems
Problems with the epidermis are probably familiar to many. Most often, people experience skin inflammation. The owners of the fat woman can easily get rid of them. You just need to grind a few leaves of this plant, and then put the resulting slurry on gauze and make a bandage out of it. She needsapply on the inflamed area for 3-4 hours.
In addition, such lotions are great for the following diseases:
- Lichen.
- Psoriasis.
- Eczema.
- Herpes.
- Allergic rashes.
And some people even treat minor burns with this method.
They are great help in the fight against varicose veins. Only a fat woman compress is prepared on the basis of tincture. It is she who helps to fully reveal the healing properties of the money tree. And here are the steps you need to follow to cook it:
- Chop sprigs and leaves carefully.
- Put the resulting mass into a container. The vegetable composition should fill it 1/3.
- Fill the container completely with vodka or alcohol diluted to 40 degrees.
- Send to a dark, cool place.
The composition will be infused for 1 month. It is recommended to shake the container periodically. Then the resulting tincture can be used, and not only for the treatment of varicose veins. It can be rubbed on inflamed nerves and muscle tissue (even facial).

Fat woman with hemorrhoids
Telling about the healing properties of the money tree, one cannot fail to mention its ability to resist this unpleasant disease.
As mentioned earlier, this plant has a powerful analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Crassula produces a fungicidal effect, contributes to a significant reductionhemorrhoids and eliminates burning in the anus.
In addition, a remedy made from this plant can be used to heal wounds, abrasions and anal fissures. It is effective, but there may be contraindications. Some people after using it found themselves allergic to fatty. Another unpleasant consequence can be dermatitis.
How to use a fat woman if there are no contraindications? There are several ways, and they should be discussed separately.

Homemade ointment
It is very easy to prepare. You just need to follow the recipe instructions. And the healing properties of the money tree will be fully revealed. Actions are as follows:
- It is necessary to select the middle leaves of the fat woman and wipe them from dust, if any, has gathered on them.
- Pass them through a meat grinder. Should be healing pulp.
- Vegetable mass must be squeezed out of the juice.
- Add a little Vaseline and a little pulp to the resulting liquid.
- Stir thoroughly. You should get a moderately thick consistency, resembling sour cream in density.
Store this product in a glass jar. Effectively helps in the treatment of anal fissures and inflammation of hemorrhoids. It has a gentle effect, so it can (and even should) be used several times a day.

Their cooking takes a minimum of time. You need to choose a good, fleshy leaf, wash it thoroughly anddivide into two parts with a sharp knife.
The cut side of the sheets should be applied to hemorrhoidal bumps and inflamed anus. Perform several times a day. Also, fresh juice perfectly dries the affected skin.
This is an effective method, but with the same varicose veins, for example, it will be difficult to deal with it. Because the area of impact is too large, you will have to spend a lot of sheets of fat women. Therefore, it is more expedient to grind them for the manufacture of ointments or compresses. In this form, the healing properties of the fat woman money tree are also revealed well.
Remedy for the common cold
If the nose is very stuffy, and there are no drops at hand, then this flower will also help. The healing properties of the money tree will produce a quick effect.
You just need to squeeze the juice from the leaves of the fat woman and mix the resulting liquid with water in a ratio of 1:2. This solution should be instilled into the nose every hour, one drop.
If a person is worried about a chronic runny nose, then you can wash the nose with a tincture of a fat woman. You just need to take 5 leaves, squeeze the juice out of them, and mix it with three tablespoons of water. Rinse the nose with the solution three times a day.

Treatment of nail fungus
This trouble is familiar to many people. And the money house tree is a plant with medicinal properties that can help you quickly get rid of it. The fungus literally "dissolves" in the juice of the fatty. But only if the procedure is performed correctly! The main rule is to do it at night, before going to bed. Actions are as follows:
- You need to prepare a solution of hot water, soap and soda in a container. In this bath, you will need to steam your feet or hands. The diseased nail will soften in this way.
- After 10-15 minutes, dry the limb with a towel and carefully cut off the affected plates.
- Cut off a sheet of fatty and remove a thin film from it, exposing the pulp.
- Fix it on the nail plate with a bandage or adhesive tape.
- Go to bed.
- In the morning, take a bath again. After taking it, cut off the diseased part.
- Smear the affected area with an effective antifungal ointment.
To consolidate the effect, this procedure should be repeated a few more times. The use of the healing properties of the money tree will help to quickly get rid of the fungus.

Could there be harm?
Yes, as mentioned earlier, the flesh of the fat woman contains arsenic. There are contraindications. And the healing properties of the money tree will be meaningless if you start taking funds from it inside.
And many people do this - they drink infusion for pyelonephritis, cystitis, tonsillitis. As a result, people suffer from fever, vomiting, diarrhea and nausea. Moreover, with regular use, arsenic can accumulate in bone tissue. And it will cause great damage to he alth.
And when applied externally, you also need to be careful. It is best to do an intolerance test in advance. You just need to apply a little freshly squeezed fat woman juice on the elbow bend andwait. If burning, itching and redness appear over time, then you should not use medicines made from this plant.