It would hardly occur to anyone to deny the crucial importance of diagnostics. It not only allows you to identify the first symptoms of the disease, but in most cases is an indispensable tool in determining the diagnosis.

Timely and correct treatment depends on it. Medicine has come a long way in recent years. The number of diseases from this, of course, has not decreased, but it has become much easier to determine them in the early stages. Along with other types of research, Voll diagnostics are also widely used.
What is the essence of this method? The thing is that any disease begins with biochemical changes in the cell. They are gradually affected by harmful viruses and bacteria, and a person often does not yet know about his illness and considers himself he althy. The body's defenses are so great that they are able to compensate for these harmful effects. But everything has an end point, the ability to compensate also dries up. That's when the second stage begins. In medicine, it is often called the stage of decompensation. The disease continuesprogress, anatomical changes in the organs begin, and the person feels pain symptoms. Actually, the course of the disease begins with this.
This is where you need to remember the Voll method. It was created and patented in the middle of the last century. However, in Russia it was officially used only in the last 10 years of the 20th century.

Electropuncture diagnostics using the Voll method allows you to identify the disease at the very initial (preclinical stage). Let's see how it works. Everyone knows that on our feet and hands there are acupuncture points that are responsible for one or another organ. By the way, many methods of oriental massage are based on this. Impact on a certain point can cure the organ that is associated with it.
The Voll method suggests using these points not for treatment, but for diagnosis. However, the treatment is then also prescribed. Each point carries the maximum information about a particular organ. At the moment of exposure to a weak electric current, resistance is measured, the value of which eloquently indicates the he alth of the organ.
What can the Voll method determine?
- initial pathologies of all major systems of the human body (nervous, digestive, endocrine and others);
- foci and causes of inflammatory processes;
- predisposition to the appearance of malignant or benign tumors;
- appropriate drugs for the treatment of a disease.

It can also test cosmetics, food and dental materials.
The diagnostic mechanism is quite simple. The special device has two electrodes: passive and active. The first of them is fixed on the arm, the second follist doctor moves along the other arm, probing biologically active points with it and fixing the resistance in them. Each point has its own norm corridor. Usually it is from 50 to 65 units. If the value exceeds 65, this indicates a serious lesion of a certain organ. If the readings are less than 50, we can talk about dystrophy. A number below 30 diagnoses either the complete destruction of the organ, or its rebirth.
Voll's method is an excellent diagnostic tool. No wonder the inventor himself was awarded the gold medal of the Vatican - a rather rare award. Today, this is perhaps the only way to prevent the disease, to extinguish the source of inflammation in the bud.