The first pharmacy our ancestors used was the forest. Ancient manuscripts contain many recipes from a variety of medicinal herbs. Elecampane was no exception, which was used in the treatment of magicians, healers and priests.
Elena Cleansing
A beautiful Greek legend is connected with the elecampane plant. Even the goddesses were jealous of the beauty of the daughter of Zeus and Leda. Many rulers dreamed of taking Elena as their wife. The cunning Odysseus, in order to avoid strife and quarrels, advised them: “Let the beauty herself decide with whom she wants to connect her life. And let the suitors take an oath that they will not take up arms against her chosen one.”
Elena's chosen one was Menelaus, who later became the king of Sparta. And no one could have imagined how much trouble their union would bring. After all, for ten years the blood of the Achaeans and Trojans was shed because of Helen.
Paris, the son of the Trojan king, kidnapped Helen, and the angry Menelaus gathered an army and marched against Troy. The Greeks kept the Trojans under siege for ten years. And thenthe duel between Menelaus and Paris took place.
Beautiful Elena dressed in expensive clothes and climbed the tower to watch the fight. Climbing the fortress walls, she remembered her native Sparta, and hot tears flowed from her eyes. Where they fell to the ground, there appeared plants with beautiful flowers, which were given the name “elna elenium” - the purification of Helen.

What is elecampane
Elenium (as elecampane is called in Latin) is a perennial plant with a thick brown rhizome, velvety, elongated leaves and small yellow flowers.
Inelecampane grows in Europe and the Caucasus, Asia and the Middle East, Turkey, China, Mongolia, Altai and Siberia. Meadows, forests, river banks, forest-steppes from July to September delight the eye with yellow flowers.
“Nine Powers”
The properties of the plant have been known for thousands of years. Our ancestors also knew how to brew elecampane root and from what diseases. The very name of the herb “elecampane” reflects the deep faith of the ancestors in the good power of the herb. They were sure that the plant heals nine evil diseases. And heals not only from sickness, but also from evil spirits.
They fumigated houses and chicken coops so that the chickens lay well. With the help of this tool, they tried to protect livestock from death and hung the stems of the plant in the stable and barn. This miracle grass grew in every yard to protect the owners from misfortunes and troubles. But most of all, elecampane was valued as a remedy that heals many diseases. And already in those days dozens of medicinal recipes were known, and almost everyone knewhow to brew and drink elecampane as a tonic.
Ancient healers
Healing elecampane was known to ancient healers: Pliny, Hippocrates, Dioscorides. Its expectorant properties were especially noted. Even Dioscorides knew how to brew elecampane for coughing, and he prescribed crushed elecampane root with honey 2 times a day to his patients. In ancient Rome, it was used as a seasoning for various dishes.
In later times, elecampane wine was popular. The fresh juice of the rhizome was mixed with honey and red wine, boiled for 10 minutes and taken to increase the acidity of the stomach. Poetic lines about elecampane were left by Odo from Mena, in which the indicated properties of elecampane are described.

Medieval medicine
Healers of the Middle Ages believed that elecampane was useful as a diuretic, tonic and invigorating agent. The root of the plant was included in many drugs of Arabic medicine. In case of bone fractures, ointments were prepared, where one of the components was elecampane root. The same remedy was used for the stings of bees, scorpions, vipers. Skin diseases were treated with elecampane rhizomes soaked in vinegar.
Avicenna recommended brewing elecampane root as a means “for expelling worms from the stomach”, elecampane juice mixed with rue juice cured hernias. In the ancient treatises of Tibetan medicine, elecampane was included in almost all healing compounds.
Later this plant began to be used in Russia as a decongestant, hemostatic, cholereticand diuretic. It was also used in the treatment of tachycardia, bronchial asthma, whooping cough and skin diseases. It was in elecampane that inulin, an effective remedy in the fight against diabetes, was discovered.
Chemical composition
Inula root contains up to four percent of essential oils, which include:
- alanthol is a colorless liquid with strong antiseptic properties;
- proazulene - kessyl alcohol, which is converted during the distillation of vegetable raw materials and steam into azulene, which has anti-allergic and regenerating properties;
- a-tocopherol - a type of vitamin E;
- gum is a high molecular weight carbohydrate;
- saponins - organic compounds from glycosides;
- organic acids;
- polysaccharides - up to 44% inulin, inulenin, pseudoinulin;
- resins and bicyclic sesquiterpene lactones.

Healing properties
Rhizomes of the plant have expectorant, antimicrobial, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic and tonic properties. They are most pronounced in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract: they normalize secretory and motor functions, relieve spasm, increase bile secretion, reduce acidity, kill parasites and fungi.
Proven to be a disinfectant and expectorant. It has found application in medicine for bronchitis and tracheitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, in the treatment of influenza and acute respiratory infections. How to brew elecampane for coughs and other diseases is described below.
It is used for diabetes,neurosis, epilepsy, atherosclerosis. An excellent anthelmintic. Elecampane is used in the absence of menstruation or hypomenstrual syndrome, so you need to know how to brew elecampane with a delay in menstruation.
Used to treat skin diseases: furunculosis, eczema, dermatosis, purulent and non-healing wounds.
Inula root is included in many weight loss preparations, as it normalizes digestion, speeds up bowel movements, and reduces cravings for sweets. Below is a recipe for how to brew elecampane for weight loss.
Inelecampane wraps are recommended in the fight against cellulite.
The roots of the plant are used in cosmetology for rejuvenation, cleansing, toning the skin. Also used for dandruff, to strengthen hair.
Use of elecampane
Pharmacies sell "Alanton", made from the roots of elecampane, tablets that are used for peptic ulcers. "Alantolactone" - a remedy for getting rid of helminths. There are also crushed elecampane roots on sale with instructions on how to brew elecampane. They independently prepare infusions, decoctions, ointments and alcohol tinctures:
- Decoction is prepared in a water bath. Pour a spoonful of finely chopped roots into a glass of boiling water, put in a bowl of boiling water and keep for half an hour. Cool and top up with water to a glass. Drink a decoction of 1 spoon half an hour before meals.
- To prepare the infusion, pour a spoonful of elecampane with a glass of boiling water. Six hours to insist and drink 1 spoon 3 times a day. Another way to brew elecampane was suggested by Bulgarian healers. It is cooked coldin a way that preserves many useful substances. Pour a teaspoon of elecampane with cold water and leave for at least 8 hours. Drink infusion up to 8 times a day.
- For alcohol tincture, pour two tablespoons of plant roots into 0.5 liters of vodka and leave for 10 days. Shake occasionally, strain and drink 20 drops.

Inelecampane for weight loss
Elecampane has been successfully used in various diets due to its diuretic properties. In addition, its properties improve intestinal motility, accelerate the process of emptying, regulate metabolism. In addition, if you know how to brew elecampane correctly, you can reduce cravings for s alty, sweet and sour. Gum has a beneficial effect on the process of losing weight.
Pour a glass of water with one spoonful of rhizomes and boil for two minutes. Infuse for half an hour, drink 3 tablespoons four times a day.
With diabetes
The root of the plant contains up to 40% inulin, which replaces sugar and starch for diabetics. It also contains D-fructose, one of the active substances for the treatment of diabetes. The bitterness contained in the root enhances the secretion of the pancreas and regulates cholesterol and sugar. In diabetes mellitus, elecampane can be brewed as an anti-sclerotic and sedative, used to improve the condition in general, as well as for concomitant diseases - stomatitis, gingivitis, skin inflammation and joint pain.
Pour one tablespoon of root with a liter of water and boil for 25 minutes. Wrap dishes with broth. After 4 hours you can drink. Take 4 times a dayday for 1 spoon.

Elecampane for cough
Essential oils and saponins in the composition of the plant have an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and mucus-secreting action. Therefore, elecampane root is recommended for acute and chronic coughs. Mucus after taking it liquefies and is removed with sputum. In addition, the bitter substances contained in the root of the plant strengthen the immune system and are recommended for bronchial asthma when the body is weakened.
To prepare a cough decoction, pour 300 ml of boiling water over one and a half tablespoons of elecampane roots and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. Cool the broth, drink three teaspoons every three hours.
You can make a herbal mix. Here's how to brew elecampane root for cough correctly in the form of a bronchodilator collection:
- To collect, you need to take elecampane root, anise and thyme in equal amounts. Pour two tablespoons of the mixture with a liter of water and boil for 15 minutes. Wrap the broth, insist 4 hours. Drink 1 glass for 10 days.
- For bronchitis infusion, you need one teaspoon of the root and a glass of warm water. Insist 10 minutes. Drink 4 times a day, 60 ml. You can add honey.
This composition not only cleanses the lungs of mucus, but also relieves inflammation, anesthetizes, has an immunomodulatory effect, eliminates shortness of breath and wheezing.
Psoriasis treatment
Elecampane, which has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, in the form of ointments and lotions is used for psoriasis:
- It takes two to make an ointmentspoons of root powder pour 50 ml of water. Keep the resulting mixture in a water bath for 20 minutes. Cool and mix with medical grease. Rub the ointment once a day. After 40 minutes, wash off with laundry or baby soap.
- For tincture you need 0.5 liters of red wine pour 120 grams of roots. Boil for 10 minutes and drink three times a day as a general tonic.
Inelecampane for colds
Resins, flavonoids, gelenin, saponins, mucus and alkaloids that make up the plant have a diaphoretic, diuretic, bactericidal and general tonic. Elecampane is an excellent remedy for combating pathogens of a viral infection:
- Small pieces of elecampane root to dissolve during the day, but no more than three pieces.
- For a herbal collection for colds, pour equal parts of elecampane and angelica root with a liter of water. Boil for 10 minutes, cool. Drink twice a day for 150 ml.
When suffering from tuberculosis
The expectorant, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant properties of elecampane grass are excellent for tuberculosis. The benefits and harms of how to brew and drink with tuberculosis are indicated below. In addition, elecampane heals lung ulcers and strengthens debilitated patients:
- For tincture, grate 2 cups of fresh root, pour 0.5 liters of vodka and leave for nine days. Drink one spoon for 2 months.
- From tuberculosis of the bones, you can prepare a herbal collection: in a thermos with 3 cups of boiling water, pour one and a half tablespoons of elecampane, two tablespoons of comfrey roots, one spoonful of linden flowers and primrosespring. Leave for 12 hours and drink 150 ml 4 times a day.

Elecampane in cosmetology
In ancient times, elecampane was used to improve skin tone and elasticity. To prevent wrinkles and restore aging skin, even then they knew how to brew elecampane. Reviews of our contemporaries confirm that products with elecampane significantly improve skin condition. Ecology, lack of sleep and stress do their job. You can not wait for skin problems, but use elecampane products for prevention:
- Lotion for skin elasticity Prepare from 0.5 liters of dry wine and 50 grams of roots. Put the resulting mixture for 10 minutes on a slow fire. Wash your face with the mixture twice a day. Store in refrigerator.
- To cleanse the skin, prepare an infusion of 50 grams of roots and a glass of vegetable oil. Boil the mass, pour into an airtight container and leave for a week in a dark place. Wipe the face with a warm mixture, the infusion is removed with wet swabs.
- An ointment for inflammation is prepared from 50 grams of roots and 5 tablespoons of melted lard. Apply ointment to affected skin for 20 minutes.
- A decoction of 0.5 liters of water and 2 tablespoons of elecampane will help from peeling the skin. Boil the mixture for 10 minutes, strain and mix with 2 tablespoons of starch. Apply the slurry to the affected areas of the skin and wash off after 15 minutes.
For strengthening hair
Since ancient times, decoctions and infusion of elecampane have been used to strengthen hair and dandruff:
- Herbalfees: in equal parts, take the roots of burdock and elecampane, St. John's wort. Pour four tablespoons of the mixture with a liter of water. Boil 10 minutes. Rub into hair roots, can be taken orally 150 ml three times a day before meals.
- An infusion of dandruff is prepared from 0.5 liters of boiling water and 3 teaspoons of elecampane root. Leave the mixture for half an hour. Infusion can be moistened with hair, rubbed into the scalp. Rinse with clean water after half an hour. This remedy is also used for oily hair.

Elecampane in gynecology
The root of the plant has been used for a long time and quite successfully to stimulate ovarian function, eliminate pain during menstruation, normalize the cycle, relieve inflammation and stop lactation. Elecampane is a very effective remedy in gynecology, if you know how to brew elecampane to induce menstruation correctly. It contains a substance that enhances blood formation, so after a few doses, improvements are noticeable:
- With a delay, elecampane provokes menstruation after a few doses. But you need to know not only how to brew elecampane to induce menstruation, but also remember that it is important to follow the recommended dosage so as not to cause bleeding: 50 ml twice a day.
- Decoction with a delay is prepared from 300 ml of hot water and one spoonful of roots. The mixture is boiled for 5 minutes, wrapped and infused for half an hour. Strain and drink no more than 100 ml per day.
- The same decoction will soothe the pain when the uterus is prolapsed. In the same way, you can brew elecampane for a miscarriage. Before using elecampane, it is better to consult withdoctor.
For problems with conception
Decoction of elecampane is also recommended for infertility. Its effectiveness is due to the fact that the plant will relieve inflammation and improve metabolism, thereby eliminating the most common causes of infertility. In addition, elecampane has a positive effect on the body as a whole. A properly selected course of treatment normalizes the cycle, strengthens the reproductive system. And it should be remembered that herbal treatment is a long process:
- For conception, it is recommended to use a tincture of two parts of vodka and 1 part of the roots. Insist until sediment appears, strain and take twice a day. Shake the solution before use.
- The same tincture is successfully used for uterine prolapse, urinary incontinence, inflammation of the appendages. You can soak the swab with tincture and moisten with a mixture of aloe and honey (1: 1). Tampons are placed daily. The tincture and the mixture of aloe-honey are taken equally.
- For conception, a herbal collection is also recommended: 6 tablespoons of elecampane, burdock and dandelion roots in equal parts pour 0.5 liters of sixty percent alcohol. Insist, shaking daily, 21 days. As soon as a white precipitate appears at the bottom of the dish, the tincture is ready for use. Drink 50 ml twice a day.

It is contraindicated in elecampane during pregnancy, as it can cause bleeding.
Not to be taken while breastfeeding. Elecampane has a diuretic property, and fluid is excreted from the mother's body, which leads to “burnout”milk. 2-3 hours after taking the remedy, changes are observed: the breast becomes softer, the pain subsides, the milk stops coming with the same intensity.
Elecampane is contraindicated in diseases of the kidneys and heart, excessive blood viscosity and chronic constipation. It is important to remember that when taking herbal preparations, it is important to follow the indicated recipe and recommended dosage. A consultation with a specialist will help you assess your he alth condition correctly and not harm your he alth.