Quite often, hiccups overtake us at the most inopportune moment, and even not so easy to pass. Many are concerned about the question not only of where it comes from, but also how hiccups can be de alt with. After all, often in life there are such situations when it arises at all by the way and something urgently needs to be done with it. In this article, we will find out how to cope with prolonged hiccups in an adult and answer many questions that readers have been interested in for a long time on this topic.
What is hiccups
If you look at this phenomenon from a scientific point of view, then hiccups are simply contractions of the diaphragm in the form of shocks. The larynx narrows and the glottis closes completely, blocking air intake.
It is difficult to talk about the exact causes of its occurrence, but there are suggestions that this is due to indigestion. As well ashiccups are observed during neuroses. Often, hiccups go away on their own and do not require any additional action from the person. But if it drags on and does not go away for a very long time, then this is already a signal of the presence of serious problems in the body. With this, you should immediately contact a specialist. Prolonged hiccups are more common in the male population. If it is repeated for a month from day to day, then such hiccups can be called chronic.

Causes of hiccups
As already mentioned, it is impossible to say exactly what caused hiccups, but there are some conditions and conditions of the body that lead to its occurrence:
- The phrenic nerve is located near the esophagus, and eating hot food can irritate it, resulting in hiccups.
- You may notice that if you eat too much, then the problem will not be long in coming.
- Don't eat too fast as this will also cause you to hiccup.
- Sudden changes in temperature tend to cause hiccups.
- Sodas are quite common cause of hiccups.
- Eating too spicy food, as well as dry food, cause such a reaction in the body.
- Alcohol and certain medications can cause hiccups.

Diseases that cause hiccups
There are a number of diseases that are amongtheir symptoms and side effects have hiccups:
- In the first place are various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Respiratory diseases such as pneumonia, asthma, pleurisy.
- Diseases that affect the human central nervous system.
- A normal psychological reaction to an event can cause hiccups.
- Diseases that affect the body's metabolism.
Complications of hiccups
Hiccups that are too long and frequent cause some complications that you should also be aware of:
- If there is little time between bouts of hiccups, then it becomes difficult for a person to eat food and as a result, he loses weight.
- Insomnia may occur if seizures occur too frequently.
- May have difficulty speaking.
- Some patients have developed depression as hiccups often bother them and they cannot live a normal life.
- Hiccups are dangerous for people who have recently had surgery as they interfere with stitches from healing.

Hiccups in a newborn
Hiccups are quite common in young children, and mothers are very worried about how to help a newborn cope with hiccups. First of all, it is worth noting why it occurs in babies. The reason may be the thirst of the child, or perhaps he is a little cold. Quite often, in infants, hiccups occur after feeding. This testifies tothe fact that during the ingestion of milk, too much air has entered the body. A child can be very frightened by something, and because of this, he may begin to hiccup. Children who overeat begin to hiccup. Usually, hiccups at this age go away on their own and do not last more than fifteen minutes. But if the attacks are too frequent and long, then this is already a reason to go for a check-up with a pediatrician.

How to get rid of
How to deal with hiccups in a newborn? First of all, it is worth finding out the cause of its occurrence and after that quickly remove it. For example, if a child hiccups after feeding, then it is worthwhile to vilify him with a “column” for some time so that all the air can safely exit the ventricle. Give the child a drink of water, perhaps he is just thirsty. Feel the baby's arms and legs and if they are cold, then the baby is cold. It needs to be covered or dressed warmer. Remove all irritating factors, provide the baby with peace, it is not necessary that bright light falls on his eyes or loud music sounds. This can be frightening for a newborn.

How to deal with hiccups quickly
There are many ways to get rid of an unexpected bout of hiccups, but here are five ways doctors settled on:
- You should drink a glass of clean water without gas. You need to drink slowly, in small sips. Now this method has been slightly improved and it is recommended to lean forward a little while drinking.
- Also, to get rid of hiccups, experts recommend eating somethingeither sour or bitter. It could be a slice of lemon. When something like this enters the digestive system, the spasm is quickly relieved.
- Another good way is to put some sugar in the middle of your tongue and swallow it quickly.
- You can try relying on reflexes. One finger is placed in the mouth in such a way as if you want to induce vomiting, but you should not take it to the extreme. This breaks the rhythm of calls.
- And the last way - you just need to hold on to your tongue. It is enough to stick out the tongue for a few seconds and slightly pull it with your fingers. From these actions, the hiccups should leave you quickly.
Traditional medicine
Here's what traditional medicine says about how to deal with adult hiccups:
- Half a spoonful of mustard should be mixed with a small amount of table vinegar. The resulting mixture is smeared with half of the tongue, and after a few minutes the hiccups disappear. Mustard residues are recommended to be washed off with warm water.
- With frequent urges, it is recommended to prepare an alcohol tincture of hellebore or purchase it at a pharmacy and mix two drops with a teaspoon of water. Take daily at the first sign of hiccups.
- You can apply an ice cube to your throat or make a cold compress.
- If hiccups do not want to leave you at all, then you can put mustard plasters under the spoon.
- Traditional medicine also advises adding a teaspoon of vinegar to a glass of water and drinking the liquid quickly.

As you can see, get rid ofhiccups are possible, but only if it does not carry any danger to the body. But if this phenomenon is observed too often, then you should consult a doctor so as not to get undesirable consequences. There are many ways to get rid of an attack of hiccups, which are supported by doctors and which have long existed among the people. You can try several of them and, choosing the most effective for yourself, always use it when necessary.