The human papillomavirus has been known for a very long time. It was found that the cause of the appearance of warts and papillomas is the virus entering the human body sexually.
It can only be transferred between living beings. The virus belongs to papillomaviruses. Its reproduction occurs in the upper layers of the skin. It inhabits the basal layers of the dermis. Due to its long stay in cells, the entire process of their active division is disrupted.

This virus is one of the most common. Its transmission occurs most often during sexual intercourse. It is worth noting that in the last 10 years the number of people who have become infected with this virus has increased 10 times. It can live in the external environment as well as in the human body. Although its full development is possible only in the latter case.
Causes of occurrence
Papillomas appear on the human body due to HPV infection. This is one of the most common viruses, mainly affecting the genitals.
Also highlighted a few more frequentlycommon causes of papillomas:
- infection due to skin damage;
- transmission of the virus during childbirth from mother to child. When a baby passes through the birth canal, laryngeal papillomatosis and atogenital warts may occur.
Such a disease does not appear immediately, it can make itself felt after a while. Although such formations do not cause concern, it is still necessary to consult a doctor if they occur.
There were cases when papillomas were transformed into malignant tumors. A visit to the doctor is a guarantee that in the future there will be no transformation and development of formations on the body.
Treatment of papillomas at home
Many people are interested in the question of how to cauterize papilloma at home (see the article for a photo of the formations). Let's talk about that.

It is believed that these are benign formations that do not need to be removed if they do not irritate human skin. In this case, you need to remember certain circumstances:
- there is a possibility of transmitting the virus to your family and friends through contact with them;
- papillomas are benign in nature, while certain factors can cause their transformation into malignant tumors;
- they can cause autoinfection.
Quick removal of papilloma can protect a person from all these unpleasant consequences.
How can you cauterize papilloma?
Moxibustion inat home - this is a fairly effective way to completely get rid of formations. Often this is even the only way to eliminate them. Such methods are often the only possible solutions to the problem. They provide both the elimination of formations and the prevention of their further appearance.
Often, thinking about how to cauterize papilloma at home, people remember celandine. This is a fairly simple procedure, although it can be quite painful. But we will talk about this below.
Remove papillomas with ointments
Not everyone knows how to cauterize papilloma at home. The use of ointments as an effective remedy for their elimination is absolutely painless. In this case, a wide variety of ointments can be used.
Oxolinic ointment
It has an action aimed at the complete elimination of papillomas from the surface of the skin. Its main active substance is oxolin, which is an effective antiviral component. Its main task is to actively counteract various viruses in their development and reproduction.

It was noted that this ointment is not always able to fulfill the task assigned to it. But even if, after using it, the papilloma remains on the skin, no subsequent formations are observed around the affected area.
Many are interested in the question of how and how to cauterize papilloma in intimate places at home? Of course, for this you should take a safe oxolinic ointment. It is applied to the skin at least 2 times a day, preferably 3 times. As soon as the papilloma is treated with it, a characteristic burning sensation occurs on the skin. It passes very quickly, mostly after 5 minutes. It is necessary to apply the ointment for at least 2 weeks, optimally 2 months. If there are no changes after this time, you need to seek help from a doctor.
Ointment "Viferon"
The main active ingredient of this ointment is interferon. Its function is to fight the negative effects of viruses, in addition, an obstacle to the production of protein, which is necessary for their reproduction. Also, this ointment affects the active increase in the level of immunity of the human body. Using it causes a rather strong burning sensation near the treated area, while the feeling of discomfort is short-lived, it passes very quickly.
Quite often you can hear the question: how to cauterize papilloma at home during pregnancy? Since this ointment is characterized by a rather low absorbability, it is recommended for use by women who are carrying a child, as well as nursing mothers. Its impact when applied externally occurs exclusively on the area of application. The drug is contraindicated for use in children under one year old.
Ointment "Viferon" is applied 3-4 times a day, until the papilloma disappears completely. To avoid recurrence of the disease, you need to repeat the course after a month. This is how long the main treatment takes.
Various preparations for papillomas
We continue to find out how to cauterize papilloma at home. Since the penetration of the virus into the bodypapillomas causes the occurrence of benign tumors, along with surgical methods for their removal, methods for their elimination are also used using various medications. These products are prescribed by a doctor and should not be used alone.

"Panavir" from papillomas
If you don't know how to cauterize papilloma, choose "Panavir". It is considered an excellent antiviral agent, while the range of its application is very wide. It can be used to treat papillomas that have appeared on the skin, as well as to prevent their further appearance.
This drug has a very mild effect. It helps to accelerate the production of interferon by the body, due to which the processes of the natural resistance of the human body to the action of various viruses are stimulated. Defense mechanisms are being strengthened.
"Ferezol" from papillomas
But that's not all, how to cauterize papilloma. The use of Ferezol as an effective remedy for combating formations also ensures the elimination of genital warts, corns and dry warts.
It should be carefully applied to the dermis, while not touching the skin around. You need to rub the drug within 40 minutes. If the appearance of a small size, then 3-5 procedures will be required to completely eliminate it. If the expected effect does not occur, you need to visit a specialist.
Castor oil
It has a yellow tint, while it has a fairly viscous consistency. This oil is produced from castor beans, a poisonous plant. At the same time, all toxic substances remain in the cake, they do not enter the product itself. The use of cold pressing in the manufacture ensures the production of high quality castor oil. If a high temperature has been applied during production, the quality of the oil will decrease.
It is worth noting that for the treatment of papillomas the drug is used in two different ways:
- A small amount of oil must be applied to the formation, put a patch on top of it. If you repeat this manipulation three times a day, after 5 days the papilloma will disappear.
- Wipe the papilloma with a cotton pad dipped in oil, while massaging it for 10 minutes. The procedure must be carried out twice a day. After a month, you will completely get rid of the problem. If it is necessary to resolve the issue a little faster, then the procedure should be carried out 5 times a day.
Treatment with folk remedies
The use of traditional medicine in the treatment of papillomas has proven itself perfectly. Their safety and effectiveness is due to the absence of various side effects.
Celandine from papillomas
First, let's learn how to cauterize papillomas with celandine. When using it, there is a slight irritation in the application area. This is due to the huge concentration of toxic substances in the juice of the plant. If it gets into the bloodstream, then the person's breathing quickens and the pulse decreases.
For the treatment of papillomas in this way, only grass is used. Exceptionally freshCelandine is used as a remedy, since when it is dried, 4/5 of all the milky juice is completely lost. To do this, the damaged surface of the skin is moistened with water, after which it is disinfected with any antiseptic agents.
Next, you need to squeeze a little celandine juice onto the papilloma. For the remedy to be effective, the outgrowth at the sole should be tied with a thin thread. Gently, by thinning the build-up, you need to tighten the thread until the formation is completely eliminated.

Next, you need to lubricate the hole left after the build-up with celandine juice. Such a measure will exclude the possibility of further recurrence of papilloma. You need to lubricate every day for a month, 2 times a day. During this time, the skin at the point of appearance of the formation is completely renewed.
Laundry soap
Laundry soap is also suitable for eliminating these formations. To do this, before going to bed, they just need to rub papillomas. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention that they need to be covered with a thick soapy layer. This treatment should be carried out for a minimum of four nights.
You need to make sure that when applying soap, do not damage the papilloma, thus introducing an infection into it. If, after repeating this procedure, inflammation of the formation begins, it is necessary to stop further rubbing. After a while, the papilloma will dry out and fall off.
We continue to find out how to cauterize papilloma at home. One way is to use wormwood. Forfor a 7-day course of treatment, you will need 100 g of this dry herb. During the first 3 days of the course, including at night, you need to swallow a pinch of wormwood every 2 hours. The next days you need to do the same, but already 6 times a day.
Before going to bed you need to do enemas for cleansing. To do this, a tablespoon of wormwood is infused in one liter of hot water for half an hour, then filtered. 100 g is cast, the rest of the volume is used for enema. Throughout the week, you must follow a diet, do not eat meat, fish, sweets, milk, eggs and dairy products.
How else to cauterize papilloma at home? The healing properties of garlic make it an excellent remedy for getting rid of papillomas. Very effective use of its juice. To achieve this, you need to peel the clove of garlic, crush it and rub the resulting juice into the formation. The operation must be repeated at least 3 times during the day.
Continue until the papillomas are completely gone. This happens after about 3 weeks. Although garlic juice is effective only when papillomas have appeared recently and have not had time to grow too much.

In addition, you can cauterize papillomas with iodine. Effective use is due to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It is used to treat formations that are on the leg. It should only be used in autumn or spring, when direct sunlight is less likely to hit the skin.
So wefound out whether it is possible to cauterize papillomas with iodine. Now let's figure out how to do it. Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to lubricate the skin around the affected area with a greasy cream. This will protect her from damage. Then iodine is applied with a cotton swab. Papilloma does not need to be touched, as this will inflame it and the infection will begin to spread. Soon it will begin to dry out, then fall off by itself.
Hydrogen peroxide
How to cauterize papilloma at home in addition to the listed funds? Hydrogen peroxide! The order of its use is as follows. Several times a day, the papilloma is lubricated with a preparation with a concentration of 3%. After a while, it dries up and falls off by itself. It usually takes 1-2 weeks.
In addition, you can make a compress. To do this, gauze, previously moistened with hydrogen peroxide, must be applied to the papilloma, strengthened with adhesive tape on the skin. The tampon is changed every 2 hours. After 3 days, the papilloma will fall off.
Possible risks
Not all people, having found papillomas in themselves, immediately go to the doctor. Most often they try to cope with them on their own. They pick it off, cut it off, cauterize it with vinegar, iodine, and tie it with a thread. However, such actions do not always lead to a positive result. Let's find out if it is dangerous to cauterize papillomas on your own.

After self-removal of education, it will reappear with a probability of one hundred percent. In addition, because of this, the spread of the virus may begin, after which a scattering of papillomas will appear. BUTif an infection is introduced into the wound, the inflammatory process will begin.
There are times when people try to tear off the papilloma on their own. This is absolutely impossible to do, since the virus will easily pass to he althy tissues of the body. In addition, any damage to the papilloma can degenerate into a malignant tumor.
How to cauterize papilloma at home: reviews
Reading reviews about self-cauterization of papillomas, you can find out that many of the methods are really effective, but most often with young formations. You may encounter the fact that certain methods did not suit some people, but here everything is individual. In any case, it is better for you to consult a doctor directly.