Alternative medicine 2024, October

Jujube: useful properties and contraindications, use in medicine

Jujube: useful properties and contraindications, use in medicine

According to the legends of the East, this tree is in paradise, and its leaves are covered with the names of people living today. If a leaf falls from a tree, the person whose name is written on it has died. Snakes never crawl too close to this amazing plant. It is sacred among the Eastern peoples

Tingling in hands and feet: causes

Tingling in hands and feet: causes

Unfortunately, many patients complain about tingling in the hands and feet. This problem is present in people regardless of age category, gender, weight and their physical activity. Discomfort in the upper and lower extremities appears not only after a hard day, but also from a number of reasons. Unpleasant sensations can also occur when the human body is at rest. What can this indicate?

Healing properties of milk thistle seeds. Milk thistle seeds: instructions for use

Healing properties of milk thistle seeds. Milk thistle seeds: instructions for use

Alternative medicine recommends using milk thistle seeds for the treatment of diseases of the liver, spleen, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and even the skin. The properties of this product have been known since ancient times. The seed of this plant was actively used in medicine not only in Russia, but also in Rome, Greece, Scotland, America, India and other countries

Irina Filippova: lifelong mushroom research

Irina Filippova: lifelong mushroom research

The article tells about Irina Filippova, who founded and heads the first scientific fungocentre in Russia. Her life and work are closely connected, she is an oncologist, mother, scientist and just a person who has devoted her whole life to her beloved work

We are treated at home: which finger is responsible for which organ

We are treated at home: which finger is responsible for which organ

If you know which finger is responsible for which organ, you can prevent a number of diseases. You can also cure ailments that have been haunting you for a long time

Amanita tincture on vodka: application, shelf life

Amanita tincture on vodka: application, shelf life

In folk medicine, fly agaric tincture on vodka is widely used. It is used for the treatment of skin, neurological, articular, oncological, gynecological and other diseases