Many alternative medicine proponents talk about toxins when it comes to he alth and treatments. “Slags in the body”, “slagging” - such terms can be found in the books of Nadezhda Semenova, Gennady Malakhov and a number of other authors. However, none of the doctors of "official" medicine uses such a concept.

These mysterious slags
Neither doctors nor the authors of books on alternative treatments themselves can clearly answer the question of exactly where in the body these substances are collected. One gets the impression that this is something like the Loch Ness monster - everyone is talking about it and no one has seen it. But it seems so only at first glance.

Slag is the name for all those substances that remain in the body, but in fact should not be there: toxins, components of some drugs, heavy metals, mineral s alts, feces. Slag is a general term that refers to all substances that are unnecessary and harmful to humans, but located inside the body.
From whereslags are taken
Toxins, heavy metal compounds enter the body with food, water, polluted air. Fast food, chemically processed vegetables and fruits, a sedentary lifestyle, unhe althy diet - all this leads to the fact that toxins gradually accumulate in the body over the years. Unfortunately, they don't just "collect" in the body.

Feces in the intestines harden, from which decay products penetrate into the bloodstream, which should normally be removed. There are diseases that vary in severity. Their official medicine seeks to treat with drugs - even more chemicals enter the body. But pills do not remove what caused the disease. They deal with the consequences without touching the root of the problem.
Toxins in the body and ways to remove them
If slag is the cause of illness and poor he alth, then treatment should begin with removing it from the body. Many well-known naturopaths and fans of alternative medicine talk and write about this. Paul Bragg, Norman Walker, Nadezhda Semenova, Gennady Malakhov, Evgeny Shchadilov, Maya Gogulan and others offer clear systems and methods for getting rid of toxins.
After complete cleaning of any of the systems, you can proceed to the second stage - a he althy diet. One without the other makes no sense.
Cleansing the body under medical supervision
The same effect, but with a safety net, can be obtained by cleaning the clinic under the supervision of doctors. Before the procedures, a person undergoes an examination, determine the presence of stones in the genitourinary system and the state of the bodygenerally. Clinics comprehensively remove slag - these are cleansing procedures, a special diet, and an addition in the form of massage, baths.
In the Indian system of treatment, there is a complex set of procedures, the task of which is detoxification, purification, removal from the body of everything that should not be in it. This is panchakarma - a serious and effective method that can be carried out correctly and in full only in a special clinic. Hindus have known and used it effectively for centuries. Now Ayurvedic medicine is becoming more and more famous, and Panchakarma is performed in many clinics in the world. You can make it in Russia or Ukraine.
How to clean up toxins at home
How to remove toxins from the body at home? There are different methods, starting with “simple” fasting according to Paul Breguet and ending with special procedures for the intestines, liver, kidneys, blood vessels and joints.
Slowly but surely
Paul Breguet, author of The Miracle of Fasting, wrote about the benefits of fresh fruits and vegetables, outdoor activities and exercise. In his opinion, fasting is an effective way to cleanse your own body of everything that has accumulated in it over the years of life. Breg advised fasting one day each week.

With proper nutrition, regular fasting will slowly but surely do its job - toxins will leave the body, diseases will disappear, the body will be filled with strength and energy.
Quick and efficient
The second option is the purification of slags according to the systems of Malakhov, Semenova,Shchadilov. The result can be seen after the first serious cleaning. The nuance is that side effects can also be immediately - cleansing crises in the form of an exacerbation of old diseases, an unusual color of urine and feces, high fever, and the like. No wonder - the more powerful tool is used, the more powerful "kickbacks" should be expected.
Since slag is something that is obviously superfluous for the body, the whole question is which cleaning method to use. Someone needs a fast one, albeit with crises, someone can afford a longer and softer one. But everyone should take care of their own he alth. And in the future to live so that big purges are not needed.