Folk remedies for burns: recipes for ointments and tinctures. How to treat a burn at home?

Folk remedies for burns: recipes for ointments and tinctures. How to treat a burn at home?
Folk remedies for burns: recipes for ointments and tinctures. How to treat a burn at home?

In every home there are excellent, proven folk remedies for burns. What alternative medicine recipes make it possible to ease the burning sensation, stop the growing pain syndrome, accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues and prevent the formation of scars? In this publication, we have tried to collect the best options for treating burns at home.

First Aid

burns at home
burns at home

Knowledge about first aid for burns is of particular importance, since not in all situations it is possible to immediately go to a medical facility to eliminate the consequences of injuries. The duration of rehabilitation largely depends on the speed of response to the occurrence of trouble.

What is first aid for burns? People who are close to the victim are required to do the following:

  1. As soon as possible, remove a person from a dangerous source that has a traumatic effect on body tissues.
  2. Quickly cool the victim's skin using cold water or ice.
  3. Remove clothing from the person that touches the damaged areas of the epidermis, then treat the wounds with petroleum jelly and bandage them with sterile gauze bandages.
  4. Offer the victim drugs that have analgesic properties.

The sooner the above actions are taken, the higher the chances of a quick recovery of the structure and functions damaged during tissue burn exposure.

Aloe juice for burns

aloe juice for burns
aloe juice for burns

Healing plant rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and amino acids. These elements stimulate the regeneration of damaged tissues, promote accelerated healing of wound surfaces. The use of a folk remedy for burns looks like a rational solution for chemical and thermal effects on the skin.

There are several options for using aloe for rehabilitation after injuries:

  1. A large leaf of the plant is cut off at the base, after which the spikes are removed, washed under running water and cut lengthwise. Then the raw materials are slightly kneaded so that an abundance of juice stands out. The agent is applied with pulp to the burn surface. An aloe leaf is fixed to the skin with a bandage.
  2. Cut off the leaf of the plant, from which the flesh is scraped off with a knife. This slurry is applied to the burnt area.epidermis. The product is left for several hours, and then washed off under running water. The procedure is periodically repeated several times during the day.
  3. With minor burns, they resort to using baths based on aloe juice. For these purposes, about 50 grams of plant pulp is diluted in 5 liters of warm water. To increase the disinfecting and anti-inflammatory properties of the remedy, a few glasses of chamomile decoction are added here. The resulting composition is poured into the basin, where the damaged parts of the body are immersed. The procedure is performed within 20-30 minutes.


how to treat a burn
how to treat a burn

A good tool that allows you to alleviate the suffering from a burn at home in a fairly short time is an ointment prepared on the basis of beeswax. The medicine is prepared according to the following recipe. Take a handful of crushed beeswax. Raw materials are combined with a few tablespoons of vegetable oil. The mixture is placed in a small saucepan and put on the stove. Heating is performed until the beeswax is completely dissolved. Then the drug is cooled to room temperature. The agent is applied in a thin layer on a piece of gauze. The burnt area of the skin is covered last. The compress is kept here until the pain disappears completely. A folk remedy for burns is stored in the refrigerator and used every time the discomfort returns.

Egg yolk and sour cream

How to treat a burn at home? A proven remedy is an ointment prepared using egg yolk andsour cream. These ingredients are combined in equal proportions. The composition is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous consistency is formed. The resulting ointment is applied in a thick layer on the damaged skin. From above, the agent is covered with a piece of gauze. The compress is kept throughout the day. Then use a portion of fresh ointment. The therapy is continued for several days, which is enough to eliminate the pronounced discomfort that accompanies a burn injury.

Mint Toothpaste

ointment for burns
ointment for burns

A folk remedy for burns will help eliminate discomfort if a minor burn is received as a result of touching a hot object or exposing the skin to boiling water. What do we have to do? The damaged area of the skin is kept for several minutes under cold running water. Then a small layer of mint toothpaste is applied to a clean napkin. Such a compress is applied to burned tissues. The product is kept on the skin until discomfort disappears.


How to treat a burn? A good solution is the use of oats. The tool makes it possible to relieve inflammation, as well as soothe irritated skin. Treatment involves the following steps. A mug of oats is added to a warm bath. Then they plunge into the water and stay there for 20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, the body is not wiped, which contributes to the absorption of beneficial substances isolated from oats into the skin.

Coconut milk

first aid for burns
first aid for burns

An effective folk remedy for burns with boiling water is coconutmilk. The product contains an abundance of beneficial vitamins, fatty acids and nutrients. The product has a disinfecting effect on the skin, preventing the development of infections.

To treat a burn, coconut milk is combined with a small amount of lemon juice. The mixture is rubbed with massaging movements in the area of damage. The composition is not washed off the problem area until the pain disappears. It is advisable to continue the procedure after the burn has healed, as this solution reduces the likelihood of large scars and scars.

Lavender essential oil

Can I put lavender oil on a burn? Traditional healers recommend using the remedy in order to relieve pain and stimulate skin regeneration. Prepare the medicine according to the following scheme. Take lavender essential oil in the amount of one dessert spoon. 60 ml of boiled water is added to the raw material. The mixture is placed in an opaque glass container and sent to infuse for several days in a dark place. The tool is shaken periodically. The finished medicine is applied to the burned area of the skin. The procedure is performed daily until the damaged epidermis is fully restored.


folk remedies for burns with boiling water
folk remedies for burns with boiling water

Potatoes are a good folk remedy for burns with boiling water. For its preparation, several root crops are peeled and washed thoroughly. Raw materials are ground on a grater. The resulting slurry is applied to the burnt skin. Such actions are repeated throughout the day, until the painwill not subside completely.

Onion ointment for burns

An effective solution to eliminate burn injuries is a remedy prepared on the basis of onions. A large root crop is peeled, placed in a saucepan and boiled until fully cooked. The product is ground into a slurry. The resulting raw material is combined with linseed oil until a thick consistency is formed. The agent is distributed in an even layer over a piece of gauze. Such a compress is applied to the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. The bandage is left for a day. Then use a fresh portion of ointment from burns and repeat the therapy. The solution makes it possible to eliminate the pain syndrome, as well as significantly accelerate tissue regeneration in the damaged area.

Calendula oil

is it possible to smear the burn with oil
is it possible to smear the burn with oil

Calendula oil is an excellent folk remedy for sunburn. In order to prepare a healing composition, about 100 grams of plant flowers are taken. Raw materials are poured with a glass of refined sunflower oil. The mixture is put on a small fire and brought to a boil. The resulting product is cooled to room temperature, poured into an opaque glass container and sent to a dark place. Insist the medicine for one and a half months. The composition remains suitable for use against burns for a long time. You can store the product for 5 years, using it as soon as necessary.

Nut ointment

To prepare a remedy for burns, take fresh walnut leaves in an amount of about 30 grams. The basis of the drug is carefully ground toslurry state. Raw materials are combined with a glass of vegetable oil. The mixture is sent to a glass jar and infused in a dark place. Store the composition for a week, shaking occasionally.

The finished medicine is heated in a water bath. Warm ointment is applied to the burn area 3-4 times a day. The solution makes it possible to eliminate blisters, as well as relieve severe pain. Treatment is continued daily until the skin damaged by the burn completely restores its smooth structure.

St. John's wort ointment

A remedy prepared on the basis of a medicinal plant is an excellent medicine in the presence of burns, which are accompanied by the formation of blisters. It is advisable to apply the solution in order to speed up the regeneration of thermally damaged tissues.

To prepare the composition, use this recipe. Use a mixture of flowers and leaves of St. John's wort weighing about 0.5 kilograms. Combine in equal proportions white wine and vegetable oil. The mixture is poured with vegetable raw materials. The resulting composition is sent to a jar of appropriate capacity, tightly covered with a lid and insisted in a dark place for three days. Shake the medicine lightly daily.

At the end of the above period, the product is placed in a water bath and heated, stirring occasionally. The medicine is removed from the stove when the wine has completely evaporated from the composition. The finished ointment is sent to the refrigerator. Burn areas are treated with this remedy 2-3 times a day until the damaged skin is completely healed.

Golden mustache

To speed up healingburnt skin and eliminate the pronounced pain syndrome, it is advisable to resort to the use of a medicinal plant called the "golden mustache". A large leaf of such grass is qualitatively kneaded until a copious amount of juice is released. The resulting liquid is applied to the affected area and covered with a gauze bandage. The compress is changed to a fresh one after 6-8 hours. As practice shows, the burn begins to heal during such treatment after the first day.

In conclusion

The alternative treatment methods presented in our publication potentially make it possible to eliminate discomfort and accelerate wound healing with minor burn injuries. It is reasonable to resort to such treatment alternately with the use of medications. If complex burns occur, it is recommended to seek immediate medical attention, as self-treatment may not be effective in such a situation.
