Facing in life with certain circumstances, we turn to traditional medicine. From century to century, the tradition of treating people with decoctions and home remedies has been kept. Today we will talk about such a miraculous plant as izmagen grass. It plays a huge role in the prevention and treatment of various diseases.

What is this?
The official name of the medicinal herb is woolly armor. This is an excellent remedy for the fight against ailments. The use of decoctions from this plant has a positive effect on immunity. In addition, endocrine, gynecological, cardiovascular diseases are eliminated. Also, with infertility, izmagen is the number one remedy, as traditional medicine says. However, the herb only helps with infertility resulting from hormonal failure.

The herb izmagen has a sedative effect, which resembles the effect of motherwort and valerian. Learn more about the benefits and uses below.plants.
Ismagen Grass is a member of the Labiaceae family. It is a perennial herbaceous plant. It has a hollow tetrahedral stem and a thick rhizome. Height reaches 40-70 centimeters. The plant has palmately divided opposite leaves. Densely pubescent, they are distinguished by a dark green color above, gray below. The flowers of the izmagen grass are yellow-white, two-lipped, rather large, collected in whorls. The bottom of the petals are also pubescent. The fruits of the plant resemble small nuts.
This herb has various names:
- heart grass;
- woolly shell;
- woolly dog nettle;
- shaggy motherwort;
- Siberian milkwort;
- white felt motherwort;
- stone grass;
- rattle;
- woolly motherwort.
This plant has a fairly wide range. In Russia, the izmagen grass is found in Altai, in the southern regions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and in Transbaikalia.
Flowering occurs from June to July. Tops of shoots with leaves and flowers are used as medicinal raw materials. They are dried in a dry ventilated room (dryer) at a temperature of +40 °C.
Healing properties
The medicinal properties of this plant have been well studied by Russian scientists. Herb izmagen, according to experts, can have a very beneficial effect on patients with various diseases. Doctors say that herbal medicines allowlower blood pressure in people with hypertension. Woolly panzeria has a diuretic effect, and also contributes to the normalization of the endocrine system, stabilizes hormonal processes.

This is a powerful immune stimulant. In large quantities, the herb contains biologically active substances, ascorbic and malic acids, essential oils, alkaloids and tannins.
Vitamin C in the composition of this plant helps to strengthen the immune system, charges the human body with vigor and energy. For the purpose of treatment, only the ground part of the medicinal plant is used.
Ismagen grass: indications for use
Ismagen has long established itself as an effective sedative and vasodilator. The herb is in no way inferior, and even superior in strength to other herbal preparations, including folk remedies for infertility. Stone grass is used to dilate peripheral blood vessels, to lower blood pressure.

Preparations prepared on the basis of this medicinal plant are often indicated for heart defects, atherosclerosis, hypertension, goiter, neurasthenia, hysteria, vegetative and cardiovascular neuroses. The herb is successfully used in folk medicine - it is both a heart, and a sedative, and a diuretic. How to increase immunity in an adult after an illness? People say that a decoction of stone grass is able to return to its former state in a matter of days.
Felt helpfulusing the herb as a diuretic for dropsy.
No contraindications to the use of Ismagen herb have been found so far. This is due to the fact that traditional medicine is a subject that has not been sufficiently studied. However, it is noted that an allergic reaction may occur with individual intolerance to some components of the herb. In order to avoid unforeseen consequences, it is not recommended to use decoctions during pregnancy, as well as give them to young children.
Panzeria woolly in folk medicine
This plant is used exclusively for medicinal purposes. Ismagen is used to make sedative tinctures and teas that cleanse the body and lower blood pressure.

Besides this, the grass becomes the basis for the preparation of lotions and compresses. How to increase immunity in an adult? It is enough to make a tincture for immunity according to the recipe presented below in the article. An effective and simple remedy will come to the rescue after suffering a severe debilitating illness.
Immune Tincture
To prepare the tincture according to this recipe, we need to prepare only two components:
- 500 grams of vodka;
- 50 grams of chopped herb.
It is necessary to combine the ingredients and place in a dark glass vessel. Close tightly and remove to infuse. The term of infusion is 21 days in a dark and warm place. During this time it is necessary to periodicallyshake the container with healing tincture. After the expiration of the tincture, strain and take several times a day, 30 drops 10 minutes before meals.

The course of treatment lasts from three to seven weeks. Tincture for immunity has a beneficial effect not only on the immune system, it is also recommended to be taken to treat urethritis and prostatitis. In addition, the prescription of the drug is indicated for people with thyroid disorders. Useful tincture and atherosclerosis. Alcoholic medicine is not recommended for pregnant women and young children.
Use of the herb in gynecology
Many women who suffer from infertility, after undergoing a full course of treatment, were able to become pregnant and become mothers. Numerous positive reviews confirm this. Even famous gynecologists note the healing effect of the use of this herbal raw material. Separately, it is noted that the use of the herb izmagen helps to relieve inflammation of the genital organs.

As for the positive effect of grass on the female body, it is impossible not to mention that the use of izmagen promotes the production of eggs in the female body (in the male body, respectively, spermatozoa). Woolly panzeria treats infertility, the plant is used for uterine bleeding and various menstrual irregularities.
Pay attention! In pharmacology, on the basis of the herb, the drug of the same name "Izmagen" was created, whichused to treat uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts.
Tincture/decoction for infertility
Firstly, it is worth pointing out the following: taking decoctions that promote conception should be accompanied by proper nutrition, sports activities and outdoor walks.
This means that, wanting to have a long-awaited child, future parents are advised to say goodbye to bad habits and start leading a he althy lifestyle.
It is under these conditions, as practice shows, that there is a high probability of conceiving a child.
We take a container with a capacity of 0.5 liters. Pour 1 tablespoon of dry herbal raw materials into it, pour boiling water in a volume of 0.25 liters. It is necessary to simmer the mixture on a minimum heat for no more than twelve minutes. Then we cork the container, put it in a cool place, let it brew for one hour. Then strain the mixture and take 2 tablespoons before meals.
Herbal Tincture
To prepare an alcohol tincture, you need to take 4 tablespoons of izmagen herb, pour it with alcohol (vodka) in a volume of 0.2 liters. It must be insisted for ten days. The remedy is taken three times a day, half a teaspoon before meals. The full course of treatment will take about two months.
Cold herbal tincture
This remedy is recommended mainly for various cardiovascular diseases, edema, in addition, it can be used in the following cases:
- atherosclerosis;
- heart disease;
- rheumatism;
- hypertension;
- dropsy;
- vegetative neurosis.
This infusion acts as a sedative and diuretic.
It is prepared as follows: 2 teaspoons of crushed herbal raw materials are taken, then it is poured with 0.5 liters of boiled or chilled water. The mixture should be infused for eight hours. After that it needs to be filtered. It is recommended to take the infusion three times a day, half a glass before meals.
Tonic decoction
Ismagen herb (its medicinal properties have been described) is used as a tonic for general weakness of the body, epilepsy, nervous diseases.
It is made as follows: crushed grass in the amount of two teaspoons must be brewed in 20 ml of boiling water. Next, the drink is placed on the stove and brought to readiness for five minutes at a low boil. Then the broth should be cooled at room temperature and cleaned of suspension. It is necessary to take this medicine half an hour before meals, one tablespoon.
A huge number of reviews about the herb izmagen can be found precisely from young mothers: they claim that the treatment of infertility with the help of this plant really gives a positive result.
By the way, as noted by some girls who use the decoction, it has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face: it becomes smooth and clean. Woolly panzeria is widely used to boost immunity. Many patients claim that after the use of decoctions and tinctures they have disappearedheadaches, and the condition of the body as a whole has improved.