Sage decoction for gargling: instructions for use and reviews

Sage decoction for gargling: instructions for use and reviews
Sage decoction for gargling: instructions for use and reviews

For a long time, people have been treating various diseases with folk remedies. And in the modern world, more and more patients turn to the services of herbalists and healers. Looking around, especially in the spring and summer, you can see a huge number of medicinal plants, from which it is easy to prepare various medicinal potions and decoctions. Today we will talk about the medicinal properties and use of sage for gargling.

Sage for gargling
Sage for gargling

Using sage

The plant has long been used for medicinal purposes as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. Sage has the ability to produce several “harvests” of green mass per year. Therefore, it is inexpensive and very affordable. Gargling with sage and other uses of sage has curative effects on a variety of oral ailments.

Composition and healingproperties

Let's consider the effect of sage-based remedies for sore throats. The composition of sage includes a number of substances that determine its healing effect on the human body. These include:

  • Natural antibiotic salvin.
  • Essential oils.
  • Vitamins and minerals.
  • Organic acids.
  • Tannins.
  • Alkaloids.
  • Fatty acids.
How to make sage for gargling
How to make sage for gargling

When sage is appointed

In diseases of the throat, the range of application of this plant is quite extensive. It should be noted that this medicinal herb has no analogues in its action. If there are no contraindications, sage must be used in therapy. As a medicine, sage is used in cases where such ailments are diagnosed:

  • Acute and chronic tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis.
  • Tracheitis.
  • Angina.
  • Throat injuries.
  • Burns.

Sage impact

Today in pharmacies you can buy various teas with sage, lozenges and tablets for sore throats, herbal preparations. Due to its unusually rich composition, sage helps to quickly eliminate inflammation. Infusions of sage leaves for gargling have anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antiseptic, disinfectant, healing, analgesic, astringent effect. Even with a severe degree of the disease, sage quickly cleanses the tonsils from purulent masses.

A particularly valuable property of this plant is thatit helps to get rid of a sore throat, which can provoke a cough of varying intensity. Please note that gargling with sage minimizes the risk of spreading the disease to the lower respiratory system.

Gargling with sage for sore throat
Gargling with sage for sore throat


Side effects when taking medicines from sage are extremely rare. Most often they are associated with individual plant intolerance. For gargling, sage can be used by everyone, without age restrictions, but only if the tolerance of this plant is normal. When taken orally, there are strict restrictions. Sage should not be used by children under the age of five, pregnant women and nursing mothers! In addition, sage-based medicinal drugs are prohibited for ingestion when:

  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Irregular menstruation.
  • Some gynecological diseases.
  • Hypertension.
  • Acute diseases of the kidneys and liver.

Separately, it should be said that you can not use this herb for rinsing for a long time, as this can lead to intoxication of the body. For adults, the duration of therapy should be no more than 2 months, for children - no more than a month.

Sage decoction for gargling
Sage decoction for gargling

Causes and elimination of sore throat

By the appearance of discomfort and pain in the throat, we can conclude that the disease has begun. Let's take a look at the most commoncauses of sore throat:

  1. Viruses and bacteria. They are the causative agents of sore throats, pharyngitis, influenza.
  2. Hypothermia. May occur, for example, when eating ice cream or cold drinks.
  3. Ecology. Many residents of large cities experience problems such as scratchy, hoarseness or increased dryness of the throat.
  4. Occupational diseases. Very often, translators and teachers suffer from partial or complete loss of voice and sore throats.

Gargling with sage decoction

For this procedure, the apical inflorescences of the plant should be used. If medicinal raw materials are purchased at a pharmacy, then for inhalation and rinsing it is better to take raw materials by weight, and not packaged in bags. For treatment to be effective, it should be started as soon as the first symptoms appear.

Gargling with sage for children
Gargling with sage for children

How to brew sage for gargling? You need to take a large spoonful of grass, brew a glass of boiling water and let it brew. Cool to room temperature, filter. The prepared raw materials should be used completely for gargling in one procedure. They will need to be performed up to 3 times a day. After rinsing for 1 hour, you can not eat or drink anything. Using sage as a gargle is quite effective for dry coughs. According to patient reviews, the remedy contributes to a better and softer sputum discharge. After such procedures, expectoration usually begins, which means the process of natural healing.

Ambulance withsore throat

Gargling with sage has a beneficial effect during the peak season of colds. It is also indispensable for prevention. A decoction prepared from it helps reduce the risk of infection.

how to boil sage
how to boil sage

Sage for sore throat is perhaps the most valuable and effective means of traditional medicine. We offer the following folk recipes:

  1. At the first sensation of a sore throat, take a few fresh sage leaves and chew them well. During the day, it is recommended to repeat this procedure up to 3 times. Even if you use only this method of treatment, improvements will come within 3 days.
  2. With a sore throat, a decoction of this plant in combination with honey shows excellent results. The recipe is as follows: brew 1 tsp. dried raw materials 200 ml of boiling water and add 1 tsp to the infusion. honey. The product should be drunk quite hot, but not scalding.
  3. We advise you to make a rather effective, but not too pleasant procedure. Prepare juice from the stems and leaves of the plant, soak a cotton swab in it and treat the throat. Such treatment contributes to the rapid improvement of the condition.
Gargling with sage during pregnancy
Gargling with sage during pregnancy

Treatment of angina

Consider how to gargle with sage for sore throat. For the treatment of this disease, infusions and decoctions are prepared from medicinal raw materials, which are used for internal use, inhalation and rinsing. However, when treating, you should not use several at once.various methods. It is recommended to choose one and apply it until complete recovery occurs. How do you make a sage gargle? We have prepared some recipes for you.

Alcohol tincture for sore throat

This sage remedy should only be used if the strongest antiseptic effect of the drug is needed. It is best to prepare an alcohol tincture in advance so that it is always at your fingertips. In 500 ml of alcohol add 5 tbsp. l. sage and insist in a dark place for 14 days. After this time, the medicine is filtered off. For rinsing, it is used as follows: 20 drops of tincture are diluted in 60 ml of warm water. When rinsing, you should use the entire norm of the medicine, the procedure should be carried out up to 8 times a day. If it is intended to treat children under 10 years of age with this method, 10 drops of the drug should be taken. To make the effect more obvious, sage tincture can be added not to warm water, but to calendula decoction, which is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. l. raw material is added to a glass of boiling water and allowed to cool.

decoction preparation
decoction preparation

Sage infusion

For burns, various injuries, chronic diseases of the throat, it is recommended to prepare a gargle, which acts unusually gently. To do this, 10 g of dried grass is poured into a thermos, poured with boiling water (a glass) and insisted for an hour. After that, the infusion is filtered and divided into two parts - for morning and evening rinsing. Remedytype in the mouth and treat the throat for 30 to 40 seconds. Treatment must be continued until complete recovery. If you want to use this treatment for acute inflammation or the fight against sore throat, you must gargle every hour, using about 150 ml of infusion per procedure.

Pregnancy and sage

The use of this remedy during pregnancy inside is strictly prohibited. In the early stages, this can provoke a miscarriage, in the later stages - detachment of the placenta. It is known that treatment and gargling with sage during pregnancy does not adversely affect the fetus. Despite this, it is better to seek advice from your doctor.

During lactation, sage is also contraindicated. It can lead to a decrease in mother's milk and to the end of lactation.

Treatment procedures for children

Gargling with sage is done to children only if they clearly understand what is required of them. As a rule, this procedure is not performed for babies under 3 years old.

If the child is under 10 years old, such a procedure should be carried out only under the supervision of an adult who will not only control the correctness of its implementation, but also provide urgent assistance if water enters the respiratory tract. During the primary procedure, it is necessary to prepare an antiallergic agent, which should correspond to the age of the child. It should be used when the body has an adverse reaction to a drug.
