When mucus appears in the body, it first of all causes disgust in a person. But in fact, it performs a vital function in the body. Mucus is a natural filter on the surface of organs, necessary to prevent the penetration of microbes and pathogens into tissues. That is why the human body has membranes with secreted secretions in areas such as the mouth, nose, sinuses, throat, lungs and gastrointestinal tract.
The viscous liquid contains antibodies and enzymes that help the body recognize and kill invaders such as bacteria and viruses. In this article, we will tell you how to remove mucus from the body.

Respiratory and sinus infections, colds and flu, allergies and irritants such as smoke, and even environmental pollution all lead to changes in color, smell andslimy consistency, which can cause some discomfort.
You should not stop the natural exits of a viscous fluid from the body, and even more so be afraid of it. Indeed, in this way the body tries to get rid of pathogenic microorganisms that led to diseases and inflammatory processes.
At the same time, you should not postpone a visit to a doctor who can determine which bacteria or factors led to the accumulation and modification of mucus. Why such a liquid appears, how it can be stopped at home and why its appearance cannot be ignored.
Is this normal
Before you learn how to remove mucus from the body, you should understand what it is. A viscous fluid is a by-product of the secretion of cellular structures. The mucous surface of the internal systems of the body is covered with a special membrane that does not cause any harm to he alth. Such a secret has a calming effect and performs a protective function, supporting the internal flora, stimulating the immune system.
Normal mucus is constantly drawn out of the body, cleansing the tissues. However, under certain conditions, the composition of the secretion may change, becoming thicker and exposing the membranes. Phlegm contains harmful toxins, decay products of dead cells and microorganisms.
When metabolic processes in the body are disrupted, excess mucus appears, which subsequently leads to the development of microorganisms. Most often, a viscous fluid accumulates in the gastrointestinal tract, joints, lungs and nasal passages.

Tip 1. Don't forget to blow your nose
The most obvious way to clear the nasal passages of mucus is to blow your nose hard. However, you must make sure you are doing it right.
First, clear one nostril by covering the other with your finger. You need to blow your nose very gently. Remember that such a process causes a lot of pressure, that mucus with accumulated infection can get into the maxillary sinuses, which can subsequently lead to the development of sinusitis, fever, otitis media and headache.
It would seem that blowing your nose can be difficult. But each time you need to use a clean cloth, and thoroughly wash your hands before and after the procedure to prevent the spread of bacteria.
Tip 2: Drink warm liquids
Folk remedies for mucus include not only the use of herbal teas or cereal-based drinks, but also simple tips. For example, when you have a cold or other illness, make sure you drink enough fluids. Warm water, herbal teas, and lemon water will make it easier to clear phlegm from the lungs, bronchi, and nasal passages.
When researchers at Cardiff University in the UK conducted the experiment, they were surprised. They divided enterprising people into two groups who suffered from the flu or the common cold. Over several days, half of the participants drank hot drinks and the other half cold. The researchers found that those who drank warm teas and water saw their runny nose symptoms disappear. They also havecoughing has significantly decreased, sore throat, chilliness, fatigue have disappeared.
Tip 3. Inhale the vapors
This therapy has been used for thousands of years to promote he alth while being completely safe and effective.
Inhalation of steam serves to loosen mucus and phlegm so they can leave your body faster. In order to carry out a similar procedure, it is necessary to boil water. Cover your head with a towel and lean over the bowl of hot liquid at a safe distance to inhale the vapors. Fix the fabric in the form of a dome so that the vapors do not disperse around the room. You need to inhale hot air for up to 10 minutes, but it is allowed to take breaks.
You can use dried or fresh herbs such as rosemary, thyme, mint, lavender, eucalyptus. Add a few drops of 100% Pure Pine Tree essential oil to hot water.
If you think that this procedure is too complicated, then take a hot shower twice a day or go to the sauna or bath.

How to cleanse the lungs of mucus, bronchi and nasopharynx with essential oils? Due to their strong aroma and antimicrobial properties, these oils can be a powerful therapeutic tool against mucus and phlegm:
- Eucalyptus - antiseptic, antiviral and decongestant.
- Tea tree is an effective antimicrobial, expectorant and antiseptic.
- Peppermint - Helps clear nasal passages.
- Thyme is a powerful antiseptic and excellentsuitable for the treatment of colds, flu and chills.
- Basil is an antiseptic that helps open nasal passages.
- Rosemary - antiseptic, helps clear nasal passages.
- Pine - decongestant and antimicrobial.
- Lavender - antihistamine, antiseptic and antimicrobial.
- Chamomile - relieves irritation and soothes the mucous membrane.
Tip 4. Apple cider vinegar
Let's find out what are the products that remove mucus from the body. According to the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, apple cider vinegar relieves chronic sinusitis, allergy symptoms, and removes mucus from the body. Since this product is rich in potassium, it helps to get rid of the common cold.
Add a tablespoon of raw unfiltered vinegar to a glass of water, stir, and then drink this drink. Repeat the procedure every 4-5 hours until the mucus begins to move away and you feel relief.
Apple cider vinegar can also be added to a bowl of boiling water while steaming.

Tip 5. Licorice Root
Licorice root will help answer the question of how to clear the bronchi of mucus. Tea based on this plant thins the mucus on the surface and facilitates its separation. Already after the first application, a person feels light, because the airways are cleared, hoarseness and chest pain are eliminated.
Licorice root is even able to fight the viruses that lead to the active production of mucus in the first place. against colds andflu this plant can be combined with cayenne pepper or ginger to enhance the effect.
Mucus in feces - is it dangerous?
Don't be upset if you find a viscous liquid in the waste products after a bowel movement.
You will be surprised, but mucus is always present in the feces. Only in most cases it is barely noticeable, especially in a he althy person. Even if everything is in order with your body, the mucus may be white or yellow. A marked increase in stool secretion is one of the symptoms of diseases such as:
- Crohn's disease. This is an inflammatory bowel disease that affects the gastrointestinal tract. First symptoms: diarrhea, fatigue.
- Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease that causes sticky and thick mucus. This secretion often accumulates in the lungs, pancreas, liver or intestines.
- Ulcerative colitis. Like Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease.
- Irritable bowel syndrome. Does not cause inflammation, but may lead to symptoms such as abdominal pain, cramps, and diarrhea.
- Intestinal infection. Can lead to the appearance of mucus in the stool. Includes salmonellosis, dysentery, which are infections that can be contracted from eating poorly processed food.
- A parasitic infection. They have different causes and symptoms. It can be due to malaria caused by infected mosquitoes, trichomoniasis, sexually transmitted infections.
- Malabsorption problems. A similar disorder occurs when the intestines are not inable to properly absorb certain nutrients. For example, lactose intolerance and celiac disease.
- Anal fissure. It is a small sore in the anal lining. May occur with intestinal inflammation caused by Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis.
- Colorectal cancer of the colon or rectal cancer. Accompanied by symptoms such as thick mucus with blood in the stool, rectal bleeding, unexplained weight loss.
If you see mucus in your stool, it is likely that the level is significantly elevated. This does not have to mean that you are suffering from an incurable disease, but it is important to keep such a symptom under control.
Excessive mucus in the stool is sometimes accompanied by other symptoms that may be due to a larger problem. These symptoms include:
- Blood or pus in the stool.
- Abdominal pain, colic, bloating.

Diet against mucus in feces
All the treatments below are aimed at eliminating phlegm from the internal organs. Check out the following guidelines:
- A person who cleanses the body should eat fruits and vegetables, refuse junk food.
- The most effective method of cleansing is to regularly refuse food once every 7 days (the duration of the starvation diet is up to 36 hours).
- At the end of the fast, you need to consume juices and fruits the next day, which effectively dissolve mucus and remove it from the body.
Starvationcarried out according to the scheme:
- 1 week - 24 hours without food.
- 2 weeks - 36 hours without food.
- 3-4 weeks - 2-3 days without food.
When you refuse food, you should drink 3 liters of water with lemon juice per day. In addition, if you want to learn how to remove mucus from the body, then use the following method:
- Black pepper. It has been proven that phlegm can be neutralized by eating bitter or spicy foods. To do this, 5 grams of black pepper (peas) should be eaten for dinner, without chewing, but with a glass of water. The course of treatment is 21 days, while every three days it is worth taking a break for three days. Then you need to take an interval of 90 days. Restriction for cleansing in this way - diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Ginger root. One of the most effective cleansing tools is ginger. The root must be cleaned, chopped, pour 500 grams of boiling water, and then drink during the day, mixed with honey and lemon.

Alternative ways
How to remove mucus from the body using not quite standard, but familiar methods? An enema, which is an effective folk remedy, can help in this matter.
It is worth using only warm water (not cold and not hot), you can make a strained chamomile decoction, saline solution to cleanse the intestines. You can also drink a natural laxative such as brewed senna several times a month.
Enema allows you to cleanse the intestines, remove toxins and toxins. Similar procedurepromotes weight loss, strengthens the immune system, improves well-being, kills and removes parasites.

Recipes from the outback
This natural remedy will help clear mucus from your stomach and intestines. From 5 fresh lemons you need to squeeze the juice, and grate the horseradish root, mix in a bowl with the first ingredient. It is recommended to eat gruel twice a day, 5 grams, washed down with herbal decoction or carrot juice.
Wheatgrass successfully removes secretions, toxins, harmful compounds and poisons from the intestines. For better he alth and skin condition, eat 1 tablespoon of sprouts daily on an empty stomach.
Oats with milk is another recipe in alternative medicine that allows you to remove phlegm from the bronchi, trachea and lungs. For this you need:
- Take a deep enamel pot.
- Put a few tablespoons of dry oats in it and then mix with milk, preferably homemade.
- Put the drink on the fire, bring to a boil.
- Strain the medicine to clear the respiratory system of mucus.
- Drink the drink several times a day, 100 milliliters, preferably half an hour before a meal. Do not stop treatment until you feel that the cough is gone.

Systematic cleansing of the pulmonary system is necessary for those people who suffer from frequent bronchitis, asthma, and smokers. Expectorants are usually used to help thin and expel mucus, stimulate the production of normalsecretory secretions.
The following recipe is useful for those who want to clean the nasopharynx. Take one spoonful of dry raw materials - eucalyptus, linden, chamomile, flax. Pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew - 40 minutes. Gargle several times a day for two weeks.
It's important to understand that excess mucus doesn't just happen. Perhaps the increased production of secretion is associated with the excessive consumption of foods such as cheese, milk, kefir, fish, cereals, flour products, sweets, figs, chicken. You should limit their use to make sure that there are no more severe inflammatory processes and pathologies in the body.